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Battlefield and Star Wars, cool i guess

>still need to download origin


Fuck these niggers for not putting an offline bot arcade mode. I just want to shoot Ottoman bots ad infinium.

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Who cares about EA?

Don't you still need origin to play them?

full list

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>Buying a game on a launcher when you need to install another launcher

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>not even a discount for people that already have the BF games on Origin
suck my cock and balls EA

only things worth half a shit are BF4, BF1 and Battlefront 2

This. I would play the shit out of bf1 and bfv if they had bots to replace the dwindling servers.

This. Fuck origin

Wake me up when Titanfall 2 is on

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yeah, for the newly added ones. Not really sure whats the point.

>all battlefield games added to steam
Wow I cant wait to play all of these dead games!

I literally don't understand, maybe because I'm a programming brainlet, why they can't just port over the Battlefront 2 bot system?

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ubisoft has been doing this since the dawn of time and when ea does it, NOOOOOOOO EA YOU CAN'T DO THAT IT'S RETARDED

Never thought that I would get to see Battlefield 3 on Steam, this is what EA should've done years ago instead of struggling with Origin.

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Literally nobody is excited because 1) it's EA and 2) you have to install Origin anyway

can i link them from origin, otherwise its worthless for 99% of people .

mah nigga I love offline bot modes. Such a shame Battlefield doesn't have them while CoD still does

already have the game but put Titanfall 2 on Steam already you peons

Ubisoft is a bunch of cocksuckers too.

and 3) no achievements

literally everyone and their mothers shits on Uplay, what are you on about

Why would you wishlist ME3? It's terrible.

ubishitters are known for their loyalty and retardation

DICE can't into AI, see the campaigns of BF3/4/1.

lol does BF3 still use the web browser for choosing servers and getting into the game?

ubisoft have been releasing their shit on steam right from the start though

>Still no Alice

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of course


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why would you buy it on steam if it requires origin anyways and you already have it on origin
are you stupid?

Why did they even get rid of it in the first place?

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yay or nay?

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>EA back on steam
>Persona 4 Golden on steam
Imagine if Bloodborne also got a PC port

>BF3 in Steam after all these years

This is equivalent of raining cats and dogs

>no Titanfall


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this will only trick the stupidest of retards, but what's the chance that player counts will go up across the board lads?



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Let me link my accounts and give me access to things I already own you cunts.


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>still no titanfall 2

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into the trash it goes

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How will the Sweenster respond to all these games coming to steam?

wave 3 niggas wave 3, gonna save the bests for last

>Putting Nu-Front 2 on Steam after killing it
Bravo faggots

>no titanfall
>no apex

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yeah, ubisoft sucks massive cocks as well

they removed it, command and conquer doesn't use it and apex won't use it when it arrives either

You think EA gonna give a decade old game seasonal updates or what?

I bet it still requires a supported web browser for multiplayer.

>gay or nay

>No titanfall 2

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>they removed it for some games


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>still no Alice
Fuck this world.

>nuField on Steam
I never thought this day would come

Aren't they selling the deluxe edition 50% off?

>No Sims 4

>tfw I got a physical copy of Titanfall 2 for 10$ at best buy for the pc
>Open it and see just a piece of paper with a code on it

Could've at least included a poster or a manual booklet thanks for noting EA

usually (((deluxe))) editions don't have all the dlcs

they always crawl back

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Did they ever fix the horrible blue filter in bf3?

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Yeah but this way steamies can get more games in their library and get badges and shit to decorate their profile page
So they mind the extra drm platform