Klei Entertainment

So they're supporting BLM movements with a million dollars on top of creating some random playable black boy. Are most indie companies this pozzed?

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Klei makes good games, idgaf how they want to spend their money

>start file, leave black boy to starve.
Hey they made it historically accurate.

Considering how hilariously white Don't Starve has been for the last half a decade a nigger would be genuinely refreshing, plus there's a ton of swimming jokes to be made in Shipwrecked, and that's before you even start on the Watermelon.

>a person dies every 2 seconds
>*crickets chirping*
>one(1) criminal black person dies
>whole planet loses their shit and goes on a chimpout rampage of epic proportions

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BLM donatioms go straight to the DNC

>guy dies in police custody
>report says he died of natural causss
>out of nowhere a video of his arrest leak showing 8 min video of police brutality
>had the video never leaked, the cop would have gotten away with murder
I hate how because it's was a black person that died, the whole movement is about BLM when it should more about how police brutality, and I say this as a black person. I dont trust for the BLM at all, seems like a scam.

The US isn't the whole planet, despite how fat it is.

David Dorn was killed during the riots while defending a pawn shop. As a former police captain and grandfather of 20 kids, nobody has said a thing about his tragedy but perpetuate the death of a man who easily showed he did not have the best of character.

Attached: 200603040731-david-dorn-police-officer-handout-photo-exlarge-169.jpg (780x438, 42.02K)

Democrats are just using you as a puppet to try and oust Trump whilst also lining their pockets with sweet sweet BLM donations.

Doubly as hilarious given every single US citizens quality of life comes at the expense of third world slavery, including that of blacks in Africa.

Black Lives Matter!*

*unless of course it's 7 year old niglets mining toxic cobalt in African mines for my PS5 controller batteries.

but you have the cheff , he is black , maybe this is his lost son

If you paid any attention, it all seems really suspect. Random piles of bricks, people from out of state that were seen around day 1 in Minneapolis, the whole media blitz and people justifying the violence. This shit sure as fuck isn't grassroots.
Also the guy who did the autopsy on Floyd was the same as Epstein's.

Don't all the character names start with W? What is his name gonna be? Wewuz?

Police brutality is a minor issue in the grand scheme of things. The violence committed by the populace is much worse, and blacks are doing most of the violence.

It will become easier to create a list of non-pozzed companies at this rate.

his name is Walter

this was before that nigger died, stfu faggot

>whole planet
Only americans and companies with offices in america do this shit, most of the planet doesn't give a fuck about this nigger. Just because said people are vocal doesn't mean everybody gives a fuck.

indie devs are absolutely starved for cash and will absolutely suck any chode that comes close for the mega price of 50 cents

1) its mostly the US
2) this is like the bazillionth time someone dies of "natural causes" under police custody, the issue had been present for years, people protested about it and nobody did anything, this was simply the straw that broke the camels back

>Democrats are just using you as a puppet to try and oust Trump whilst also lining their pockets with sweet sweet BLM donations.

Of course they are, doesnt mean police brutality is ok

>Doubly as hilarious given every single US citizens quality of life comes at the expense of third world slavery, including that of blacks in Africa.

Having an underpaid job is not slavery, you cant quit slavery, but you can quit your third world job

And what makes you think police brutality helps against crime in any way shape or form? The US has a inmate population larger than china and has a homicide rate greater than several african countries

Clearly shit doesnt work

>the bazillionth time
It's extremely rare. You're more likely to die from a lightning strike or cow attack than die in police custody. Black on black murder is extremely common though and no one protests over it.

>nobody has said a thing about his tragedy
I think I've seen him posted multiple times every day since it happened and saw him lying on the ground the dying the day it happened. The character of the person isn't really the point. The point is the state shouldn't be carrying out entirely unnecessary extrajudicial killings. And don't think for a second that's something that can only happen to niggers. The police showed they were perfectly okay with illegally beating the everloving fuck out of anyone over the course of the last couple of weeks.

It was reported by several news outlets and if i recall correctly, the scumbag who killed him has been arrested already

But its a different thing to be killed by a rioter once in a blue moon, compared to be killed or brutalized by your taxpayer dollars constantly

I never said police brutality helps anything, it's just not a real issue in comparison to... ah yes, the homicide rate you mention. Which is so insanely high due to blacks killing more people than anyone else. The police are overwhelmingly a force for good and peace. This may upset you but you should be examining how you got brainwashed into thinking they were the problem.

>the state shouldn't be carrying out entirely unnecessary extrajudicial killings
They don't. This is a lie.

More likely to be struck by lightning and ironically, more likely to be killed by someone rioting and looting. How embarrassing to bleat such lies. Educate yourself.

>doesnt mean police brutality is ok
It never is. Yet it's known the police has actively instigated violence and set fires, and people are still in favor of it. Meanwhile money gets funneled into dubious donation drives. It's so on the nose, nobody questions it because they're so emotionally invested in the movement. It never was a race issue to begin with.

