What was his most kino review?

What was his most kino review?

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i like the one with Zig Forums references

stalker i like the most

does he actually have a big following of polish people? He references them in multiple videos

What went wrong?

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The God Hand one probably.

It's one thing to keep posting e-celebs, it's another to post the epitome of racism. Go fuck yourself.


I think Stalker is his best work, though HoMM3 was really good as well.

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STALKER or Dark Messiah

coincidentally the two best games he's also reviewed on his channel

He does.
Just check his Patreon backers. Lots of polish people there.
I believe he has a polish gf/wife.
> Someone told him to refer classic polish comedy which used Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz (legit name/surname which is impossible to spell for any foreigner). I doubt that someone like Patreon backet would ever give it to him.

He sounds American, but he is apparently not?

Morrowind, although the dog ass rape joke went a little too long.

AP renekton lizard wizard

Link reference.


The Vampire one, really well made and funny.

He donated to the BLM fund

> Polish cucks pay him to cuck them and black a polish girl
BLACKED loving white soibois are the worst. We need a cleansing

For fuck's sake fuck off

>that ending

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>black warlord not donating to BLM to help destabilize the great satan

>ironically donating to a terrorist org
that's some enlightened shitposting right there

Oh fuck


I think he is a pole that migrated to UK
he had some polish sites in the back of some videos iirc

She was probably living in UK or other western country already so who the fuck cares.

Synthetik followed by Star Sector. you could tell that he genuinely liked the games

Sseth stop shilling your gay bullshit, no one cares about your shitty videos

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He sold out and now pretends all the edgy stuff in the earlier videos was ironic.

Corona is a virus group name, the guy has a fucking master's degree in medicine among other studies, I shit you not, wouldn't surprise me if he saw the Covid-19 outbreak coming.

wasn't there a video that had a clip of him naming his patreon backers CITIZEN # 23455 with a bunch of chinese shit? that was funny

it's not that big a deal. people have been predicting for decades that pandemics will come out of China and some have even predicted that they'll start in Wuhan

is that true?

As a pole who's also an expert on Sseth I can tell that ACHUALLY not.
The way how he pronounces Żywiec in Gothic review makes it impossible. But yeah, he has direct contact with Polish peopoe who fill him in with polish culture.
> Best review: Space Station 13
> Best video: T-series (with runner up Origin Story)

Started dragging on his videos, tried too hard to be funny, sold out

Based denialtard

He's probably danish because in his stalker video he showed danish cigarettes

Pole here, yes, several of my friends watch his videos and all love him.
Mostly because of his taste in games.

Why hasn't he been cancelled yet for being a white guy who uses blackface avatars?

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I liked Kenshi the best.


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Space Station 13

Is Sseth a vtuber?

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god hand easily

olivia porn bro

Aaaaand dropped.

I have not played a single game this guy reviewed, is that bad?

Who cares about that bitch when we live in a world where Civvie exists?
Currently my top game reviewers. Comfy, funny, not cringe like most reviewers.

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he's a jew

I bet you think Sam Hyde donated $5000 to the Daily Stormer unironically as well.


You should play HoM&M3 immediately.

for me it's the kenshi review

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>The way how he pronounces Żywiec
Sugerando że to jakiś dowód xD I would have done the same to cover my tracks

*ends a sentence with a clip of someone getting shot in the game he's reviewing*

>in a world where Civvie exists?
>"I'm not gonna be political but I am gonna show I'm in-line with my random cancer mouse whatever pls no bully me"
>muh greasey
Either be edgy or don't, sissy. He's like every other pseudo-dark comic on youtube, just another shade of pansy hiding behind profanity and a supposed love for crass humor

Unironic answer
Morrowind is his only good one and even that is filled with shitty memes.
Everything else is meme-spouting with barely any useful information.
At least his younger audience is being exposed to good games.

His Heroes of might and magic ones were good.
Heroes 3

le epic based humor can only get you so many laughs if you're not a 14 year old

he's an SJW. Every wolfenstein game review he makes a point to le punch nazis or whatever.
Serves him right that he's a cripple

It did sound fairly convincing.
Czemu nie kara? Czy kara jeszcze jeździ na rowerku?

Nie wiem czy gimbaza jeździ, HERETYK here xD