

Attached: n.jpg (1280x720, 107.45K)

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Lamar's life matters, don't really care about the rest desu.

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>tfw deathwish was supposed to kill Franklin and replace him with Lamar
Missed opportunity

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Based GTA not letting nips get their dubbed ways.


Who else immediately went to the barber after Lamar said that?

why do japs love that scene so much?

The inflection and posturing.

this is the best part of the game by far. ignoring the nigga singing its fucking hilarious that the random outburst from lamar was just a setup for unlocking character customization

Who doesn't love that scene?

it's okay when cute virtual japanese girls say it

link the video

People who play generic Hollywood trash should kill themselves.

Fucking gold. The VA who does Lamar is Black Jesus on Adult Swim. Decent show.

Franklin should of died in deathwish, so that you actually have to think about your choice.

that is incredibly wholesome

Just imagine if GTA V had "Kill Franklin" option along with a picture of a black man (Franklin)

Attached: kill franklin.jpg (1280x720, 49.49K)

What the fuck does Ye Ye ass haircut even mean?

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Literally the best scene in the game.

I never nderstood this, why the fuck would someone pick something that is not C?
You get everyone living, kill all the asshole fuckers you wanted to kill and play an extra shootout mission

>Niiiiggaaaa... Nani?

this is an excellent trend

If you have to ask, you're white.

In an ideal world everyone on Zig Forums would be white.

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I personally dislike trevor and feel as if the world is improved with his death

Imagine if we had search engines so that we can look up meanings of words we don't understand?

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we're all brothas

It's pure kino: the voice acting, the character mannerisms, the overly elaborate current of insults, Franklin being speechless during the whole thing; all for unlocking haircut customization

>Western humor

scathing indictment

Because I hated Trevor more than I hated the assholes. I went back and picked C later though, because it’s obviously what they expect you to do.