Replaying Xenoblade Chronicles X for the first time

Replaying Xenoblade Chronicles X for the first time.
It's been almost 5 years.

Pick my class choice after drifter.

I think on my first playthrough i went with the 2handed sword class and I'm honestly gravitating towards it again but maybe i should mix it up.
How's the Sniper/Javelin class? I remember it being shit at building TP.

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Umm, hello? Is this thing on?

Am I all alone?



I prefer to go the Galactic Knight route, but that is because i love Mechs and picked X up for the Mechs, therefore i want the skill that boosts Mechs for obvious reasons.

Also i kinda like attack drones, and lighsabers, it is the most "Sci-Fi" class when it comes to choice of weapons.

Psycorrupter/Mastermind is also a pretty good one early on since it has some exploitable skills like Servant Sacrifice.

Technically though im fairly sure Full Metal Jaguar is the "optimal" one, but it is honestly also kinda boring to me since Elma covers it and is required for all Plot missions and a good chunk of Character Missions.

Javelin class for the attack that launches you into the air then get the hover guns for the ability that lets you stay in the air, it's way fun being able to fly around

Never tried the Raygun/Knife or Shield/Gatling Gun classes because they don't look fun on paper, but maybe i should try them out.

I started playing it too. Astral Crusader is great. I don't remember about its TP gain but its an overdrive machine.

I'm playing as a Samurai Gunner right now. Never really tried to use the class before so my third playthrough is a good time to try.

Rayguns are fun. They do the most upfront damage of any ranged weapon without going into late game builds. You can activate an aura and then just mow down groups with one blast.


My experience as Samurai Gunner was pretty much just activating Offensive Aura into Supercharge into Spinning Blade which kind of decimates stuff. Oh yea and throw in the defense down debuff thing in there.

>Rayguns do the most upfront damage of any ranged weapon
Huh, really? I leveled as the Raygun class to get to the Galactic Knight tree and i remember it as a painful experience where i didn't do much damage at all.

Rayguns are strong, knives are a support weapon. If you remember not doing damage its probably because you weren't using the guns properly. Activate knife auras, then switch to raygun and mow things down.

I recently picked X back up to do some of the affinity missions I never got around to. 150 hours and I only ever used Elma, Lin, and Boze, so everyone else has between 0-1 affinity hearts.
That being said, I have no more normal missions left aside from the shitty filler ones at BLADE terminal. I've done 5 already and see no difference in my affinity for any party members. Is there a good way to grind affinity in this circumstance, or should I just give up?
I'm also only now trying the multiplayer components for the first time and it's really making me miss miiverse. Hopefully a sequel brings back free reports without miiverse integration.

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I wish X had NG+ but starting from scratch occasionally does make me appreciate the world design more.

this game has too much content
also fuck monoliths affinity chart system jesus christ noone has time to talk to every npc 20 times

It's the barracks terminal that has the real affinity boosters in postgame.

I put about 10 hours into this on cemu then I don't know what fucking happened but I lost the save data... But I really liked it, so I kind of want to try again. Is there a way I can speed up my progress? Like quicker resources and leveling? I mean I know there are mods for that in the graphics packs but I triied to use them and they didn't work. All of the graphics packs and shaders worked, but I couldn't get the leveling mods to work. Do I need to have the US version at 1.0.2? I had download the EU version so maybe that was why.

dunno bro just start over 10h isn't that much considering the game is like 150h

How do you mean?

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The terminal in the AD basically offers radiant quests. The multiplayer terminal in the barracks, on the other hand, also offers extra offline affinity and experience missions in postgame.

Ah, I see. Support missions are the ones you mean?

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I tried Raygun a few times but the first few levels are just unbearable

Takahashi has said he wants to port X to the switch if he had the time/resources available. What do you want from X Definitive?

I just want more skells. Maybe another party member or two but more skells so you aren't cucked out of them in late game when ground gear starts scaling to the heavens.

That's true of every weapon.

Okay, real question
How the fuck does the game look THIS fucking good even though it's on Wii U? The draw distance is probably about the same as BOTW but the detail is much much higher and everything looks like a fucking wallpaper.
It's been 5 years and the backgrounds and shit in this game look 10 times better than what FF7 Remake delivered. HOW? In terms of polys rock walls for example are pretty low but the textures look so fucking good even under scrutiny. It's mindboggling to me how good this game looks to be honest.

But that also raises the question of why Xenoblade Chronicles 2 looks like a piece of shit

I just reached Alcamoth in DE and physically can't accept all avaiable quests before the town switches cycles and a million new quests pop up. The affinity chart is just fucking retarded too jesus christ takahashi get your shit together

I seriously don't understand how they went from X to 2/DE. I realize that lighting and other effects are better in the Switch games, but that doesn't excuse the reduced image quality and vastly inferior draw distance and world density.
I wrote 2 off as being rushed, but DE is just as bad if not worse. I really hope they get it together for the next game.

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The affinity chart in X is much better because you aren't really locked out of content because of it. Accepting quests is more natural because side quests are the meat of the game and not the main story. Recruiting NPCs aren't locked behind a bunch of confusing affinity relations either. Mia is the hardest companion to unlock but you can get her by just following her questline. X's affinity chart was the best, XC2's was too dumbed down and XC1 had way too much locked behind different times.

because the X team ended up assisting BotW development while starting XB2 at the same time. If you compare the credits like 10 names from X pop up. Someone at Nintendo smoked Iwatas ashes and decides to pull the main staff towards one game while working on a numbered entry on a new console at the same time

>implying DE wasn't rushed too
They've been working on the real Xenoblade 3 for the last couple of years. DE was made using a rigged together XC2 engine.

XC2's got some kind of wonky AA going on and renders actors further out. The water is also a lot more detailed in what it pretends to reflect.
I'm next to the river in Oblivia right now and it isn't reflecting anything but a really vague outline of the mountain south of the Butte.

X is generally my favorite of the series but I can't keep up with Takahashis autism, every area feels like an expansion worth of fucking quests, who the fuck would go through all that

They're mostly optional and they are the meat of the game. You don't need to do them in order to unlock more party members, with the exception of Mia.

i wouldn't rule out that they were both rushed

I'm still complaining about Definitive user, I cleared like 98% of the map and Takahashi's autism is still rampant, instead of the affinity chart in 1 its tanktops in X. I will never in my life even pretend to attempt a completionist run of a xenoblade game, at some point its just too much

because nobody gives a shit about the affinity quest and making it missable detracts from the point of it documenting character relations
the xcx and xc2 version is as it should be with respect to their game's focus on side content

Why are you talking about XC1 in an XCX thread?

xc2 looks great on a docked console
have you guys actually played the game? it's a known fact that the screenshots are all downscaled to the handheld resolution and not representative of what the game actually looks like

oh no

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the fuck you want autismo