

Attached: gmjhgk.png (636x656, 612.19K)

so far the art is terrible

i expect the worst

yea I preferred the old game's style but we havent seen any actual gameplay yet just cinematics before now

why did they make Maximilian jewish?

cant wait to execute all my female and black workers!

I hope this'll erase that heretical mobile or social-media or whatever crap-off money-grab game from existence.

Because his superpower is money.

You mean the Evil Genius Facebook game? I still remember they unironically called it Evil Genius 2.

Actually it was supposed to be a full game and then mid way through development the publisher they where working with demanded it be turned in to a Facebook game.

I was actually playing that back in the day. Better than Mafia Wars at least.

evil genius 1 wasnt very good and i wouldnt expect much from this

I never got in to it. 3D gaming on phones didn't work at the time it came out.

facebook didnt even have a mobile page back then

EG1 is def a rough jem. What really holds it up is it's charm and style.

Pretty sure they did. I remember playing some stupid age of empires game.

we dont get enough dungeon keeper games so this is all i holding out for that it isnt a buggy fun game like the first

Help me to turn off my autism and enjoy the first game. I pretty much immediately set out to building a false front to waste agents' time and disable them to be escorted out, followed by a large whirlwind deathtrap. But then there's a single square of floor space inaccessible behind a generator so they just dig in wherever the fuck they feel like. Also the time clocks don't work quite well enough so you can't really get the social henchmen to hang out at the false front and take care of disabled agents.

Why is war for the overworld so unfun? What did they do wrong?


its weird its not badly made but its just so lifeless

I don't have any faith. Between this and startopia 2, it feels like they lost their way.
I might be pleasantly surprised but I'm expecting dungeon keeper 3 v2


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finna based

>rebellion development
They've made 2 evil genius games, and both were phonetrash.
Temper your expectations.

save me

get the fan mod patch, I seriously hope you arent playing on vanilla

That has absolutely nothing to do with what was posted.

yes because it makes things less bullshit and broken and work as intended you nigger retard

Learn to read.

You can see in this plan that rooms smaller than normally possible are used. You have to deliberately exploit the game's building mechanics in a non-obvious way to do this.

I read youre having issues being an autistic nigger which the unofficial patch can make less annoying so kill yourself