PS5 launch lineup

Will the PS5 launch lineup be better?

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PS Triple always has the best games.

launch line up is completely irrelevant. exclusives during a console's entire lifespan are way more important

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Based and ABAP

Both are horrible and are the reason why I'm deeply pessimistic with today's presentation

Never forget

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Man, I really thought Heavenly Sword was a ps3 launch title
I think it would be hard for this generations launch not to be better, but I wouldn't be that shocked either. Do hope that it doesn't take them half a gen to release the better exclusives like last time

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PS4 won!

PS3 crushed my excitement for gaming
>started wagecucking, finally can be an idort
>Pay 599€ (€) for PS3 + 69.99 for Resistance (no games at launch, thought at least multiplayer gave value) + 20€ for hdmi cable
>play four days, get bored and sell
>try moturdstorm, makes me fall asleep
>gran turdismo hd was the shits
>ninja gaiden sigma was ok but I had already played NGB
>virtua fighter
>no online and everybody I knew played only Tekken and maybe DoA
>paid full fucking price for untold legends dark kingdom
>folklore a few months later
>imported LAIR and sold it before it arrived over here after reviews hit
>mfw all the games that should've been on console with 50m budget are made for DS
>ultimately give up, slow down on gaming while playing xbox 360 from time to time
>took me 3 years to give a shit about PS3 but I had already cracked by that point
>play Uncharted 1 and 2 to platinum but stop caring afterwards
>played Demon's Souls dozens of times, only good memory from that pile of vomit of a console

The only plus side is that my backlog is big enough to last me through many years of non-games for PS5 just like it happened for PS4.

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>first game shown:
>launch title:
>biggest surprise:
>last game shown:

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the only game i liked form the ps3 line up was carbon. the rest was trash


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best launch lineup of any console ever even despite how shitty FFX turned out to be.

And you didn't know how terrible was the series going to become.


Knack 3 might save them

>Uncharted 4 lower than Uncharted : Lesbian Fart Sniffing Simulator™

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looks like an autist made this list.

I wish I was 18 when they released PS2, imagine how exciting would this be

Last Guardian is absolutely NOT god tier. That shit is low tier, maybe mid tier at best. Fucking disappointment with awful AI.

launch games are always awful

companies take a hit on quality of the game + good use of the tech just because they know theyll make money from sales early on

>2 NBA games at launch


I remember shitposting how you could stkip ten years of gaming and miss nothing at all.
If this pic is real, the shitposting became reality.

Yeah. FF had its apex on the PS1 and it only went down since then.

I dont even play playstation and i know this is garbage

Those aren’t launch titles. You would know that if you weren’t still in high school.

Holy shit I didn't remember why I bought the ps4 with Bloodborne bundle, but now I do.
What a shit lineup, it's literally impossible to make it worse.

FAXX Carbon only good PS3 lineup game.

The only things on here that even look worth playing are BB, dreams, and gravity rush. I hate movieshit so much.

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Here is the PS2 launch for those that want the perspective.

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Has there EVER been a good launch lineup for any system though?


PS2 had more memorable exclusive killer applications from 2000 to 2002 than PS3 had for the whole generation
Imagine spending $599 for shit you'll see in 2024.

Is this even the same company? What the fuck happened?