What's with e-celebs and gaming youtubers so strongly pretending emulation doesn't exist...

What's with e-celebs and gaming youtubers so strongly pretending emulation doesn't exist, going through huge efforts and waste of money and time modding and burning shit to play on real hardware and showing "H-Hey guys we just play on real hardware!"?

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>scalping online
>buyer's remorse
>sudden realisation that you're nearing 40 and the only thing you have to show for it is the pile of children's toys you've accumulated over the years

Im starting to feel this. Fuck. It’s all a waste of fucking money. Its so fucking gay and stupid. Shit.

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youtube probably has some ToS regarding promoting piracy, other than that i don't think most of them give a shit

They just don't have the same drive to finish the game unless they have a physical copy. And I can relate, to a degree. When you have an everdrive with all the hundreds of SNES games on it, your will to actually finish playing Super Mario World approaches zero, because you can just swap to any other game the moment one stage is kind of boring. Still, on principle, I'd rather have an everdrive-like cartridge + physical hardware to play games, not because PC emulation is shit, but because I like using official controllers and playing on CRTs for Gamecube and older generations, since that's how I played them when I was younger. Obviously I could just Dolphin + Melee + HD texture packs or whatever, but it's not quite the same.

MLIG is pretty based, though.

Well you sure seem to be at least.

How old?

I think I may need to get a job or be productive to actually enjoy vidya again.

the drive you're missing is not related to hardware, it's due to the fact that you aren't 5 anymore and your brain is sunconsciously telling you to get off your ass and stop wasting your life on meaningless tripe

I would prefer to play it on real consoles but I can't afford to pay hundreds of dollars for consoles and games and I only have one life so I'm not gonna not play them at all

But life is equally meaningless regardless of what hobby you use to pretend it isn't, user. There is no point to anything you do, you are earning nothing. Nobody will care once you are gone, nobody will care whether you put effort or did good, and even if they did it would not change anything because you'd be dead.

Nintendo doesn't like emulation and if you talk about emulation they won't give you free stuff and invite you yo special events and stuff, just look what happened to that BeatEmUp guy, he uploaded a video playing Beath of The Wild on 4k 60fps with mods on Cemu on a PC and saying "oh wow look how muchas better it looks with custom shaders on my PC" and Nintendo instantly stopped working with him

Because most people have something called a conscience, which you clearly don't have.

playing on real hardware is more fun than using a keyboard- complete immersion as opposed to being able to tab to something else at any time

except you know, acquiring currency, land, and building a family you'll eventually pass the former to.
Wouldn't expect a game collecting nihilist bugman to understand actual life priorities, though.

Is this bait lol?

>emulating games
>n-no conscience

Emulation will never be good enough. I swear you could show these faggots a perfectly accurate emulator that runs games better than the original hardware and they'd argue that the higher framerate makes the game lose its SOUL or some shit.

oh boo hoo how will the atlus employees cope with me playing their old shitty localised gba game that's impossible to get physically

>we must think of the poor multibillionaire megacorporation... Nintendo

How old are you senpai?

MLiG is actually a good channel though.


That is hardly a higher meaning. It is quite literally the most normal thing you can do.

You can use gamepads on PCs you know

because they are e-celebs and gaming youtubers you tard

a lot of these nostalgia purists legitimately believe that you're not getting the "full" experience if you're playing on emulators. they're the type of pretentious /vr/ tards that will say "you didn't actually beat the game because you used emulators". then they recommend you to play obscure SFC/PS1/PS2 games that cost a couple hundred bucks.

Emulators would be good if they were all like bsnes

regardless of the acitvity, what you listed are just excuses to avoid your indefinite death. You feel more relief participating in society because it hits those reward circuits, ensures your survival and actively keeps your dopamine in check.

I'm not curled up in bed though am I. hard to be comfy in a computer chair with headphones on

Why are you here

I thought the left guy had downs from the thumbnail

the meaning of life is to reproduce and pass on wealth and knowledge, dumbass.
Without doing so you are quite literally a biological failute billions of years in the making, the only person in your line since the dawn of time not to breed.
But hey at least you have Kid Dracula for Gameboy on your shelf.

Even your existential bait is weak, user-kun. You must hone your art.

Who are they?
Do they have downs syndrome?

playing ps1 games without PGXP and perspective correct textures is stupid.

to keep up with internet drama mostly. Quit vidya 5-6 years ago, I just watch them on YT now.

Yeah, but it's not like, the original gamepad, you can't just like, use them with usb adapter or something, you MUST have the original console hooked up to a PVM to get the REAL experience. You're not a real games unless you sink hundred of dollars into original hardware and a shitty 14 inch CRT.

They're retro vidya e-celebs. Their own good videos are the ones related to getting the best video quality for your old consoles. Other than that, ignore everything else they upload.

