Dual Destinies

>Dual Destinies
>Three main characters

Attached: DD_cover_art.png (1377x1376, 1.67M)

The name is in sake of Athena and Blackquill having a destiny together for Athena's dead mother.

I’m in the middle of case 4 and don’t really feel like continuing for some reason. Case 2 was also pretty annoying and left me not coming back to the game for like a week.


based on what i've gathered, i'd be fine just playing through the main trilogy and stopping right?
i've heard only the edgeworth games are worth playing after the first 3

The first three games are unquestionably the best. After that, the original director leaves, and the games become increasingly wacky, until you have teleporting psychic monks and stuff.

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>t. speedreader
Obviously it refers to Phoenix and Blackquill who were both falsely charged, Phoenix with forged evidence and Blackquill with murder. The whole point of the game, and the reason why Edgeworth asked Phoenix for help was to save Blackquill in order to end the dark age of the law. It started with them and it ended with them.

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> increasingly wacky

>i've heard only the edgeworth games are worth playing after the first 3
They're definitely the best games after the first trilogy, but they're not the only ones worth playing.

The parrot was built up to as the final crazy thing of the first game.

this game was so mediocre that it almost made me not want to play the sequel, luckily i did, spirit of justice is amazing

The only bad game in the series is AJ and even it has some redeeming qualities

I really liked AJ, fuck it I'll go play it again

Yea, your opinion is shit. Shut the fuck up

Did you play the DLC case? It's the best one in the game.

>Dual destinies
>Game is shit

Story-wise it's referring to Athena and Blaquill.

Obviously before knowing that it's to make you think Phoenix/Apollo

AJ was far better than DD, and SoJ was about as good as AJ

Hate to say it, but probably never.

Ghost Trick kinda felt like a progression of Ace Attorney's game mechanics that Ace Attorney itself never bothered with honestly, wish that got a series somehow

>edgeworth games are worth playing
They are good but amnesiac kay is making me doubt all the people that said that Investigations 2 is the best game ever

Some AI2 cases are fucking great.

And those ones with Sherlock Holmes.

I don't want a AA7, I instead would like a new spinoff like DGS

Or just official releases of those would be nice.

>still have not gotten around to playing SoJ even though I've played every other entry in the series
Am I missing out on much?

>Some AI2 cases are fucking great.
Some are but the forgotten turnabout is the retarded shit ever and almost make me drop the game

That is never going to happen thanks to Sherlock Holmes.

SoJ at lest is better than DD

she's only there for that case, and even then it's still a great case

>Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice
>Actually Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney 2

It's an improvement over DD so playing it will at least give you the impression that the series is on an upswing in terms of quality.

Apollo being the most based character in the history of the series.

Not really, it's mostly a Phoenix game until it pulls a 4-4 at the end except with Phoenix's and Apollo's roles switched this time (I thought it was just as shitty as when 4-4 did it personally but no one seems to agree)

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