Approaching end of video game

>approaching end of video game
>feels like you've already basically beaten it
>lose motivation
>don't beat it

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This is honestly a problem if difficulty isn't scales right
If you still feel challenged and feel like there's more to learn than going to the end isn't as much of a struggle
Story can also help this as it will give you an extra reason to finish, and possibly an emotional drive to finish

This happens to me all the fucking time. Get up to the final boss, already feel like I've beaten the game, never bother finishing it.

mgs v after sehalanthropus
also don't wanna see my boys dying again

JRPG's in a nutshell

for me? it was sekiro

Hollow Knight for me. Thoroughly enjoyed the game but lost interest when I found out about all the bullshit you need to do for the true ending. I just don't care

>approaching end of video game
>you're actually not even 50% done
>There is 30+ more hours left

>play game for plot
>cba with sidequests
>Bosses are challenging but still fun and possible
>Final Boss wrecks your shit in so you have to do side stuff

Life isn't fair

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>Turns out you're only halfway done

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>act 2
>plot starts picking up
>wow this is getting intense, I should wait until I have the time and mindset to really get into it and enjoy it to its fullest
>2 years later
>coming back to it seems daunting, better play something lighter first
>reach act 2 of new game

I'm in that exact situation. I've even beaten the Demon of Hatred.

>Braska wreckt me without mercy twice
>beat him on the 3rd try by changing up my strategy
Stop grinding. Use your head

Eh you definitely didn't beat the game till you beat Isshin.

When I got to him my characters highest HP was Auron with 3000. First wave was easy but 2nd wave was near impossible.

Thankfully didn't have to grind too long just grind enough for my team to stay in and deal damage (also Rikku's mix helped the HP problems)

I love jrpgs but I have to agree here lol

I get this, but also when I was running. I wouldn't stop but the last 1/5th or so became torture. I trained myself to just breathe and relax and stop checking/thinking about the time or end mileage and it helped. Idk if this is related to game design at all - probably not

>approaching end of video game
>don't want to end it, want continue playing
>stop playing and never finish it

I have this problem with open world games.

why is ashley so ugly

>don't finish Dishonored because of this exact reason
>start Dishonored 2 anyway

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>just tinker around and explore the world
>missions all feel like chores
>story's gone to garbage

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Not only are you becoming depressed and losing your attention span but you've also became burned out of the one thing that has given you enjoyment.
Stop playing video games and go find something else to do, or you can piss away the rest of your life posting on Zig Forums about how boring games are and your hate towards them like everyone else here

Worst example you could possibly think of right here

This isn;t depression though. It's that feeling you get when you realise you only have a hour or a few minutes left of game or the finale is just "Beat boss, receive predictable ending".

I do that with everything. Games, books, tv shows. It's not because I lose motivation, it's because it hurts to let go of things, so I postpone for later (usually never).

>nearly finished game
>start grinding out sidequests
>don't finish game

>approaching end of video game
>feels like you've already basically beaten it
>don't want to finish because don't want it to end

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i've done that with anime lol

>have a knack for minmaxing and playing optimally
>end up breaking every game and stop having fun unless the endgame gives huge difficulty bump

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this is why i probably will never finish nier

>love the characters, world, setting
>see the sexual tension building between 2b and 9s
>2b questioning her budding / latent emotions
>space station pushing this machine war hard despite evidence things are fucky
>help the defected android couple escape and cover their tracks for love
>help a robot kid find his mommy
>get to pascal's village and all robots are happy and loving and innocent

i'm 100% positive those robots are going to be butchered in the worst possible way, probably by the androids, so i put the game down and haven't picked it up since.

I don't think that's necessarily the case. Some games really do lose something in the final act.

>approaching end of exam
>feels like you've already basically passed it
>lose motivation
>don't hand it in

I approached the half point of DQ11 and it sucked ass so I lost motivation to keep playing it

Automata has one of the most satisfying true endings of all games, finish it.

>play RE$
>get to the end of the village and start of the castle
>get fucked by some cannons or some shit
>recall everyone saying that the village is the peak of the game, the best part
>i didnt think it was that good
>feel like i've basically completed the game and experienced RE4 in its entirety

overrated game to be honest

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this happens to me a lot with jrpgs and metroidvanias I have beaten in the past. Most of the fun is in the journey and not the ending