1080p 30fps stream


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None of the games will be above 30fps anyway

just like the games

They should just cancel the stream all together becausw black lives matter. Just stream a black rectangle.

imagine 8+ minutes of black screen at the start of the event, that would be kino af

greatness awaits

Not respectful enough, make it 10x as long

>120 fps is still not the standart

>30 fps

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Just show the gaymes already, if theyre gonna charge $599 for it it better have the best games mankind has ever laid eyes upon.

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unironically that something shit soi ny would pull off

beats 0p 0fps

>Just stream a black rectangle.
Why would they stream PS4.

galko is for beating


Attached: knackfps.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)


this alone deconfirms a bloodborne remaster

Still waiting desu. If I hadn't bought an Xbone S my PS4 would be my least played system. Atleast my Xbone sees use as a 4k player.

i bought knack onces
it was very shit and i never finished it

what are you talking about? I would kill for 30fps in bloodborne

>30 fps, 1080p
Didnt we start this gen with a tablet that can barely do 720p and regularly has shit performance?

I think well be fine.

So nobody will be able to tell that the games run at less than 60fps

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your opinion is invalid

Get a pro

Bloodborne has a framepacing issue, not an fps issue. It's also in DaS3, Sekiro and Dark Souls Remastered on Switch because From absolutely refuses to fix their shit.

yeah but nintendo fanboys didnt say that was going to outperform pcs


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Why not stream at 144hz?

And? Since when is marketing and buzzword shit gonna mean anything? Remember when the switch controlller was supposed to be innovative and show the weight of icecubes? Instead its a piece of shit, with garbage buttons and regular drifting.

Doom Eternal runs at 60 frames on the base PS4. Stay mad faggits.

why does the framerate of the livestream matter

>60 frames
Is this supposed to be impressive?

that's optimistic

Fuck playstation. Sick of 25FPS. I don't care if I miss out on a few exclusives. Done with their shit. Might not get XboxXS straight away but will definitely get it by 2021. Looking forward to Fable series, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive and Forza

Pic related my PS4 Pro which is fucking dogshit second worst console I've ever bought (Switch is the worst)

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I wanna mating press Nagataro so bad why don't brown girls exist in real life bros?

But it still does the icecube thing it was advertised to do, and repairs on the shitty stick-drift are free, and the button layout and size had been shown from the begining. Anything else to say, or are you all done?

>Fable series, Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive and Forza
Just build a PC instead.