One should wonder why this exact instance blew up now then, considering a white guy died the exact same way in 2016. This is all happening right before the 2020 elections, in the midst of a pandemic and right as China is about to fuck Hong Kong, India and Taiwan raw.

The rest of the year is gonna be interesting for sure.

black on white homicides are lower than pig on white homicides
no one gives a shit about niggers killing each other

I guess catching a US polician dealing drugs is also rare, nothing should be done about it right?

Keep in mind brutality does not involve just getting killed, remember the guy who "trip and fell" in buffalo? That was police brutality too, had it not been recorded the cops wouodve gotten away with it too

Theres an abscene lack of accountability coupled with the inability of the police to de-escalate things, thats why you end up with cases like george floyd, david shaver or kelly thomas, people who were committing no crime, or very minor crimes and ended up killed, and in two of these instances, the cops got away with it

Hell why do you think people sometimes get scared about being swatted? Cuz they might end up killed by the police

>I never said police brutality helps anything, it's just not a real issue in comparison to... ah yes, the homicide rate you mention. Which is so insanely high due to blacks killing more people than anyone else. The police are overwhelmingly a force for good and peace. This may upset you but you should be examining how you got brainwashed into thinking they were the problem.

Yes black violence is a complex problem that needs to be addressed, but since we all agree police brutality doesnt help, why not address police brutality first since, you know, its funded with yaxpayers money

>More likely to be struck by lightning and ironically, more likely to be killed by someone rioting and looting. How embarrassing to bleat such lies. Educate yourself.

Keep in mind i said brutalized, not just killed, having your skull cracked by a cop and ending up in a hospital is police brutality even if you didnt die

Nogs who commit half of violent crime also live off taxpayer money

That's disgusting.

>It never is. Yet it's known the police has actively instigated violence and set fires, and people are still in favor of it. Meanwhile money gets funneled into dubious donation drives. It's so on the nose, nobody questions it because they're so emotionally invested in the movement. It never was a race issue to begin with.

Well ill be practical here, regardless of what the dems want, the problem of police brutality and the perception of the police among the community needs to be addressed to stop further protests, riots and extrajudicial killings or atleast drastically reduce em

Id argue the entire justice system needs an overhaul too, since it works like a tricycle with two wheels

Are you implying i support welfare? Id argue it has done nothig but contribute to the poverty and crime rate of the black community it has done nothing good for it

But one problem at a time, and police brutality seems politically easier to tackle

He died of a heart attack because he was on meth.

The method of restraint used is taught in order to minimize risk to everybody.

>oust trump
they could have impeached the mother fucker

You seem to notice a lot of things that require change, but do you have any ideas on how to enact these changes? Let's start with police brutality: do you have a possible means of reducing the rate?

I don't disagree, but good luck with that. There's a good reason why things have gotten this bad and why the population is so divided. Someone ultimately benefits from it. This has been going on for a while now, longer than orange man's presidency.

Well, to be fair the games they've made so far have been "Don't Starve" and "Oxygen Not Included".
Both of which perfectly describe the nigger situation.

>I guess catching a US polician dealing drugs is also rare, nothing should be done about it right?
No one said nothing should be done about something that is bad, but all this BLM bullshit is creating a mountain out of a molehill. At the same time it ignores a MUCH bigger problem, how much blacks are killing each other. BLM is dangerous and does not help black people in any way.

>Keep in mind brutality does not involve just getting killed, remember the guy who "trip and fell" in buffalo? That was police brutality too, had it not been recorded the cops wouodve gotten away with it too
He did trip and fall. It wasn't brutality, it was negligence on the part of the cops. Two of them lightly pushed him, but simultaneously. They aren't reading each others minds to prevent this. The combined force was enough to cause him to stumble backwards and he tripped, because he was a frail old man, which they also should have taken into account and not even risked a light push. In 99.9% of confrontations that amount of force wouldn't move even a scrawny teenager. It was an accident that involved some negligence on the part of the police. When you blow up such minor things into "brutality" you devalue the word and the message against actual brutality. Like calling every little thing racist and sexist. You turn it into a joke.

There isn't a lack of accountability, there are very few cases in comparison to the amount of police interractions, arrests and crimes committed and still most cases result in punishments for the officers involved. Sometimes more severely than they deserve, like those officers in Buffalo.

Swatting isn't a good example. Of course a SWAT team told that someone is doing something extremely criminal is going to be primed to shoot. Are you aware how often police get shot?

ending qualified immunity could be a start


it basically gives cops a carte blanche to do what they please during arrest

basically when a cop is out to arrest you he has two options

- use minimal force and risk the criminal using force against him
- use extreme force and possibly get away with it because hes protected by qualified immunity

he will naturally gravitate towards the latter