Animal Crossing Bread

Post dodos, turnip prices, custom patterns, etc.

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I just spent over an hour trying to get a camper to replace one of my two ugly starting villagers, I'm broken and all that's on my mind at the moment is: WHY?
Why do i have to listen to the campers useless drivel until rng finally decides that he asks if he should move? Why can he, even then, decide that nope, he doesn't actually want to move? Why do I have to play fucking cards with him and pray to rngesus that I picked the right card? Why is it, after all this suffering, all this rng, all these dialogue boxes and decisions completely random which villager he will kick out? Why can't I just straight up tell him to move to my island and replace the villager I want gone? Why? WHY? WHY THE FUCK?

I’ve been hoping for a jock to replace my old one to pop up in my campsite for weeks. Finally get someone at camp, and it’s Barold.

Anyone got someone in boxes

I have Octavian. Is that any good for you?

Just took someone else, sorry. I already have Zucker though so I probably wouldn't have taken another octopus.

God I fucking hate Goose

Im happy this game made some non-retards like unconventional villagers more. The foreced Uchi and Jock starter was a good decision

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got any good turnip prices? 150 and abovie? will tip. i have over 7m bells in my account and yet i still play this gambling game, when crafting and fruit selling is similarly profitable.

have a variety of fruits to share as well.

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oh i didnt even notice it. I honestly didnt have a plan on which uchi i would've ended up getting in the long run. But the game gave me Fuchsia. and shes a keeper. It also gave me Axel, and he's been a total bro since day 1. I can't complain.

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lmao cope

oh, and i have some fossils so maybe i have something you're missing

Why so slow? Is there another thread up?

Dead game

pandemic is over, everyone went back to work

Game is dead m8, no content

Post the coolest villager you have in your island right now

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Whats the appeal of this faggot ass child's game? Why do so many trannies and pedoweebs like it?

Elvis is my man! Thought he's annoying, but he's a grump with the heart of gold!

I got 162 until noon, but you can find better prices if you wait

My turnips are priced at 283 for the AM, will they be higher later or lower?

this will do, i will need two trip though, do you need anything?

ooh, that's a nice price, sorry other bud.

can i come in?

What should it be??? It's for Piper, by the way.

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What were the previous prices? might be a small spike
Look at that, the user above have better prices already, let's hope he opens

"suck a dick."

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something racist

I walk into Ankha's house to give her a gift and I walk into this. Klaus has gone too far.

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There's certainly nothing cool about Skye.

>he plays as a girl

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Funny thing is I had Elvis as one of my favorites but when he left I moved it Rooney and I had inmediate regret at first but now I've warmed up to him.
I hope Elvis is having fun in your islands

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>Cock-a-gobble do!

do you not?

I would wait for someone else you'll definitely get better. I only sell on my island (more fun that way) though I do open up when it gets really high, had 530 last week

>What were the previous prices? might be a small spike

Mondsy Tuesday Wednesday were around 80-100, yesterday 160ish (I bought at 102) today 283 for am. I'm worried this might be the spike but doesn't it only go up for the PM?

my dude

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Yea, wanna fight about it? The girls are adorable in this game and it's more fun to dress em up than the dudes.

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Added, ty

I have peanut in boxes

Looks amazing with an Iron armor on.

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I dress up my cute villagers, that's honestly the most enjoyment I get out of this game

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Does anyone here want to save Hamlet from the void? We had fun times

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I will, he looks dope

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Got Sprocket in boxes. He is fucking awesome and a literal robot so I’m sad to see him go. Unfortunately he’s in a DIY house and I just can bear to see him living in a dirty shack.
Perhaps one day I will get him back in all his glory.


The snow is so nice. I hope they will update soon but I like just zoning out.


I don't know what to do with my flowers. I plastered them randomly all over the island to make hybrids, but I want to put them in order now and I don't even know where to start. And I'm worried that if I get rid of too many of them my island rating will drop.

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I'll take him, sorry hamlet bro gotta go with the robot

Rocket is making a birdcage,
also I have Kidd the goat at the campsite.
Dodo is BPP52.
just bring some hybrids if you want to tip

I'm going with sprocket, sorry bro. If I gotta have a jock villager I have to take the robot

I’m not able to connect right now unfortunately, but I will post again between 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm PST.

I don't think I'll be on then, visiting family

>turnip calculator says the big one is going to hit the island
>getting excited for visitors and whatnot to come and draw on the board
oh friday is going to be great lads.

The campsite is only for you btw

Sorry user.

You! Yeah, YOU!
Name your favourite VN girl!

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I had a dream last night that Tom Nook forced some ugly looking villager in my town before I could search the island tours.

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