There is no meaning of life to the apex predator of a foodchain. They simply continue to be as-is unless there is any need for change in their environment.
Clearly you are not passing on much knowledge as it is.

Same. First time I’ve come back to Zig Forums in years (probably since 2015). Bit jaded about gaming but glad there’s still people my age here.

Hope the PS5 reveal is, not shit.

funnily enough nobody had a PVM back in those days.
It's just retrofags scalping you for as much as they could.

yeah no meaning at all. We better kneel and make mixed race babies so we can go back to the stone age as a species -- it is our duty as racists #BurnLootMurder

>Their own
*Their only

Read my post. I never said they were bad or unbased, just a bit annoyed to the lengths they go to prove they don't emulate. Like motherfucker please, everyone emulates and I couldn't care less, you don't have to spend so much effort in proving that to me.

Modding hardware is an hobby by itself. Same goes for building PCs and tweaking games. Playing the actual game is only half of the fun.

You can just plug a PC to your TV vía HDMI you know, I have my PC on my room and I have my TV plugged as a 2nd Monitor on front of my bed, when I want to play some games meant to be played with a Controller I play it on my TV inside my bed with my Xbox or Switch Pro Controller

I remember watching all the RGB episodes of MLiG. Good stuff

If that should bring you joy, prostrate yourself. You shall be impregnated post haste.

Imagine sinking 200 dollars to play ONE GAME.Yeah fuck that, it's not like companies are getting money for old games anymore, just collectors and shady stores.

>playing ps1 games without SOUL is stupid
I bet you play at higher resolution and framerates. Fucking casual.

Started realizing this recently. At least I didn't invest that much since I use flashcarts and all my consoles come from garage sales. I want to sell all my shit and just stick to emulation but then I'm worried I'll regret it later and it's not worth that much to begin with.

What I love about retro gaming is that it's like a time machine, you get to play a game how it played and looked, experience the same gameplay and sensations and emulation is good enough at that now.

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I unironically can't stand frame rate fags


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For what it's worth, I'd also watch a video series on the best emulator setups and features if it was as well produced as MLIG. Their videos are all 10/10 with great original research and editing. There's no reason for me to get upset at collectorfags, they aren't spending my money.

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I guess Newton was a biological failure. Thanks for educating me, man. It's not as simple as that, not all men are going to reproduce yet will live meaningful lifes and produce value in society through their own niches.

>playing games in ways the devs could only dream of is soulless.
you're unironically adding more soul

>e-celebs are not videogames
YOU're not videogames.

I mean they're pretty open about using flashcarts, and morally that's pretty similar to using emulators. If you already have the crt and console setup, why use emulators in the first place over flashcarts?

No one is pretending emulation doesn't exist, they just know that original hardware is a superior experience.

I have nothing against emulation, I've played tons of games on emulators and retro game collections before. In fact there's a lot of great games I would have never got to play if not for emulation. But playing a game on the original console hardware will always be the best experience. 100% accuracy, 100% compatibility, and the original controller.

I don't even care about buying or collecting games, I just care about console hardware. I use flash carts or optical drive emulators on nearly everything because I think it's a waste of money to have a huge collection of games knowing I'll never finish most of them.

If you're happy with emulation then that's great for you. But it's not my preference.

>nigger nigger nigger nigger
nigger'nigger nigger nigger.

>collecting shit
>not buying the few games you like for each console
I can't stand those manchildren who stock shelves full of old games they don't care and will never play.

Because Flashcarts are pretty fucking expensive and at the end of the day, I just want to play the game.

Because they can and they want to, they never once talk shit about Emulation on PC, only if the emulation used on a console actively hampers your experience.
The real question is why does it bother you so much?

>having the gall to compare yourself to Newton
the only way to avoid becoming a childless biological failure is to discover or invent something so profound it ultimately ends up changing the course of human history.
You aren't Newton or Tesla, bugman.

Take the hardware emulation pill

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>Because Flashcarts are pretty fucking expensive
If you're a neet maybe

those in your picture mention emulation but their ultimate goal is to show solutions for playing retro games on modern hardware

>I can't stand those manchildren who stock shelves full of old games they don't care and will never play.
John Hancock and Metal Jesus Rocks. They own thousands of games and have probably beaten less than a fourth of them. But to be fair, John said that he enjoys the collecting part more than the playing the actual games.

MiSTER and other FPGA devices are pretty sick, it's too bad we are a very long way off from them doing anything beyond 16 bit consoles. But what they're doing is very cool.

Depends on what you want from retro gaming. Texture warping, jumpy polygons and dithering are a defining feature of ps1 graphics, remediating these issues makes the experience arguably less accurate.

His face really fucking bothers me. Usually idgaf what people look like, but something about that guy just makes me want to run over his head with a riding mower.