Does she have a big forehead or is it just the haircut?

Does she have a big forehead or is it just the haircut?

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That forehead is actually small.

Compare it to Ellen Page's, and you'll get your answer


just a big head overall, think that sharp jaw helps to accentuate it more


She's fucking cute.
Her model streams Resident Evil now I wish she would get the Jill Haircut but she's still a cutie

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Jill is very pretty and I want to KISS her!

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It's the haircut. Sweeping hair back to show the hairline is an unpopular style on women, so when it does appear, it can be jarring.
Proportionally, it's either perfectly Fibonaccian, or possibly a little undersized from that.


there's something about her, it's hard to explain, a sort of je ne sais quoi, her model is simultaneously kind of off while also being INCREDIBLY CUTE! Like I want to play REmake 3 just for her.

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Sneaky Jill

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god she is fucking ugly.... i miss the 2000's

she looks like onision

looks ok to me

Which tracks from the original game are in the 3 Remake?

someone post the webm, you know the one.

ok gayboy

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ugliest character of 2020 yet?

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no, nuJill is cute, I will pirate her game just to play as her if it ever gets cracked.

oh wait shit is there a mod for RE2 that replaces Leon with Jill yet?

Ivan Drago

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>Does she have a big forehead or is it just the haircut?

Neither. She's modeled after a human being. I know you're used to women always looking like your kawaii anime dolls, but those are not what human women look like in real life.

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Model is ugly, but the voice actress is adorable.

stay mad incel. nujill is perfection

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Joseph has entered the chat.

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>Leo is 45
>his girlfriend is like 22
>he first met her when she was 11
I don't have words for how based and redpilled this is.

oh right that guy that fucked off from hollywood to be some failed? ideas guy for tech startups, or something

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Your situation sounds more dire.

Davey? is that you?

My life has been better after cutting off Nolan films. Coincidence?