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I've never been tripped up by it but it's still bad game design and a trap for anyone who doesn't already know it's coming

horrible blemish on otherwise top notch game

Not really a boss, more like a resource puzzle, that shoots at you, and you only get one chance per continue.

>hard game is hard


Well it's name is Boobeam "Trap"

I beat this on an NES, and don't remember feeling particularly frustrated here
shot what I could, ran out of juice, came back on my next life and beat it easily
when I learned it could be done in a single life by intelligently using items, I just said 'oh, okay'
I can also beat every MM2 boss with just the basic weapon, without getting hit, because I thought that would be fun to practice as a kid

>oh, the walls will be breakable with bombs and then you shoot the turrets!
>nope, it's the opposite

this room also flickers like fucking crazy. they should have just scrapped it.

>no one has posted a webm of this being cleared

Much easier than it looks

Only if you know what to do. It's crap game design.

Oh, piss off

do stupid people somehow not realize that the doors remain destroyed between lives
you dont have to post about Zig Forums on it, you just run in, kill all the doors, die, then come back and kill all the turrets
hating this boss is a meme, and I'm worried there are real humans who have an opinion on this easy ass boss

I agree with that

stupid people seem to talk about stupid people the most

no u

Worst part of the first series

But it's still the best overall game with the best ost

Wily castle theme


agreed they should of done something else that "boss" is so poorly designed it's more of a tedious chore then a fun boss fight.

Awesome boss. Early Mega Man really did a lot to push strategy and add depths to vidya, like you can't just charge in and expect to win like every other game at the time.

Anyone with 2 braincells to rub together can see that the intended way to kill this boss was to fail the first time, and then effortlessly succeed the second time. It may not have been good design, but it was interesting and it fit the 'mad scientist' theme of Wily trying to find some way to destroy you in spite of your awesome power. The fact that there was a way to kill it in one run was just a gimmick that the developer placed in to give repeat runners something fun to do.
It is not this prehistoric's game design that is flawed, it's your infantile assumption that you are never supposed to fail that is flawed. You and your modern sensibilities are the problem, not this old, clever boss design.

>make an ok game
>ruin it by making all Wily stages except the first one absolute fucking garbage

Hourly reminder that 9>10>7>11>4>3=6>2>1>5>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>6 would be objectively better than 3 if it wasn't for the goddamn retarded slide

They should have just put some weapon energy drops in the room itself somewhere, or coded a couple of the turrets to drop them. With this and the Alien they had a weird fixation with the player getting fucked if they run out of energy, though at least I can't imagine running out of Bubble Lead.

I can't defeat Airman. Any tips?


Crash should've gotten more than 7 uses

Go get Woodman's weapon.

Ah yeah, to get the leaf shield. But man, those falling leaves always get me. I even tried the Time Barrage glitch I just can't dodge his jump.

Thanks for explaining the joke, I guess.