He's right

He's right.
Morrowind is popular here only because of contrarians and nostalgia. Later games in the series are improvements in almost every way, and areas where they aren't are so minor they might as well be ignored.

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He's wrong
eat a dick and create a better bait thread next time

He's wrong. I don't exploit and I like Morrowind's systems. I actually hate when people praise how much you can break Morrowind.


The dialog in morrowind is a huge flaw as well as the movement and combat. These flaws turn it into an objectively bad game

Morrowind is kept alive through Nostalgiamancy.
It is a smaller and smaller group each year as they age out of tbe system.

Why do I get depressed when I play oblivion? There is something hollow and plastic about it that I didn't even feel in skyrim. I really hate the setting but I think there is more to it than that.

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"Good evening, outlander! How are you doing today?"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. In est ante in nibh mauris cursus mattis molestie. Eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus. Vel facilisis volutpat est velit egestas dui id. Eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem sed. In metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis imperdiet proin fermentum. Pulvinar mattis nunc sed blandit libero volutpat sed. Quis lectus nulla at volutpat diam ut venenatis tellus. Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Blandit cursus risus at ultrices mi tempus. Dui ut ornare lectus sit amet. Elementum facilisis leo vel fringilla. Nulla at volutpat diam ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Iaculis eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem sed risus. Sed vulputate mi sit amet mauris. Ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim. Urna molestie at elementum eu facilisis sed odio. Nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut. Dolor sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet bibendum.

Proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis rhoncus. Sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing. Nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus. Consectetur libero id faucibus nisl. Semper eget duis at tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque. In arcu cursus euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar mattis. Dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi morbi tempus. Sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet. Blandit cursus risus at ultrices mi tempus imperdiet nulla. Quisque non tellus orci ac auctor.

Erat nam at lectus urna duis convallis convallis tellus. Tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque id nibh tortor id. Placerat orci nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit. Tortor consequat id porta nibh venenatis cras sed. Et tortor consequat id porta nibh venenatis cras sed felis. Augue neque gravida in fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci.

>play morrowind
>love it
>recommend it to friend
>he breaks all the systems and leaps across the continent within 4 hours
>beats the game before I even do
I played it legit, the worst thing I did was find out where creeper was, which isnt even game breaking at all. you can still barely sell a daedric item

Does any game capture a mixture of hopeful but absolute solitude in the wild, with the comfort of returning home to a place you know you cannot remain as well as Morrowind?

Combat evolved from holding in your attacks for more accuracy to spamming the attack button with some heavy attacks, both being shit in separate ways
Magic got less customizable and streamlined every entry
Settings degraded from surreal mushroom swamps and cool wizard towers, to a colorful forest with some mountains, to a washed out cold forest with more mountains
Stories degraded from sick Dunmer lore, to MUH EPIC DAEDRA INVASION, to MUH EPIC DRAGONS
Skills became less complex and streamlined like magic did
you are gay and wrong

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fuck you m8 oblivion's the best

>holding in your attacks for more accuracy
These are the depths morriwindfags will plunge into to claim morrowind combat was better than skyrim
you know skyrim also has power attacks right? and they hit 100% of the time it you connect with an enemy!


Morro and Fallout-fags reading culture is limited to lorem ipsum and senseless text

The Long Dark, but it's a survival game so you might not like it
it's a good mix of comfiness, hope, despair, and bleakness, and you're entirely alone, the only things you'll interact with are deer, wolves, bears, and rabbits

It's kind of fitting that a Skyrimfag didn't read the rest of a sentence.

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Fuck i forgot the second part of the post :
While Skyrim- and FO4chads go straight to the point

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all the interesting stories in morriwind are included in books that might as well come out outside of the game, the actual quests for he vast majority dogshit like pic related or worse.

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Bruh, reading is not your strong point.

The main quest gives you a ton of lore by itself and the problems outlined in that image plague the entirety of the Elder Scrolls games

Flying, and dire katanas alone are enough to warrant concern, then skyrim became a green plains and removed custom magic, and skyrim 2 is just the same thing again, where morrowind has interesting terrain.

FURTHERMORE immortal arbitrary npcs suck balls and the "with this characters death the threads of fate have been severed revert to a saved game or forever live with your doomed world" was the better mechanic.

>TES games
lnao grow up, play some Witcher or DS

>play these games that came out 13 years after the TES series.

I think morrowind probably had the best story of the most recent 3.
But the text is a pain to read with its shitty font, and they're dialogue system is very obtuse, also combat is utter trash and anyone who thinks it isn't is a contrarian, the disconnect you get from a real time combat system and a dice calculated system is obscene.
But to make matters worse none of the enemies have decent animations to imply they dodged, none of the animations of the game are good but if they could communicate a parry, a miss or dodge it wouldn't be so garbage.
But instead there's this autistic action combat instead of an auto attack system that can communicate fluid animations with expectations you expect, so you be square in something's face smacking it to death only to be told you missed it, that's pretty unforgivable if something happens in game the game should adjust to reflect it not have the player simply imagine the enemy standing still dodged the attack or you missed an attack on a stationary enemy.

Nothing is stopping you from opening the CS and adding those paths in.

