Famitsu Sales: Week 23, 2020 (Jun 01 - Jun 07)

01./01. [NSW] Animal Crossing: New Horizons # (Nintendo) {2020.03.20} (¥5.980) - 97.810 / 4.783.229 (-5%)
02./00. [NSW] Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics (Nintendo) {2020.06.05} (¥3.980) - 64.443 / NEW
03./03. [NSW] Ring Fit Adventure (Nintendo) {2019.10.18} (¥7.980) - 29.487 / 986.046 (-25%)
04./02. [NSW] Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition # (Nintendo) {2020.05.29} (¥5.980) - 16.786 / 107.575 (-82%)
05./00. [NSW] Kowloon Youma Gakuenki: Origin of Adventure # (Arc System Works) {2020.06.04} (¥5.800) - 11.774 / NEW
06./05. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo) {2017.04.28} (¥5.980) - 10.883 / 2.976.727 (+4%)
07./06. [NSW] Splatoon 2 # (Nintendo) {2017.07.21} (¥5.980) - 9.226 / 3.446.650 (-8%)
08./09. [NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate # (Nintendo) {2018.12.07} (¥7.200) - 7.610 / 3.718.682 (+5%)
09./27. [PS4] The Last of Us Remastered [PlayStation Hits] (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.07.26} (¥1.990) - 7.210 / 84.971 (+278%)
10./10. [NSW] Minecraft # (Microsoft Game Studios) {2018.06.21} (¥3.600) - 7.082 / 1.406.932 (+5%)

Top 10

NSW - 9
PS4 - 1

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where's the hardware sales?

Yfw Xenoblade only sold 100k

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4.7M just in Japan
jesus fuck

Switch = 68,192 (19,183 Lite// 49,009 Standard)
PS4 = 21,291 (5.590 Pro // 15,701 Standard)
3DS = 1,180 (1,122 n-2SDLL // 58 New 3DS)
XB1 = 37 (22 X // 15 S)

Where's FF7R?

>05./00. [NSW] Kowloon Youma Gakuenki: Origin of Adventure # (Arc System Works) {2020.06.04} (¥5.800) - 11.774 / NEW
The fuck is this?
Also sony put lou on sale or what?

4.7 million PHYSICAL just in japan.

Attached: 1409630808061.png (516x526, 256.97K)

Rename Japan as Nintendoland already

>03./03. [NSW] Ring Fit Adventure (Nintendo) {2019.10.18} (¥7.980) - 29.487 / 986.046 (-25%)
Just one more week. Next week it should be at 1 million physical in japan.
FF7R the most hyped remake of the most hyped jrpg of all time still not there.

A obscure JRPG

in the trash where it belongs

Reports have total digital sales at 10 mil. With half the sales being digital, it can be assumed it's already sold 20 mil. It's insane.
Feels bad but the IP is slowly growing. It probably did a million WW by now. Do people have P5R numbers? That's the only thing that's kind of comparable.

>Switch on massive shortage
>Famitsu most popular articles are where and when to find a Switch
>still 100% YoY
No wonder PS decided to run away and focus on the West boys

Attached: ss (2020-06-11 at 09.25.48).png (517x352, 25.5K)

>05./00. [NSW] Kowloon Youma Gakuenki: Origin of Adventure # (Arc System Works) {2020.06.04} (¥5.800) - 11.774 / NEW

That game looks so fucking great and its a PS2 port
I hope it gets localized

09./27. [PS4] The Last of Us Remastered [PlayStation Hits] (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2018.07.26} (¥1.990) - 7.210 / 84.971 (+278%)
20 bucks with DLC, still only 7k

>Feels bad but the IP is slowly growing. It probably did a million WW by now. Do people have P5R numbers? That's the only thing that's kind of comparable.
>selling like Xenoblade 2
>out of Holiday seasons

are you perhaps FFVII Seething niggers?

Its a VN with first person dungeon crawling and sometimes it has PC88 graphics and other times it has dragon quest 1 interface
this is all the info I got looking at screenshots
It looks fucking wild and I want to play it

You can't say that!!!
It's the greatest jarpig of all time!!!1!1

Sounds cool.

People are at least drawing all the main girls. By the time XC3 comes along, we'll get a deluge of cute girl art meaning that people are thinking about the game.

but wheres pacman?


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People probably used the vouchers and bought it digitally. But it wasn't as high priced as XC2 so who knows.

lmao Xenocucks on suicide watch

It's going to be the best selling game ofall time in Japan by this time next year.

What's that random Sony game doing there?

And its not even good

>even years later with splatfests/ect. over, Splatoon 2 still is in the top ten every fucking week without end

How does woomy do it, lads? How does it keep selling so well even today? Also, Splatoon 3 wen?


You DON'T want to compare Xenoblade numbers with P5 numbers, it just makes the Xenoblade numbers seem like they are bad, and they arent.
P5R is also a re-release with extra content like 2 years after the original while XCDE is a remaster on a new console 10 years after the original.

That-s just physical, the digital sales are over 10m.

>You DON'T want to compare Xenoblade numbers with P5 numbers, it just makes the Xenoblade numbers seem like they are bad, and they arent.

Isn't Ring Fit only a physical release?

Wasn't Royal Japan lifetime sales just 200k?
