You can't even have a fucking opinion anymore in this dystopian gestapo society

You can't even have a fucking opinion anymore in this dystopian gestapo society

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Oh no, I can't say that an entire race of people should die! I'm being oppressed!

Correct. The hard left liberal hurricane only wants free speech and non-censorship when it does not apply non-hard left liberals.

That said anyone who is political on their social media while working under contract is a fucking retard.

If you're a PR liability, then that's your fault for being too smoothbrained to keep your mouth shut.

Having controversial opinions is fine, airing them in public when you're the face of billion-dollar company is inviting trouble.

That's completely false. Look how anti free speech the right gets when you talk about evolution, global warming, and the fact that the Bible is complete fiction.

He didn't say anything of the sort, he merely stated hard truths.

>having a different opinion is fine, as long as you keep it to yourself and march lockstep like the rest of us

>"downplaying the death of George Floyd"
>controversial opinion
>not being particularly mad that a criminal nigger was killed by police while drugged up and resisting arrest
>controversial opinion

>We should resign ourselves to live in fear of expressing any opinion that contradicts the cathedral narrative.


kys nigger

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can someone post the wojack gets banned from disney comic

Yeah it is you fucking edgelord

Black LIES Matter

White people kill buildings full of people and just walk out in cuffs.

>dude global warming
>dude evolution
Update your arguments, you shitlib grandma, this isn't 2004 we're living in.

>hehe, I just dog whistled my beliefs. The left will never catch on.
>Wtf the left caught my dog whistle! I feel so oppressed. :(

>post fact
>get executed
based free world

He literally did nothing wrong, he posted facts.

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It's 2020 and not licking the balls of a thug who happens to be black is having a "controversial opinion".

Go say that global warming is real, evolution causes speciation, and that the bible is made up on twitter and see if anyone tries to get you fired for it.

>he still gets triggered by global warming and evolution facts
It's not 1804, grandpa.

That's because they don't resist arrest, dumbass nigger.

Yes, and that's because they obey police orders even in dire circumstances, whereas niggers literally cannot stop themselves from chimping out at a traffic stop. Great bait, mate.

>possibly kill your kid
This is typical inflammatory shit

cus theyre smart enough to drop their gun and comply with the police.

Floyd was 6'7, 300lbs and high on meth and started resisting arrest. Took 4 cops to hold him down then he had a heart attack you know.... cus he was 50 and high on meth. Oh he had the coronavirus too by the way

you mean when they surrender themselves to police and offer no resistance?

How many vidya devs have gotten fired for those opinions?

Sportsball are the new Gestapo now?
Holy shit it makes sense.

>evolution causes speciation

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Um, I believe it's called protest, shitlord
taking bets on them changing the name! whos in

It's amazing that you managed to read the exact opposite of what I said. Kill yourself and spare better men the trouble.

How are things going in 2005? I’d like to go back some day.

>Go say that global warming is real, evolution causes speciation, and that the bible is made up on twitter and see if anyone tries to get you fired for it.

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>This is typical inflammatory shit
The man robbed people at gun point and regularly drove under the influence of drugs.

>when you talk about evolution
How out of touch are you to think anyone cares about that? Honest question, have you ever met a right wing person in your life?

Go kiss nigger feet.

>the things I imagine are real
>what? stop calling me delusional I can and should cancel anyone I don't like based on my feelings

Woah woah woah

He is not sided with the negroid simply because he pointed a gun at a pregnant woman for money?

What a fucked world we live in, where such monsters like these exist...

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As long as you're not the representative of a large ass company, you can have whatever opinion you want. You could even be a fucking tranny commie for all I care.

Heads of companies have to be as clean and uncontroversial as possible though, if their chimping out leads to lost profit, then they're a liability, and liabilities should be kept to a minimum

>moving the goal posts
everyone dies by cops, not just negros
America has a police brutality problem, not a racist problem. They had a fucking black president

>a dude died while a cop was blocking his blood vessels
>"shows what you get for doing drugs :^) "
What did he think would happen? Dude's either retarded or looking for severance.

>don't say anything that could upset corporate
These are the people calling us bootlickers, ladies and gentlemen

cool you got any examples less than a hundred years old

Unironically yes. Free speech means jack shit in terms of business.

Noooo not the heckin saint floyderino

If working for or with a conservative far right traditionalist company and speaking those unpopular opinions, you get ridiculed.

If working for or with a company anywhere else on the spectrum, even neutral, and you even hint at thinking unpopular opinions in the privacy of your mind, you get canceled

It is the reason why it's illegal to drive high idiot.
Oh you mean the fucking riots instigated by the fake news media, holy shit you're evil.

Yeah twitter was such hot shit LITERALLY A FULL CENTURY AGO. Kill yourself you fucking detestable mongoloid

Riot's PR Lead for Valorant posts on twitter regularly about how there can't be "reverse sexism" or "reverse racism". Meanwhile the dude who was straight up farting in people's faces still works for the company.

there hasn't been a right wing riot in over 50 years grandpa

maybe don't be an unpleasant edgy retard and stop shoving politics into everything
nobody wants to hear your shit opinions

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Yes, I'm evil. Not the police who murdered somebody. Boggles the fucking mind.