Give me your first job advice Zig Forums

give me your first job advice Zig Forums

25 year old neet here

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Eat a mint before sucking.

depends on where do you live

Be respectful and polite to your coworkers

You're gonna make mistakes. Own up to them. Learn from them. Also don't be a suck-up

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Pee in the power outlets

never let anyone know what you're thinking

>go to college
>work part time
>apply for internships
>leave college with a degree and work experience
>apply for a job where you interned or somewhere else
>get a job
takes a few years but it worked for me

try beeing urself, works for me :)

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If you work in America, expect everyone to screw you over at every opportunity, even if it's self-destructive and borderline retarded. Them being nice is just them lulling you into a false sense of security, and if you know it's coming they can never get to you.

Just get out and loot sum shit or something idk

>25 with no work experience
No employer is going to want to hire you, they know there is something wrong with you since you haven't been working last seven years like all the other applicants of your age.


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>No employer is going to want to hire you,

to what kind of a fuckin upper white privilege class job? in the office ?

>25 and still a neet
holy shit
at least looks like you're trying to improve
study something and never go back to being a neet
if you ever go back to being a neet just kill yourself
best advice you will ever get

Claim you were in a cult but thankfully were rescued and deprogramed and that not hiring you could be construed as religious bigotry and see if they buckle.

>study something
i sit at home for like 7 years now and you expect me to go back to fuckin school and pretend to learn? what kind of a mindset do you think i have

Do some IT servicedesk work.
You will get some much needed people/social skills and it's easy to get a promotion to sysadmin

no, actually learn
>what kind of a mindset do you think i have
change your mindset or just kill yourself, that's it

You need connections. If you don't, ask your relatives.

>tfw have studies on IT
>my city has barely no IT helpdesk jobs
>the few that I manage to find I end up being discarded
my resumee is not even bad
I hate my city
I'm not OP btw

OP here, this definitely wasn't me. Pathetic, lmao.

this, but only if your coworkers and superiors aren't drooling retards. then just keep your head down and get another job

>never a neet and actively looking for a jbo after being unemployed these past months
okay champ

Stop cooming
Give yourself 30 mins each day of thinking time

What's the job? Or are you looking for one

My first job was as a healthcare worker, I went back to school got my education, then became a software engineering, currently working for a bank. suck my cock OP and pull yourself up.

Be on time.
Do a good job.
Keep your mouth shut.

Do two of the three and you can work anywhere.

Talking about video games on a video game board is a good first step.

Woah you're a hero. Your lifetime taxes probably paid for a day of rioting.

Only work as hard as you need to avoid being fired
t. Worked in management for 5 years

don't listen to these retards. literally no one gives a shit. if someone does say you were taking care of a sick family member

I'm not american you cringe as fuck memester

If there are any internal courses going on so every single one you can. I used to work for the public sector and they would constantly have these bullshit courses like learning excel or dealing with workplace conflict. Just go to everything even if it's boring because you might meet someone important who remembers you later.

learn to code

There are piss-easy task that someone with even fundamental understanding of coding can do, like update and stylize existing websites and that kind of shit. It's how I got my current job from not know any coding just two years ago

I'm 30 and only got my first job. At 28 lol. Working in HR

this is correct

Video Games

amazon will literally take anyone and they pay a bit above minimum, start with that

I'm 30.I'll let you know when I get one.

Don't date coworkers. If the relationship ends badly, everything follows.
Respect and help coworkers, and make an effort to befriend them. You may want to rely on them when you find other, better jobs.
Don't work hard, work smart.

u are a man now

I'm 30 with two degrees and no job. Ask me anything

>Fake it until you make it.
>Act with confidence even if you have no idea what the fuck you are doing.
>Make generic greetings and talking points for if you're customers that are unoffensive
>Treat everyone with respect and curtousy, even though they probably don't fucking deserve it.
>Avoid workplace politics as much as humanly possible.

That sums up what I got.

Invest half your paycheck. Be ultrajew.

If it's an office job, you will have long periods of boredom / nothing, so find ways to build skills in that downtime between actual work

Don't expect to know shit for the first 3 months, ask questions, write down how to do everything

Get a job as a security guard/hit up your welfare system for whatever liscence or training needed to do it. Don't get a job stewarding if at all possible, not even for "experience" it's shit work and barely pays and companies that do it are always mismanaged, they'd have better gigs otherwise.

I spend 8 hours a day playing on my switch and get paid to do so. You do occasionally have to deal with agressive people, just be polite and not obviously autistic.