Dead Space 4

Is it finally happening?

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why does it need a fourth game? story wise


It's probably going to be a semi-spiritual sucessor at best, but if it is a Dead Space reboot or a fourth entry then color me surprised.

Does EA still hold the rights?

For closure.

Moons are eating the universe, Issac is still CUH-RAZY, Markers are still out there.

Guy who sent the tweet confirmed its not new Dead Space.

i hope not the last two were totally shit.

It doesn't the story became a mess in 3 and now there's no possible way to fix it

Probably a new ip, visceral is dead. Unless it's a remaster, Cerny did single out Dead Space in the GDC talk

I’m one of the few people who actually enjoyed DS3, and I think the series should stay dead. Awakened isn’t a cliffhanger. The brother moons find earth and humanity is wiped out.
The end.
Only kind of game they could make would be a prequel about the SCAF on Tau volantis, or some kind of unitogist black ops outfit, neither of which have enough mass appeal to warrant funding a full AAA game.

>Issac literally uses the planet cracker from the first game to finish things by killing the fuck out of all of the moons.

I wouldnt mind a remaster


Yeah, I'd actually be up for that too.


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No. DS is dead. EA has the rights. Visceral is dead. And the story went in retarded direction 3. Just pretend DS ended with 2 and you'll be fine.

What's this generic Hollywood movie?


isn't the point that all the moons in the milky way are brethren moons tho?

It was literally confirmed not to be Dead Space 4 but a game set in the PUBG universe.

A lil off topic but are they going to sell Dead Space 3 on Steam soon
I know the game was received poorly but I still wanna play it

What PUBG universe? Isn't that just a run of the mill battle royale game with zero story writing

the fuck is the "PUBG universe"

how about they throw dead space 2 straight into the depths of hell and redo 3 to make sense and be good?

I meant throw dead space 3 into hell

No. There are like 7 spread across the whole galaxy. Plus the one you fight in 3.

does anyone still play pubg?

I wanna make Nicole NicWHOLE!

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I thought they were announcing something today?

White lives matter