Turkroaches killed Mountainblade

Well done Mehmet you greedy shits

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Attached: Taleworlds exposed.png (641x896, 238.04K)

>2: Can't even save.


I stopped playing cause my PC counldn't run sieges in more than 15 fps

Game's good, I put 60 hours into it the first week and now I'll replay it again next year like I did with MB1, and maybe throw in some mods to try new shit.

What have they done this time. I'm out of the loop.

it's a movie game what do you expect

They released a game and have the nerve to patch it once a week instead of releasing it 100% bug free & completely balanced.

What happened
I was planning on buying after the early access release

Erdogan became super paranoid after the coup attempt against him and went full ottoman


I'm not even a taleworlds defender (I haven't even played any of the MB games, ever), but from what I understand the first game was released the same way. It was, in a way, the first "early access" game to be released for PC. It was broken on released and slowly updated into a functional platform for thousands of successful mods.

Its good but I dont want to lose another 100 hours to this until they add cheevos
also when the FUCK are they adding all the new bandit shit

Oh. I was thinking that people were bitching about some new patch or something and not about shit from months ago.

The difference is that now they charge full price for it and also had a hype machine going for a near decade.

This is even worse than FF15 launch but PC retards really put up with anything.

Attached: warband1.5.jpg (624x845, 81.92K)

Any new info regarding when we can expect mod tools?

Turk here. Fuck you for disrespecting us all over Zig Forums. Fuck anybody who calls me a roach too.

Based turkroaches, releasing full games in this clown timeline is unfeasible

Anani götünden sikeyim kanki

The same is right now with Library of Ruina and no one cares.

>screenshot your own post to post it again on 4channel.org
how fucking sad is your life

wrong, the game isn't "released", it's early access

You are a unappROACHable piece of shit.

>fledgling game dev
>make gaem
>buggy piece of shit on release but still fun
>modders fix it for free
>make bank
>work on sequel
>make sequel 10+ years later
>now you pay for released game that's in the exact same state as the first one when released
>achsualy it's not even released yet
You're not helping

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the criticism
>They released a game and have the nerve to patch it once a week instead of releasing it 100% bug free & completely balanced
does not apply to an early access game. If they released it 100% bug free & completely balanced it would just be a full release, not early access. cope with this however you need to

Shouldn't have charged full price for it then after a decade long wait.

They didn't, it was 20% off when I bought it

Not sure why you were expecting anything different.
M&B:W was a big success, why would TW do things differently this time?
They let modders do the work last time, why would that change now?

You can criticize it being early access due to the extremely long dev time AND the fact they charged FULL PRICE for it. Fuck off nigger. Early Access label does not protect you from criticism.

It protects it from the "why isn't it 100% bug free" criticism. You're criticizing it for being EXACTLY what it advertised as. Literally mad that it's what it says on the tin. That's just you being a fucking idiot at that point

So what if they charged full price? You paid full price despite knowing it was early access.

it was 20% off at launch, stop spouting this "full price" retardation

>8 years to release a half-finished early access demo
>pc babies are so desperate for games they buy it anyway and drop it less than a week later

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I waited a decade for this game and complete forgot it existed until I saw this post.

>Game still not fully released
>Everyone was made aware that it will be buggy and incomplete
>Wtf it's buggy and incomplete, I can't mod it to have my drones suck me off???
>Offered a 20% discount for the first week
>Patched almost daily for the first few weeks, then switched to weekly
>Being this fucking full of yourself because you made some adjustments to the game, with the whole base already provided and equating yourself to the devs who did the tedious shit for you so you can mod in dicks or something
I bought it, had fun for 80 hours which was well worth the money and now I can easily wait for the full release, having paid a lower price. It's a win/win.

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Many core features are not even implemented yet in EA build. Why people even crying that this game escaped development hell ? New engine is solid. Or you think they should have just scrap all assets and stop developing ? Why do you even bought the game if turks said don't fucking buy it yet if you want to just play. But if you torrent it, why the fuck do you even care ?

This. I played this buggy mess for 130 hours since it was released, and triple I've spend with any game in the last 5 years. Faggots trying to kill it are fucking stupid or weren't fans of the original. If it has a solid expansion like warband and a good modding community it will be the perfect game in the near future. It's already a very good game now.

It's ok. So did 90% of the playerbase as well.

Shame that you didn't, and you still crying to this day.

>than a week later
Better than finishing a $60+$15 'cinematic experience' console game that can't be modded in around four hours (length of The Order 1866 for example)

cry more Mehmet. Your game is dying faster than the latest PC early access flavor of the mon- oh wait...

>trash is better than diarrhea, we win ;>)