Its the PS4 really as old and outdated as people claim?

I'm all for the PS5, but can we please stop called the PS4 "a old console" its barely 7 years old, jeez!

Attached: PS4.png (425x445, 49.4K)


my user. Do you realize that Intel, Nvidia and Amd release new CPU and GPU's every 6 months? For technology 7 years is a very long time.

the ps4 was under powered when it first came out it would have been more reasonable if it came out in 2011 or maybe 2012 but for 2013? they should have upped the price to 499 like their competitor but focused all that extra 100 dollars on improving the hardware and not some gay dumb camera body sensor shit.

a 3 year old oneX shits all over it
it's fucking embarrassing is what it is

Playstations usually last about 7 years until a new one comes out this is in line with that

Is the PS5 even that powerful?

Ps4 hardware was outdated the day it came out just like all consoles are. So that means adding 3-4 more years to it's age.

PS4 still has some legs on it and would have had some much better games that evolved from the design philosophies of PS2; unfortunately, Naughty Dog's elevation to Sony's Golden Horse has made every other first person title a third-person cinematic over the shoulder game. It's not that I even dislike those games; I like variety; but seeing so many games take that route has been disheartening. All I want from PS5's reveal is a return of action adventure platformers. The last IP I truly loved was Infamous, and now THEY'RE making an over the shoulder cinematic game. Fuck.

Much more powerful for its time than the PS4 and XB1 were.
Of course it's not as powerful as high end PCs since it's probably 500 bucks, except for the SSD that is top tier even compared to the best SSDs for PC right now.
Overall it seems good.

cringe you are absolutely wrong about that. stop complaining about third person cinematic games and buy the first party games which are not. like dreams and mlb the show. honestly you don't even deserve to play on playstation

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>Not LittleBigPlanet
>MLB the Show
>Playing that gay shit in the first place
Rest in peace, Playstation.

>Rest in peace, Playstation.
lmao imagine actually unironicaaly believing this! the fact is you are absolutely missing out on the greatest games of our lifetimes my dude. last of us part ii will sell over 10 million units and be one of the most beloved playstation games in history though. and ghost of tsushima will sell over 5 million though. your loss cannot deny the fact that playstation is absolutely bigger than ever

NIgga it's hardware was already a decade outdated on day of release.

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At launch you could easily beat it with hardware from 2011.

6 months is a stretch. it's 1-2 years not counting incremental clock adjustments

If you need prove that PS4 is starved for quality games, here it is: the typical fanboy circlejerking over the same few games for 7 years straight.
Hell, this poor SOB is obsessing over TLOU: a PS3 title!
There there, next gen is your new chance to join the cool kids.

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Not kidding. Back then I was all excited for the ps3 and xbox one reveal events....and I went out to upgrade my PC instead after seeing them.
At least this new generation, the hardware actually looks interesting. Unless microsoft pulls another "SPORTS - TV", I'm getting myself a neat gamepass machine by the end of the year.

more like once every 18 months with the tick/tock taking double that. So new architecture refreshes about once ever 3 years - but your point stands.
Consoles are functionally 3 generations behind PC by the end of their life cycle, not one.
They catch up to the mid-range at launch, essentially the same level as a higher-end "gaming laptop."
They are then locked into that tech tier. Current gen is the first time console makers have tested the waters with a .5 tech refresh - but don't be fooled - it's not actually as big of an upgrade as the time increment suggests. It's more like "6 months more advance from launch" -refresh... after 5 years.
I did the same exact thing.
I took the "599 US dollars" and put it into a GTX 280
Never looked back.
My only interest in new console launches now is where I should position my upgrade to weather the entire next generation.
PC gamers benefit most from the console wars. We can lock in our upgrade for pretty much the same price as a new console - but with twice or greater the benefit.

>Much more powerful for its time than the PS4 and XB1 were.

how do you know when they haven't actually shown off any games yet?

>you cannot deny that Playstation is bigger than ever
I agree with you there. And I loved Bloodborne, The Last Guardian and Last of Us' multiplayer. But otherwise I'm disheartened my Naughty Dog's ungodly influence over the industry. People don't seem to remember that it wasn't until Uncharted 2 that every other game had main characters talking to themselves and randomly slipping on rocks. My main hope is that TLOU2 hurts Naughty Dog's cred and developers start making unique shit again. The Last Guardian deserved better.

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>The Last Guardian anywhere near top tier
Go fuck yourself that game was trash.

>Hey, here's the Last Guardian running on PS3!
>Ueda-san, this game runs at 3 FPS and we had to speed up the recording 10x to get it to 30
>That's okay we'll polish it over time!

>Ueda-san, this isn't working. The PS3 just isn't powerful enough and we're too small a team.
>Alright, well the PS4 is going to come out soon, we'll probably hit launch!

>Sir, we didn't hit launch.
>Ah well, at least we have more time to work on it!

>Ueda-san, we don't need to speed up the video 10x any more, but it still feels like complete shit to play and runs even worse.
>No worries, that's what the PS4 Pro is for!

>Uhh, Ueda-san?

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The PS4 is old and shit but it was shit when it was new. I sat this generation out but recently borrowed a PS4. Constant painful framedrops in every game I've played, loading screen hell, and it has a fucking USB interface for its HDD. It's shit all around just like all consoles. XSex/PS5 seem to be reversing the trend though

you are trying too hard dude. I will give you your you because I fear that you might kill yourself out of desperation

The Last Guardian joins Bloodborne and BotW as the top three games of the decade. Your primitive mind was clearly filtered.

Fuck the Watchshoytation 4

Because nobody can shut the fuck up about the tech, especially the SSD.


I dont know why the ps4 pro still costs $400.

It was obsolete the day it released. It's a gimped radeon hd 7850 coupled with a shitty mobile amd CPU about on par with a core 2 quad. It was shit, even for the time.
At least the X1 SeX and PS4 will have somewhat decent hardware.

LittleBigPlanet 3 isn't a ps4 exclusive.
It's also the worst entry in the series.

The PS4 itself is definitely outdated. The PS5 will also be outdated only a year after release because computer tech grows that quickly. The most outdated part of the PS4 isn't the tech though, its the controller. Xbox's controller just feels much better to use and you can tell the quality difference between the two.