No cute boy added to smash bros (apart from inkling) for 2 years now

>no cute boy added to smash bros (apart from inkling) for 2 years now
is it over for us shotabros?

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dumb sh*tacucks
bara has been and always will be the supreme male hentai genre. gtfo.

>>no cute boy added to smash bros (apart from the one that completely negates this shitty pornbait thread)
fuck off pedofag

Kemoshota > shota

there isn't even one of those

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Bowser Jr

he is fat and retarded
not lewdable at all

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Why doesn't nintendo have any femboy or trans characters added?

Klonoa confirmed.

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rex would fix that


how come boys in video games are either burly or sissy, and never a compromise taking the best aspects of both

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*tightens belt around his neck*

Link is in the game

I'm afraid so my friend

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Name one example that isn't Griffith or Dio, faggot.

Send Ness your prayers so that he may have more little friends to play with.

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He said cute

I grew up in a poor family so we didnt have a big place i had to share my room with my bro
I was 12 and he was 8
One day we had relatives come over they brought 2 of my cousins they were only 9 and 10 basicly they had to spend all time in our room and also sleep there so yes when i was 14 i had 3 cute little boys sleep in my bed i could literally touch them all over however i liked shit was so cash i must have come more than twice that night just fapping while touching their asses

thank god. stupid pedos.

"femboy" is meaningless memespeak and trannies would be a controversy magnet.


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holy shit

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A friend of mine is a tranny and he constantly calls himself tranny

Rex is a gateway shota, so entry level it hurts.
>Generic design
>"safe" age at 15
>No flaws

Just like how the girls of his game are entry level waifus, and the entire game is an entry level JRPG.


Sounds like a shinachiku doujin

For me a good shota always has to be below 13
Also none of that femboy shit he actually has to look and act like a boy otherwise its just loli with a dick

kys pedophile

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you've got enough as it is
when will sakurai throw lolicons a bone

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There's only one shota I want, and he's too cool to ever be anything but an AT.

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Shut the fuck up for every shota doujin theres 10 loli doujins you niggers legit have everything let us boylovers have some things too

buddy, you only see 2 shoulders, the art might as well be complete shit