What game Zig Forums?

What game Zig Forums?

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>boss has 100000 HP
>joins the party with like 3000 HP

every pokemon mystery dungeon usually

Twisted Metal Black and (to an even greater extent) Head-On

Kinda like that in SRW (with HP and EN), but the boss normally gets stronger attacks, while their costs are increased to match your units (unless they the energy costs as is, then they end up extremely broken).

Hello, Zuko here!

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AtLA was so good, what a shame Korra happened

That's rough, buddy.

Any good sites to watch Last Airbender?

Reminded me of Pokemon Mystery dungeon

fuckin' Magus

Korra got dicked around by the network.

Don't have much hope for the live action though

It had badass animation though.

just torrent bro

i JUST rewatched all of tla and nostalgia aside i was actually so impressed with how solid it was. like the world is so fleshed out and everything about the spirit world is kino. real fucking shame we never got book 4.

why would there be a book 4

It's probably not a fair comparison, but watching Korra after ATLA just makes me think to how ugly ATLA was a lot of the time. Animation highlights are very, very few and far between.
Great show, still, but the prettiest thing in the world.

Book 4 with ATLA characters are the comic books.

>liking shitty gaijin imitations of anime with a framerate that feels infinitely worse than the lowest-quality anime

Nigger from where

They wanted a book 4 but didn't get the funding from Nick. Shymalan's movie flopping contributed to that. Apparently they wanted to redeem Azula.

nice costume, but the scar is on the wrong side

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Not really a playable boss per-say, but the fucking Ornstein armor in DS was such a disappointment, didn't even have the chad plume on the helmet.

the creators had actually planned for it but then m night came along. azula was going to get a redemption arc and im guessing itd also be about the group struggling to find and create balance in a post-war world

Fire Emblem Fates did this

tales of symphonia

that's rough buddy

>Redeeming Azula
Thank fuck we never got book 4 then, what an awful idea. The whole point is the contrast between her and Zuko. Both in similar situations, but while Zuko mellowed out and learned to stop his violent quest for power and acceptance, Azula only doubled down on it, causing her to lose everything and become a broken shell of a woman who is a sobbing mess at the end. Redeeming her would fucking ruin it.

Depends on how she got redeemed.

>Boss Has a second phase after you kill it.

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>go to a friends house
>he's watching korra
>there's a fight where someone is metalbending armor on themselves as the fight goes on
You guys told me it was bad. That was the tightest shit I've ever seen.


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Nigger the bay of pirates

The comics are book 4 and she got redeemed in it.

They already did that in TLA.

The animation and fights in Korra are very good, the story and characters are shit, the setting is decent too which make it a real shame.

azula had little bits and pieces of good in her sprinkled through the show that on a rewatch really hint at her being redeemed

Literally Hilda from Stella Glow

nigger, anime WISHES it was good as AtLA.
I only like Ping-Pong and Mob Psycho 100

This is your code word for off topic cartoon threads on Zig Forums then.


why is every thread the same fucking posts

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>Korra got dicked around by the network
Being dicked by the network doesn't stop the writing from being awful. Even if they just aired season one there was still a lot of useless padding.

she treated her friends well enough, and was aggressive in pursuing fire nation dominance like every other soldier


No she didn't

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>he doesnt recognize that Zig Forums has the best threads that arent about video games

jedi power battles

i am also mad they didnt go with my headcanon

Same discord raiders who refuses to make a thread on Zig Forums but invade Zig Forums instead.

>boss loses most of his powers while becoming playable
>gets back his full power during the rest of the game

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If I wasn't lazy, I would love to put together a collection of instances like this.
It makes me wonder how many posts are just reposts and/or actual people.

I will hammer your thread until deletion with every ip and shitposter for hire i can get.

TAC Gun in Crysis.
Wipe out a base in Multi.
Barely hand grenade damage in solo.

>boss gives up on his evil powers to join you

i can already tell how this thread is going to go
>avatar best show ever
>korra bad
>zuko and azula incest
>comic book panel posting with the same mass reply

Lavos sucked his magic so it make sense

is the discord boogeyman the most widespread usage of a boogeyman that Zig Forums has seen or does calling everything reddit still take the cake?

Magus was a big let down. Kino one on one battle with Frog is so much more worth it.

>>zuko and azula incest
If only.

I'm surprised there isn't an Avatar vr game yet.

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They fixed that with DS3 though didn't they?

It will always be jews with trannies as a close second my friend.

I liked AtLA, but I really just can't agree with this. It was a deliberate attempt to ape off anime's style just like CN did with Titans. At least AtLA definitely did the better job in that regard. Aang just has this total kiddy show air about him and at the same time they try to play him off as smart and wise despite them showing being Avatar doesn't work that way.
Zuko's development was written so much better it would feel like Aang was just an afterthought if the show weren't named after him.
I give them credit for at least being able to say people kill and die in it.
They wait until book 3 to even give you the motivations behind the war and it turns out to be prettt flimsy.

I honestly think even One Piece content is handled more maturely.