Kingdom hearts iii is the twelfth installment in thekingdom hearts series

>kingdom hearts iii is the twelfth installment in thekingdom hearts series

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shouldve ended with sora and riku dping kairi on the raft until they run out of supplies and die

Kingdom Hearts is for trannies and fujos tbqh

best comment I've read all day



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they're not shotos how would they dp anything?

shouldve ended with KH 1 the story up until now is utter shit and final fantasy is dead in KH universe

Does Namine have a dick?

But the gameplay is still choice, so why would I care?

You missed out if your first 3 playthrough was under critical.

>tfw when the light side are the bad guys now 7 darkness, 13 lights.

>Yozora is a Roxas-tier Nobody of Noctis that was changed like Sora when he goes into a Disney world that changes his appearance.
>tfw when Sora was ceremonies by Xehanort and is the Light Version of him.

>final fantasy xv is the ninety-fifth installment in the final fantasy series

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>final fantasy is dead in KH universe

I hate this fucking meme, final fantasy was never relevant in the kh universe

>t. Ameritranny

Just finished playing 1 and 2 on the ps2. What do I buy/play next? And none of that ps4 remastered collection shit, I play games the way they were meant to be played.

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i see you are of for the few bros/sis that understands.

Just how fragile is your masculinity, nazi LARPer?

>main villain in kh series is various incarnations of a nigger
>still not cancelled


why does this fucking mobile game have so much relevant lore?

Well, in that case, you're gonna need a gba, a DS, and a 3ds.

depends what you like about the series. I'm all about good combat, exploitable systems and cheesy dialogue so bbs is my favourite non mainline game but its gonna handle like shit on psp compared to the console port

gba kh chain of memory. ds version of re coded and 358\2 days. psp version of birth by sleep (jp final mix only). 3ds version of dream drop distance. finally kh 3 ps4.

because it's a mobile game so it's most likely their best source of revenue, they purposely left lore out of kh3 to make even more people play it

>>omg look at this male character he looks ugh ughhhhh problematic
>t. Anita Sarkeesian in trenchcoat

>Buzz VA sounds more like Tim Allen than Jim Hanks sounds like his own brother

1 + 1.5 + 2 + 2.5 + 2.8 + 0.2 + 3 = 13 + thirteen data bosses DLC = Versus XIII


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who are you quoting? it def aint me, dumb tranny.

You ready to buy like 5 more consoles?

>You missed out if you bought KH3 at release
Thanks SE, very cool

God you're gay

>2 coconuts and a fish

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And yet I still needed the chucklefucks here to tell me Aqua was becoming a darkling, and what that even was. You also miss the Daylight Town underwater at the final boss fight.

then you need a: game boy advance, nintendo ds, nintendo 3ds, psp, ps3, ps4

Please say you're importing the Final Mix versions at least.

How does it feel to waste your money just to play inferior versions of games?
Shit, you didn't even play 2FM since that was a Japanese exclusive on PS2 you have no idea how much content you're missing

The Twilight Town crew serving as Sora's guides and mentors is one of the most important parts of the KH formula, and them getting sidelined was a huge mistake for the franchise overall.

I'm not him, but I remember playing 2 fm on my modded ps2 with freehdboot.

the remaster version of the games are great sadly the 2 ds games and the phone game are movies only.