Playing System Shock 2

Playing System Shock 2.

How do I know how dark my game is supposed to be? There's a gamma slider, but there are no reference pictures that would allow me to calibrate it correctly. Am I playing it too dark?

Attached: SS2 2020-06-11 19-03-56-66.png (1920x1080, 1.17M)

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Can I skip the first one and just play SS2? Will I lose much? Can I revisit it later?

You won't lose much, no.
SS1 is a good game that still holds up fairly well, especially with the mouselook option in newer releases. That being said, the clunky interface and low graphics fidelity can still feel tiresome. I had a great time playing it the first time around some five years ago, but I couldn't bring myself to finish it this time around, so I went straight to SS2. There's a remake on the way, you may want to wait for that.

As far as plot goes, SS1 is rather light on it, and the crucial details are explained in the sequel. Just read a plot summary somewhere online and you'll have a solid grasp of what happened.

Attached: SS2 2020-06-11 04-25-12-42.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)

Don't skip 1, its an excellent game, probably one of the most underrated ever, and its easy to play with the Enhanced Edition, plays like a modern game.

As far as the gamma in the OP's pic, I think its about right, maybe a smidge too dark.

I would have suggested to check youtube, but people over there have the game way too bright, so not a good idea to compare.

we are (we are)
we are (we are)

Play 1, it's great.

>How do I know how dark my game is supposed to be?
Zig Forums continuing to plumb new depths of pathetic retardation

You need a high tolerance for DOS clunkiness to play SS1, or you can just wait for the remake.

play in SS1 remake demo and wait for it if you like it. Meanwhile just play in 2

I don't think my question is retarded. I respect Look Glass as a developer, and I respect their artistic vision for the game. It's natural to assume that a certain level of darkness was intended. I could set it to a level I myself am comfortable with, but I'd rather play it as intended.

Attached: 1583093140430.jpg (685x516, 43.44K)

>Am I playing it too dark?
Bro have you ever tried deus ex

Set the gamma to maximum, and remember to turn off the music.

I'm playing without music. It's a great soundtrack, but playing without it makes the game more immersive to me.

Not sure about max gamma, tho.

Check this video out and decide for yourself:

Not that there are newer releases of the game that play more conveniently on a modern machine with better controls.

A bit dizzy with all the high contrast wall textures

>and remember to turn off the music
Fuck no.

1 is pretty quick and there is a scene in 2 that will be very powerful if you played 1 first


Attached: Dz-wjOZXQAIpQT3[1].jpg (907x741, 58.38K)


Attached: 1474233160597.png (573x657, 610.29K)

It's more than okay to bump up the gamma just so you don't have to strain your eyes all the time. The game only gets darker as it goes on.
As for the "music or no music" argument, I always play with the music on and haven't found that it would diminish the atmosphere any.
If anything, playing with the Rebirth models does a better job of that since they stray so far from the original game's art direction. Dare I say it's HL2 Cinematic Mod tier.

Attached: screenshots.jpg (1546x1305, 274.96K)

the music always worked perfectly to me because the game is much faster paced than typical survival horror games


Crystal Shard worth it?

Attached: SS2 2020-06-11 20-01-35-25.png (1920x1080, 712.59K)

just stay with standart+heavy

You can, but I'll call you a fucking pleb because that's what you are

No. Stick with the wrench. Waste of points to skill exotic. Assault rifle will carry you the whole game.

I would play through SS1 first, but just a tip if you don't want to be frustrated, turn down the cyberspace difficulty to the easiest because cyberspace in that game fucking sucks.

I recently finished the enhanced edition and could not stand how bad cyberspace controls were and I'm glad I put them on the lowest difficulty so I could basically skip that shit.

>cyberspace in that game fucking sucks.
As opposed to cyberspace in SS2?

I played them in reverse order, and it was fine.

It was better in 2 because it just didn't exist outside of maybe the Shodan fight.

I pray the SS1 remake makes cyberspace bearable.