"E4" Gaming events [STICKY THIS]

5 hours left until Playstation 5 reveal event:

List of all events, plus times and streaming links:

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lmao the IGN event yesterday sucked massive cock, adds upon adds upon adds

Sticky this *grabs crotch*

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And who the hell are you?

mods sticky THIS

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yeah I'm not hyped for the IGN stuff, but 5 hours and we have all the PS5 reveals and games.

Did they even show anything worth a damn at the IGN shit yesterday?

ps5 is dogshit.
call me when nintendo is announcing something.

>something is bad even though you have not even seen anything from it

I've seen Sony be dogshit for the entire last console generation. Why would I expect them to change their behavior when it's clearly been very successful for them?

sony is lost

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Who is better then?

lol seethe more manchild

lol nincels have no self-awareness do they

>MS didn't even bother showing up


MS has lots of money to burn
they are going to make Sony unveil everything and pricing first
then undercut Sony


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Demon Turf, Alex Kidd 30 seconds of mortal shell. They look interesting, but I didn't watch all the mortal shell gameplay because I'd prefer suprises.

>Demon Turf
I thought it looked shit.

it's going to be comfy

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I'm a Nintendo baby, but I will definitely tune in. Either we see the future of gaming or an absolute cringe fest. Win-win in my book.

>but I will definitely tune in

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I lost so much semen to current nintendo generation girls like holy fuck

I hate how racist game devs are.
>haha i'm black woman so I need to have deads or afro
fucking retards I can't believe nobody calls them out on this

do nintendo fans actually play video games?
or do they just fap to the screenshots?

Thanks, I'll watch this in the morning

What does the new E stand for?

Will they show unnanounced non-excklusive games on PS5? I really hope it will be like microsoft e3 2018.

Where do you think you are, faggot?

oh right, Zig Forumsintendo

i gonna fucking sticky this alright

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No, you just don't get to tell mods to sticky shit.

we do both since we got games and girls unlike the gaystation

>since we got games and girls

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