Is it safe to say this will be forgotten about after tonight...

Is it safe to say this will be forgotten about after tonight? All future focus will be on PS5 and Switch sales will nosedive due to the hype and preparation

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Lmao, are you still seething over the switch, OP?

Yes. Nintendo will declare bankruptcy tomorrow. Get ready to press S to spit because there's no way that Nintendo can possibly recover from the PS5's reveal.

They're already releasing the ps5!?!
The ps4 isn't even that old?

7 years lmao

came out 7 years ago, pretty normal

Snoyfags are so assblasted by the Switch they actually think PS5 will impact Switch in any way whatsoever.

It won't.

>Is it safe to say this will be forgotten about after tonight?
we can at least count on it living rent free in your head until you die of super AIDS

Switch is a best-selling console. Instead of being a butthurt snoyfag, why not expect the Switch to have a decent lifespan?
Do you actually enjoy having to ditch a console only after 3 years? The PSX lasted for almost a fucking decade.


I mean, if there will be an Ape Escape, yes. If there will not be an Ape Escape, no.

Holy shit I feel old...

All the little Timmys are going to be asking their parents for a PS5 this Christmas instead of a Switch. So yeah I'd say that'll impact sales

The focus will be on how the PS5 is $599.99 and your average normie will buy the far cheaper switch instead.
Euros will keep buying annual FIFA/COD instalments on the PS4 until they're forced to upgrade sometime in 2022/2023 by which point the Switch 2 will be out anyway.

While I am fairly sure that the PS5 will cause a lot of buzz for the moment, I doubt that this will kill Nintendo's sales altogether since y'know, New Horizons has been literally the best game during quarantine.

This sums it up.

>"Mommy can I have a PS5 for Christmas"
>"Fuck no Timmy it's $599.99"

>Will the new home console affect sales of this portable console?
Are you dumb?

>Will a handheld be killed by a knock off PC?
Uh... No?

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It used to be Sony hated Xbox. But now that onions boys have emerged they love Sony.

Why would it be forgotten after tonight? Gameplay trailer for the new Zelda goes out at 12:30. The PS5 will be forgotten if anything.

Nintendo would be so based if they dropped the BOTW2 trailer today. Either way the switch will be fine, what on earth are people gonna play on the PS5? bloodborne HD?

Don't be silly user. It's UHD.

god i wish they’d drop the trailer today. but the PS5 reveal event is supposed to showcase launch titles and upcoming games, so they’ll have plenty to talk about

It’s been exactly one year since the first trailer so it’s not impossible they give us an update at least

is this resetera

Can I take my PS5 anywhere? Because if I can't, even my laptop is better than a PS5

>2022/2023 by which point the Switch 2 will be out anyway.

what? the ps5 isn't a handheld, why would it damage switch sales

>hype and preparation
lul! Most of my normie friends didn't even knew that the PS5 would be released today


Nintendo wins again


>2013 was 7 years ago
god, i wanna come back