Attached: bloodborne pc.jpg (1535x2175, 1.55M)

I live in illinois
It's 11:16am for me. When is it starting for me?

4pm eastern

>look at thread start time
> add +4 hours
there you go ezpz

holy shit is this a leak????

Who's ready for Dark Souls 3 Beta Test? Not me. But nevertheless it would be fun to watch PC Souls community burning it down to pieces.

Attached: EF-Q1jEW4AEnIUi.jpg (1920x1080, 307.12K)

This is going to be ebin

different time zones

Attached: gimmedubs.jpg (960x744, 154.25K)

It's gonna have a black lives matter message

Is there a livestream?

Why would they announce a PC port in a conference about the PS5? This should get announced in the PC gaming show on saturday

It would be worse as a marketing move imo. Showing PS5 Remastered without mentioning PC would be like lying to customers. Remember backlash after Death Stranding since they announced it only one week before release.

Why would they remaster this if PS5 is backwards compatible?


30 fps is locked in BB. Removing cap would make game to fall apart. If there was a Pro patch that unlocked cap then yes it wouldn't be an issue. But there isn't so Sony wants to jew on it with selling it for 39.99 dollarydos.

It's coming home! :)

>bloodborne PC
I don't know why tards think this is going to happen, it's a playstation exclusive title, much like God of War and Ratchet and Clank. Sony would effectively shoot themselves in the foot if the set this precedent, because it would mean the end to exclusives as we know it, because people would just say
>hurr durr we got X game on PC, so why not make every single exclusive a multiplat?!
Let me remind you, it's been around 12 years since the release of Demon's Souls on PS3; if Sony intended on releasing an exclusive, why didn't they take that opportunity to make a fuckload of money? What about even older exclusives like Sly Cooper, Jack and Daxter, Uncharted, and the rest?

They'll never do it, and that's because it would render their little plastic box obsolete.

>it's a playstation exclusive title
explain Horizon Zero Dawn then

I really doubt Sony would announce BB on PC on their PS5 reveal event?
You'll get disappointed bros

There's a few Sony exclusives on PC now that barrier is broken stop being salty

they've done it before user

>X comes to PC
>Y comes to PC

based and check-pilled

I believe the leaks about BB. Horizon is not an exception, they will release more on PC sincee it's theeir IP and the biggest chunk of the money goes to them... and they will sell millions on the old game from PS4. It might become a trend of releasing some of their games - they will never release their new games on PC ofc but 4+ old stuff I can see it, and it makes sense
I believe BB will be on PC soon but I would bet my life that we won't get that news on this event where they reveal PS5

>1 off
How unfortunate.

>Snoyboys faces when Bloodborne 2 is announced but it's a PC exclusive

Attached: 1575416445491.png (785x1000, 253.89K)

It's a shit game that nobody wanted and had poor sales, so my best guess is that Sony want to recoup losses by releasing it on more than one platform. Bloodborne isn't the same thing, it's a highly popular system seller and if they do this the "bloodborne box" will be useless. I suppose they might do it as a way to say good bye to the PS4 and usher in the age of the PS5 while garnering some good will along the way, but that seems kinda sleazy, a bitch movie. "Oh, here, remember this thing you really wanted? Well, now you can have it because we can't really benefit from keeping it to ourselves anymore"
>being salty
user, having Bloodborne on PC would be incredibly and I would welcome it with open arms, but it seems highly unlikely and you can't fault me for being skeptical.

That's what they call cope.


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>Bloodborne isn't the same thing, it's a highly popular system seller
Only on Zig Forums. It's probably worst 3A PS Exclusive title in terms of sales. Normies don't like Dark Souls.

I'll be happy to see a Bloodborne PC port but I'll take watching Zig Forums cry like a baby for weeks on end when it doesn't happen too.