Why did Astral Chain fall off the radar so quickly?

Why did Astral Chain fall off the radar so quickly?

Attached: Switch_ASTRALCHAIN_Legion_screen_20.0.jpg (1200x675, 203.83K)

Because it was a 25FPS action game. Next question.

Switch exclusive and was overshadowed by DMC5 and Sekiro both coming out the same year

But Switch owners can't play DMC5 or Sekiro, and they still didn't care about it either.

>Single Player

PC and switch fags exist though.

Switch owners just don't like action games, look at the low sales numbers for Bayo 1 and 2

is that the new
>why did arms fail?

While the mechanics are kinda interesting, it felt a bit light on the ground for me. Plus:

>Silent protag
>The cast is pretty fucking boring
>Boring designs
>Environments aren't that pleasant to look at

Just not the most appealing game.

Off all the Hack and Slash games i played, Astral Chain is one of the weakest. Played the following franchises.
DMC, NG, GoW, MGSR, Bayo, Dante's Inferno, NU Castlevania, No More Heroes.

>Switch owners are smooth brain casuals
In other news, the water is wet.


Was it just me or were the fights complete clusterfucks for anyone else? I could barely see what was going on most of the time

yeah that's why tw101 was a hit on snoymachine and steam


On a baby console

No multiplayer
No good Side-Missions/Optional fights
No NG+ to take advantage of cosmetic unlocks

Oh no why is no one buying an extremely weird isometric action games with cringe super heroes

It's just you.

DMC > NG > MGSR > Bayo > NMH > GoW > NMH > 3D Castlevania > DI > Astral Chain.

If their would be a game i would rank below Astral Chain it is Devil May Cry 2. So it has that going for it.

It's 30 fps, of course you can't see shit

People are waiting for the superior sequel, this game was a tech demo. Nintendo is the only console in history with 4 exclusives at 20 Million lifetime sales.

>No good Side-Missions/Optional fights
False. Each chapter is filled with side missions and optional fights with some even requiring a fair amount of exploration to reach.
>No NG+ to take advantage of cosmetic unlocks
It's an action game user. Think about why it wouldn't need ng+.

The gameplay loop isn’t good enough to warrant finishing, had some interesting ideas though.

I had a lot more fun with it than DMC5 but these aren't the type of games that you really talk about for that long. They're single player action games. Been meaning to jump back into it though, the combat system was amazing.

well for me the lock on makes it a crapshoot to keep an eye on other enemies and the attack committment makes dodging attacks a pain. turning lock on off makes things worse since the camera basically does nothing and managing it during a fight is frustrating. hopefully my enjoyment will improve as i get better, i like certain parts of the game but for now certain aspects of combat like the slash and chain wraping enemies is awkward and slow. gonna give it my best shot though

90% of the game took place in the red dimension of level design.
There was took much focus on the barebones generic plot and characters

Because what more it has to talk about it by now? Doesn't change the fact it was a success and no matter how much Zig Forums cries it won't change that.

post her TIGHT BUTT

i couldnt get myself to finish this game.
it just fucking sucked. never listen to Zig Forums. they just hyped this shit up because it was a new switch game that wasnt mario or zelda.

glad i quickly learned my lesson or else i would have bought Daemon X Machina as well.

>90% of the game took place in the red dimension of level design
Except it doesn't.

It was decent enough, but had no lasting power. Which is a real shame because there is so much room for improvement and expansion. the story is garbo, but it set up a world and environment that could be fun to explore if they took the rails off. It has a very interesting and unique combat system, but it defiantly needed polish in the camera and targeting system.

TW101 deserved to flop twice it's just not a good game so matter how much Kamiyafags deepthroat it

>needed polish in the camera and targeting system.

What part filtered you so hard?

there is no such thing as a switch owner, if you call yourself a gamer you gotta get a decent PC, a switch and a playstation..otherwise you have no taste or you are a poorfag

Niche game, made by a well known (to enthusiasts) developer. It's remembered still by you, and everyone else who has posted. That's really all you should expect.

He probably just mashed zr and didn't use or upgrade his legions.
Its always the same.

Because Platinum forgot Kyle exists

i enjoyed my playthrough and completed it fully but the entire time i could only imagine how much more i'd love it if it ran in 60fps at least

It was GOTY, we talked about it then we stopped talking about it because it's not a game you just keep playing over and over again for years on end

>No good Side-Missions/Optional fights
The game is filled to the brim with side-missions and optional fights.
>No NG+ to take advantage of cosmetic unlocks
The game has chapter selection.
Did you even play this game?

lock on is so garbage that 99% of the time it's better to just go 360 no scope and simply use the bow stand if you need accuracy

It was a pretty cool game not gonna lie

>and a playstation
Boy really necessary in this day and age due to the game overlap with pc and switch. Between the two you only miss out on Bloodborne as far as good games go.

sekiro overshadowed dmc in less than a month, since then only circlejerking fujos talked about their goth twinks

>lock on is so garbage that 99% of the time it's better to just go 360 no scope
That's not telling me anything user.

Its my favorite game of the Last year
Zig Forums only seeths because their e-celebs didnt make an 8 hours "analysis" of it

5 is the best selling game in the series

You probably just had difficulty with the learning curve.

>best selling game in a franchise gets outsold, and loses GOTY to a brand new ip

what learning curve? the battle mechanics isnt as difficult to understand as you nintendo kids make it out to be.