Why exactly did microsoft choose to fund the port of this game?
And why did Sega never release it themselves when the dub was apparently done years ago?

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Because it's a hack job to get MS some good will with people for next gen and SEGA to make a quick buck exploiting the whale trannies.

Because SEGA as a company is actually retarded

I dont know, post cast butts

I wish I could play but I don't want to drive 20 miles to wal-mart so I'm waiting for thermal paste to be delivered

is the ms store version STILL fucked?

Sega is dumb, we all know this.

I haven't had any issues a few friends have though, at this point it's probably just better to use the tweaker

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>sloppy seconds cuck thread
ya'll deserve the death sentence

officer cofy is cute

>About to do my first XH Luther
wish me luck

How much content does the game have?
I remember dropping the nip version just before it started getting playable mechas and shit

It's easier than SH, there is nothing to worry about.

I'll just use the tweaker then. I could get my friends to try this out more easily if it was just download and play as it fucking should be

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>windows 10 only

Yes, it literally doesn't install. You need the launcher from microsoft to play and you will get an error as soon as the download finishes.

>still can't figure out how to remove the 60GB of hidden files after uninstalling
I literally can't download anything until I figure it out I fucking hate MS.

>still using windows 7 in 2020
Please don't tell me you do this, Windows 10 is basically free.

99% of this game is easy so far. I ho early dont even get the end game for this

PSO1 and PSU were on Xbox and were the biggest populations in the west compared to other platforms the games released on.

All windows are free.

steam version when

this worked for me

For anyone looking for an alliance on ship 2, Daicon is recruiting.

cast gang

Attached: Daicon.jpg (1920x1080, 1.16M)

Yeah I've never paid for it. Getting a free legit activation on Windows 10 in unironically easier than pirating Windows 7.

how does badly porting an old niche game from a dead company, to a dead platform, do anything for MS?

Just use the tweaker to bypass the windows store bs, works on my machine and for 2 other bros that play with me.

Never, the game is dependent on the Xbox Live framework that's included with Windows 10. If for some reason it ever does come to Steam it'll likely still be W10 exclusive.

Do you accept complete newbies?

who ship 1

Not really. Gears of War 5 and Master Chief Collection is on Steam and those rely on Xbox Live and you don't need Windows 10 despite Gears 5 being a DX12 exclusive title.

Unironically just use the tweaker, you don't even have to open the microsoft store once.

Yes, a few of the higher level dudes help people level all the time when theres an EQ

>Eva 01 colors
Every time.

Those also don't have crossplay with Xbox One players, and that's why.

if you're not going to install to your C: drive, absolutely use the tweaker (although you should probably just use it anyway)


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Gears 5 is crossplay between PC and Xbox.

Is Stalwart Spirit 15 seconds of invuln or is that just for the melee buff?

My robonigga of impeccable taste

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I hope you still have free slots tomorrow then

XH Luther is actually easier than SH by a mile and not just because there are less drooling retards by that point, Sega as always are incompetent fucks.

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