If it takes the same amount of time and same amount of button presses to make something die but in 1 case you hit every time and the other case you miss some times who gives a shit? It makes more sense for you to miss attacks with a weapon you are not skilled with then swing a giant axe and hit for 1 damage

>>play these games that came out 13 years after the TES series
yeah, that sounda reasonable

Elder Scrolls games kept getting dumber and dumber because they realized people will buy Skyrim multiple times just to walk around outside listening to Jeremy Soule music with character development as deep as a puddle.

So the elder Scrolls series is bad then, for all but the main quest. Got it!

Why doesn't he wear that shirt he has?

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>The dialog in morrowind is a huge flaw as well as the movement and combat

It's funny you talk about movement. All tes games feel like shit to move around in. If anything due to the lack of realistic physics in Morrowind and it's easier to move and get around. A 300pt jump spell, which is easy to cast, can land you anywhere on Vvardenfell

>just mod the game to be good bro

>Combat evolved from holding in your attacks for more accuracy to spamming the attack button with some heavy attacks, both being shit in separate ways
It was retarded then and still retarded now, but atleast its not as frustrating
>Magic got less customizable and streamlined every entry
It became less of a convoluted jank
Its much weaker and less creative yes
>Settings degraded from surreal mushroom swamps and cool wizard towers, to a colorful forest with some mountains, to a washed out cold forest with more mountains
Its as if different provinces have different climate and its own distinctive look
>Stories degraded from sick Dunmer lore, to MUH EPIC DAEDRA INVASION, to MUH EPIC DRAGONS
See i can do that too, you aren't making a point you are just generalizing

For all but the main quests in Morrowind, yes, as well as all of the mods that fix Bethesda's messes. See? Now you're getting it!

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People don't praise Morrowind's systems though? They're widely recognized as laughable shit. People like the factions you can join, the more open-ended nature of the plot (literally told to just go fuck off and explore at one point), and the weirdness of the lore being much more prominent than in Oblivion and Skyrim. The combat is widely recognized as pretty garbage. The charm is that it's a fun and interesting world to explore despite this.

Ignoring or trivialising many of the gameplay systems might be something they enjoy? It does after all count as freedom to exploit and surpass the systems in place.

And then when we look at it, Morrowind is praised because of its freedom. Looks like it all checks out. Looks like OP was a faget again.

Also, the later games dumb everything down, which while fun for those new to the series is everything but to those who enjoyed the franchise the way it was.

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Morrowind doesn't make NPCs invincible and that's more than enough reason for it to be the better game than Skyrim in my opinion. Magic also gets worse and worse with every installment. I wouldn't be surprised if VI just has "Damage Spell, Healing Spell, Invisibility spell"

Makes no sense that I can't kill Ulfric or the Imperial leader until the end of the civil war.

The TES franchise is shit, Morrowind is the game that smells less bad.

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Honestly, I like the idea of what Morrowind could have been way more than the game itself.

I agree the systems are shit, Morrowind excels because of worldbuilding, lore and an open world that feels worth exploring.

Removing the stats in Skyrim made the gameplay better, not worse or "dumbed down". All those numbers were unnecessary and archaic, and amounted to nothing of value but wanking the D&D crowd.

It's frustrating because the game is telling you you're doing something wrong. Use a weapon you have the fucking skills for, get some buffs on yourself, make sure you don't have 0 stamina, pay for some training, practice on rats, run away. Not do the same stupid thing that isn't working.

Waahh why do I slam into the wall when I drive my car at top speed into a corner this game is bad

I'm gonna have to give it to them there. The AI isn't smart enough to recognize when you have the intent to kill someone so you really can just walk into Windhelm as an Imperial and have no resistance until after you kill the guy. It's a band-aid over poor programming.

>It was retarded then and still retarded now, but atleast its not as frustrating
It was never frustrating unless your green bar was always empty because you wanted to run everywhere. Now you just hit a guy, there’s nothing in place to keep it as in-depth. There wasn’t much ever to Elder Scrolls mechanics and now there’s even less.

It's not frustrating at all if you just know how attacking works, you don't miss nearly as much as people meme if you actually watch your health and don't spam attack, holding in your attacks instead.
Magic was not convoluted at all, it just let you actually craft spell with multiple effects as well as enchant with multiple effects instead of severely limiting what you could actually put on equipment. Being a mage in Oblivion and Skyrim is horribly underpowered and you pretty much get limited to "throw some fireballs" "the spell that makes you a melee class anyways" or "summon thing to play the game for you".
And those different provinces have much more mundane climates, which is the point being made.
Also, the history of Dagoth Ur and all the other Dunmer heroes coming to fruition as your dreams get invaded has more character and nuance involved than what is essentially "the big bad guy who is just evil and mean cause he's the evil mean god guy is invading from hell, stop him with Sean Bean" and "dragons are back now and they are evil and mean, they are fucking shit up, stop them with your cool powers".

not health

Morrowind has a much better alien atmosphere then the later lotr/vikangz clones, the rest is true tho

Because Bethesda specifically tried to make the most generic setting possible to appeal to as many normies as possible to sell as many copies as possible.

It was the only one that really felt unique and original.