Does Zig Forums like the doll from bloodborne?

does Zig Forums like the doll from bloodborne?

Attached: doll 141412412.jpg (1024x541, 111.77K)

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the doll is sent from the ayy lmaos to create a new Great One

so no, shes evil

but she's cute

Attached: doll 154.jpg (500x677, 148.62K)

does Zig Forums like this goat?

Attached: 1584392254397.jpg (675x1216, 222.78K)

bumping thread with this video of Jerma985 using an easy bake oven on stream for 3 hours

Objectively the best level up girl. DS3 firekeeper is probably the worst.

I want to marry her

Attached: doll sleep.gif (500x696, 115.22K)


Attached: cb850336308ecdafeabaa7447fcdc1d3.jpg (736x860, 103.2K)

DS3 firekeeper is literally just the great value brand doll. Even the emerald herald is more interesting.

me in the middle haha

emerald herald was supposed to havve mroe kcontentn LIEK hshe was ainootant ascharhaterrr

Attached: ds2 original.jpg (5464x3132, 2.07M)

God I wish she looked at me like that...

Attached: looking at trash.png (451x558, 296.14K)


reverse search

I prefer real woman. Not fake imaginary waifus.

Attached: 1591307632240m.jpg (723x1024, 81.57K)

would have taken you just as much time to give me the source
Either give an actual answer or don't answer at all cunt

It's a cropped image which makes it basically impossible to reverse search
you are a bitch

kys fag

search literally any hentai doujin site for "bloodborne"

boring, no dialogue, how am i supposed to care for her if she doesnt give me any reason to?

Attached: ds2 firekeeper.png (578x609, 428.41K)

Yes I love her and want to protect her

me too

This is extremely interesting and explains a lot about the environments and locations of the game not making sense


Old giants look dumb. At least one thing replaced turned out for the better

here'esd the hofsdoghep odgoe MEMSS

Attached: ds2 timeline.png (1086x582, 127.94K)

Is that even English you are speaking?

Attached: IMG_20200608_203404.jpg (1299x1133, 404.14K)

slrorroy i keep stormking out naowadays, it's a bad habit i have na ia whenbecaus i havbent spoekn to a spperson i nreal life for a long time i havent had a hug since 2016

Attached: firekeeper8781.jpg (1280x1680, 212.37K)

What does hofsdoghep odgoe MEMSS even mean?

i vsny etioyr pårtpåöu suy söö yjrdr sufd o trsööu tdpttu oy'd öolr o, sggöovyrf eoyj s vitdr