When did Pokémon multiplayer stop being fun for you?

When did Pokémon multiplayer stop being fun for you?

Ferrothorn isn't even that bad, Its toxapex who is a piece of shit.

Attached: pieces of shit.png (480x310, 208.79K)

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Introduction of doubles as the main competitive format.

Very understandable.

What is it about doubles which you don't like?

Doubles is like a completely different thing from the actual game and treated as a gimmick. SwSh had like 3 double matches in the game but as soon as you go online the game goes "lol fuck the way you've been playing the entire time, do it this way now".

Kinda why I always liked Pokemon Colosseum/XD outside of its pretty shitty 'Pokémon Snagging' mechanic. Every main battle is doubles and the AI actually use doubles support moves so you get to learn them.

When you must have at least 4 pokémon that follow the meta to win and the last two must have some kit that fucks over certain meta pokémon
Also bless doubles for crippling stallmons such as toxapex

This. You know what was nice? Being able to use Galar-Darm or Dracovish to get past all that bullshit.

Why do they fucking ban the offensive mon but don't ban the defence mon?

Honestly, I play on Pokeshowdown and some people don't even try to think, they just pick unga Pokemon and get mad when they don't win. You get tired of shit like "LEL 6 DITTOS" after a while. I just play random and get fucked by team RNG now, pretty fun sometimes.

Because you can always roar the stallmon, while dracovish/darmanitan in singles is way more threatening as it does not even need setup to open holes in your team

It's still fun

It was a necessary evil

Let another studio get a take on a proper mainline Pokemon game.
Every 3D Pokemon game not made by fucking Gamefreak has a fuckton of soul and proper animation.

doubles is a much, much better format

>let's go bothered with making proper backgrounds for battles
>scrap everything for sword/shield, have trainers fight in a white void if they're indoors
>have butt-ugly npcs like pic related

Attached: How_to_Get_Eviolite_in_Pokemon_Sword_and_Shield_Header.png (989x452, 621.54K)

Generation 5's power creep was the beginning of the end. Gen 5's weather wars was fun as hell when you was using them but was obnoxious as hell when you wanted to play something different, The gems felt fun to use and honestly despite its absurdly powerful legendaries like Lando-T still felt like you could realistically use any Pokémon on a team, it helped that every old pokemon ended up getting a good Dream World ability with Espeon and Xatu getting fucking rad shit like Magic Bounce.

Gen 6 and Gen 7 however fucked it up with Mega Stones and Z-Crystals.

Attached: 1591342861993.webm (960x540, 1.05M)

The main problem with Megas is that they gave most of them to already popular/strong pokemon
Then again they also make incredibly stupid mistakes like MegaKanga and Mega Mawile (base 210 attack, what the fuck?)

It was a good move though because it generally avoids shitter stall strategies like OP's pic. They're only a problem in fanfic meta.

I disagree 100%. It's where the game went from slow autism to actual strategy.

>have butt-ugly npcs like pic related
I mean it IS a region based on the UK so it's pretty accurate.

>Every 3D Pokemon game not made by fucking Gamefreak has a fuckton of soul and proper animation.
No they don't.

>The main problem with Megas is that they gave most of them to already popular/strong pokemon
When can we end this retarded headcanon? Megas are perfectly 50/50 with shit or unpopular Pokemon, stop with this bullshit.

Attached: 1591417818903.jpg (516x566, 64.94K)

Threats are banned on the nature of their counterplay. With offensive threats, counterplay tends to be more limited, and in some cases stifling, such as Dracovish requiring you to run a Water immunity if you didn't want to lose several members of your team to it, with most Water immune Pokemon being very mediocre otherwise. Defensive threats like Clefable have numerous viable counters and ways to beat them without bottlenecking what choices you need to make when team building.

Also, stally and fat balance tends to be comprised of several Pokemon which makes it harder to just ban just one problematic Pokemon as the source of the rot might not be intrinsic to any one particular thing (i.e. Clefable might only be cancerous because of its ability to pair with Corviknight, not necessarily its WishPass) while offensive threats tend to be a bit more obvious.

I hope the next pokemon game is like colosseum where double battles where required

Limitless switching just makes it so every battle is a struggle of pick move > opponent switches in resist > opponent picks move > you switch in resist > repeat. Every battle is a slog of NVE moves.
Weather wars was shit, entry hazards are shit, and limitless switching is shit.
Then GameFreak goes full retard every gen now and makes a new super OP once-per-battle bullshit mechanic like Megas and Z moves and Gigantamax; and/or they make individually super OP pokemon like Ferrothorn or Aegislash or Ash-Greninja or Toxapex or MegaFug. They also completely refuse to attempt any form of balancing at any point; never any patches except to fix game bricking bugs, near zero balance changes even with new games.

What is that face supposed to mean? This is a fucking signature move.

Attached: animation.webm (540x360, 487.41K)

Forgot Landorus-T in the OP list.

And this is the pinacle of the newest game's story, with the box legendary of the game.
All they do is blandly rotate it on an axis with its normal walking forward animation. No attempt at all to give any amount of effort to what is supposed to be the climax cutscene of the entire game.
At least the Stadium games gave a shit. GameFreak gives literal negative shits.

Attached: 4324.webm (1280x720, 1.85M)

>Battle Spot is 3v3 or 4v4 garbage and went especially to shit when Megas were introduced
>try 6v6 on Showdown
>my favorites are across different tiers
>OU is shit
Pokemon multiplayer sucks and I had that revelation at the start of Gen 6

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Why would you post that when NPC in Colosseum and XD move in the exact same, identical way? In a discussion about battle animations, even? I thought non GF games were supposed to be good?

>cue double kick posting
But of course.

Attached: animation is really hard.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Weather wars