What wrong?

> Most heavily marketed rpg of all time
> not even a top 10 best seller in Japan now

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it's a movie, not a game

Is the FF brand completely dead?
What does Ff16 need to have in order to be successful?

I heard about time travel stuff and dropped

People got brainwashed into thinking it was not a full game and that the leaks dissapointed many retarded boomers.
Either way, the game is still excellent.

nobody asked for this trash It litrealy ruined all of the FF7 canon

Cope shill.

You can get sales through marketing and a well known IP up to a point, but if your game is fucking garbage then it's going to fall off the charts pretty quick.

I can't wait until covid is blamed for FFVIIR underpreforming while Animal Crossing sold one hundred billion copies.

Seething at the truth

Turn Based Combat - ARPGs literally are never good, and flop horribly every time. NieR Automata being the exception, Nintendo shit doesn’t count because they get away with anything.

It also needs to be a traditional Medivial Fantasy game with Matsuno as the director. No more realism bullshit

Completely multiplatform or Switch Exclusive. Every Switch game sells insanely well, Nobody gives a fuck about exclusives on Playstation. It’s a GTA, Fifa, COD machine. That doomed it right away. Either make it multiplat or exclusive to Switch.

Any censorship will immedietly result in a huge commercial failure, paid reviews for censorship isn’t relevant when your game sells like shit. If Tranny journalists hate FF16 for not being censored then let them.

Actually being a complete motherfucking game at release would help. No more open world or graphics bullshit will lead to a much better game. Graphics are useless and have no relevance in any game, they should be sacrificed in exchange for making a game full of as much depth & worthile content as possible

AC is at 20 million sales i think. It’s on track to surpass MK8 as the best selling Switch game with 38 million.
Nintendo is the GOAT. They develop all of their games, all of them sell extremely well & are universally acclaimed by actual gamers, despite the media’s bias for cinematic movie garbage & pozzed tranny shit

This isn't FF7, it's 10% of the original game, and every single change they made was a mistake.

It still sold 3.5 million in the first 3 days.

and I was personally waiting for a sale since it's episodic and with how shit XV was at launch and how sub-par KH3 was at launch

I've yet to hear an actual defense for Remake that isn't clearly coming from an Advent Children fan who simply watched a FFVII summary video on youtube.

Uh...it wasn't, FF7R has sold 4mil+ and xenoblade's only sold 1.2 mil (I like both)

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>shipped 3.5 million in the first 3 days.
ftfy, shill :)

>not even a top 10 best seller in Japan now
source? it literally made $1.5 billion

the original fans don't care anymore. Fuck square enix. No talent left

>This isn't FF7
Yes it is. It does actually a pretty good job at recreating the original and remaking it. Not every change is good, but theres also tons of changes better.

>he doesn't know
go eat your glue brainlet

Too bad they make the same kiddie shit games every year.

They are pretty much the Japanese EA, making updates of the same games year after year. And sometimes they get so lazy that an 'update' is too much work (ie. a sequel), so they just do a remake/remaster.


He means it wasn't in the top 10 selling games of last week:
basically it's shitposters

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>literally made $1.5 billion

What i like is that the game did well enough already to make it a success, and will continue to just grow since pc and other platforms releases are come. Also part 2 is already on its way so more kino is coming despite Zig Forums autistic screeching. And whats even better is that Zig Forums will be paying attention to EVERY single ff7r news to come. Every single one. "fans dont care" my ass. Tsundere user cant accept hes interested. Watch as every news and trailer gets +500 replies.

VIIR is still worse than XV. They cant even make full Midgar in 100GB size and most of walk is like FF13 with cutscenes. It's sucks even level design btw.

>I've yet to hear an actual defense for Remake
I like it. Fuck you.

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Shill cope.

>retard shill can't even post the official source
lol shill

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Absolute cope. It has 3.5 million sales, it’s the equivelent of a movie with a good opening night, that falls off hard afterwards

nostalgia lasts one to two days tops

How can a poster be so based?
Let me expand on the last topic. Graphics obssession was a mistake. By having these games that want so hard to be photorealistic, companies go througth their budget in the blink of an eye, and then are forced into two things: One, limiting the scope of the game. No, you're not gonna be visiting one of each biome in a large world full of unique locations, that would be too expensive for a single game. Two, reusing assets like a mother fucker, from NPCs to terrain and buildings.
Consider how many diferent locations and dungeons you used to visit in a shitty-graphics RPG of the 90s and early 2000s, then put that side by side with FFVIIR (this game is even better to be put side by side, as it's a fragment of an actual complete game). It is a disgrace.

The game wasn't actually good.

Actual sales are lower than that.

tifa as main character completely unrelated to 7's universe

Graphic are useless? Make 16 bit game and called it final fantasy 16 like u said then ask fangay this series for is this good graphic lol

it's basically the tutorial area for the original game
nobody with a brain wanted a remake like this

Pokemon has awful graphics every time and is a 100 billion dollar franchise. Graphics don’t mean shit, they are the least important aspect of a game. The only reason games are good is because they are low budget ones like Dark Souls & Nier Automata that have to use all of the little money they have towards the quality of the game, and rely on word of mouth praise from gamers to sell copies. Rather than a huge marketing budget & paid review propaganda

All other big name RPGs that were smash hits lately either have cel shaded graphics, cheap 3d graphics or are deliberately made into a retro style.

>we'll never get an actual remake of FF7 on the level of Trials of Mana or Xenoblade DE for the foreseeable future

>Xenoblade DE
Not a remake.

Remake like a shit. Tutorial is better than filler episode. They can remake old and end in Kalm but they dont do it. Make worse Sephiroth lol

I find it funny how originally it was the critics that were mindbroken schizocopers but now, after sales completely flattened out quickly, the script legitimately flipped and now it's fanboys coping massively to defend their praise that totally didn't come from either a desire to spite classic fans and/or a lack of engagement with the original game.

A ideal FF game is literally just Bravely Default set in Ivalice. Bravely Default is everything that FF should be from a gameplay standpoint, and Vagrant Story is what it should resemble in terms of setting, story, characters & atmosphere. They just need to combine these into one game

>Low budget like Dark Souls
Are u retard? Dark Souls and Nier is in PS3 era. SQEN give low budgets for every near. You cant even compare to FF7R or other game anyways. FF series always use huge budget for AAA game every times. You cant even call graphic dont matter. It's about company give budget to series. Pokemon use new engine for poopy nintendo switch. While FF use UE4 what the fuck are u talking.

BD team used to make FF in DS. They always make fantasy game but better than FF series.

>not the full story
>barely expands on Midgar, tons of repetitive and boring padding
>it's only called remake because they party is remaking the timeline, technically it's a sequel