Why do game companies ban people from 1v1 games? Why doesn't everyone just adopt this system?

Why do game companies ban people from 1v1 games? Why doesn't everyone just adopt this system?

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That seems pretty annoying and disruptive.

I'd rather have a setting that lets me automatically mute chat/dms from "abusive" players

A better system would be a checkbox in the game settings so you don't have to click Accept on every match. Then the warning appears before every match saying you've chosen to play with toxic players.

If you can't lose without telling someone to end their lives in chat then you don't deserve to play the game. No one likes a sore loser and no one will miss you.

>phone screenshot of a PC monitor
Is it supposed to make it more realistic?

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Banning is just easier, They already have your money.
I do prefer these kinds of system though, people that get reported enough should get flagged with something that lets other players know who they’re playing with.
My ideal would be a visible player rating based on actions, not reports

Not my screenshot, was found in Melee Hell

This. If you get this upset about video games, you're either underage or severely autistic.

you're probably trash at whatever you play and rely on the easiest crutch to win

I really fucking hate all these "toxic" checks and balances modern games have.
Low priority system is the best, if you wanna act like a fag youre going to be stuck in the fag only pool until you straighten out.

dont be a cunt and you wont get banned, apparently thats really hard for some of you.

i dont scream like a child at people when i lose games so i really have no problem with this

>spend money
>say word
>money stolen
why do people defend this


Ah yes, another word that has lost all meaning along with Nazi, racist, and fascist.

i fucking hate the age of "toxicity" just mute and ignore retards online if you want. games have only declined in qulaity trying to "fix" people's behavior

Why do 1v1 games allow comms at all? You don't need to coordinate strats with your team, or call out enemy positions, or anything like that.

Fascist never had a meaning. Nobody can tell you the tenets of fascist ideology. They call anything authoritarian and totalitarian fascist.

>No one likes a sore loser
What? Seeing how someone spergs out and accuses me of cheating or what not because I simply outplay them is pure fucking bliss.

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Don't forget that the guy who coined "toxic" in games was fired from Riot for misbehaving conduct.

>dont be a cunt
The problem with this is that definition changes every year and seems to vary widely from game to game.
Even saying the word cunt is enough to get you perma muted in some games, a warning in others, or no penalty. Because being "toxic" or a "cunt" isn't an actual quantifiable thing.
There are people who legitimately believe emoting after a kill is "being a cunt" and who are you to say they are wrong? Theres no metric here, anything can be "toxic" because its just a concept.

It's almost like the old servers where only screaming kids played with screaming kids while everyone else avoided it.

>game is open to the public
>there are some nasty people out there
why is this even an issue? hasn't everyone walked to the store and seen dozens of people they wouldn't even think once about greeting so why are they surprised everyone online isn't their friend?

Someone told me it's nationalist+militarist+capitalist.

Is valve the only company that still doesn't give a fuck about "muh toxicity" now a days?

But do you think everything in OP's post is someone being a cunt?

OPs picture can't be real can it?
This is some dystopian ass shit.

I bait retards with no impulse control into insulting me so I can report you dumb niggers. Enjoy your ban :^)

thats hilarious, what game is that? seems cool.

what game is this?

>spend money
>agree to TOS saying "if you say the nono words no game"
>say the nono words
>no game


This system is lit, would accept and start the banter right away. What game is this?

Half of them are just vague suggestions.
"Toxic Behavior", "Toxic Behavior & Harassment", "Degrading chat behavior". What do any of these even mean?
It's all up in the air as the definitions have no meaning and vary wildly from game to game.

nope if enough niggers report you for calling people daft cunts in any of the MP games they still care about you get banned

The site is Smashladder, which is used to play Melee. Takes a bit to set up but it's one of the few games out there that doesn't pussy around, damn near infinite skill cap smashladder.com/guides/view/272o/melee/how-to-play-melee-online-netplay-guide-faster-melee-proj

Go ahead and tell Musolini he wasn't a fascist.

And the other half is,
>Sending personal messages telling them to kill themselves
Yeah, it's old-hat here. But to do this to randos in a game with a report feature is god damn retarded. The guys parroting "Toxic" aren't half as dumb as the man spamming inboxes because he's a salty bitch.

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The term toxic in this sense was coined by the mythopoetic mens movement.

>why is this even an issue
There are some people who were not really raised to stand up for themselves or be able to deal with other people not being perfectly nice to them. Probably kids who weren't bullied enough or had overprotective parents.
Game companies began to realize this was widespread enough that they could capitalize on it by making their games as "safe space" as possible. Remember that it's always about money. They are betting on the non-fragile players not being bothered by safe space policy, while hopefully attracting fragile players who might be avoiding their game because of being non-confrontational or having had someone be mean to them in an online game before or something.

I don't agree with it, but that's why they do this.

and they still can't reach the skillfloor for the shower game ayylmoa

what was the stupidest thing someone has ever said to you in a DM?

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I don't disagree, half of them are pretty concrete but the others aren't. My problem is they seem to put "telling opponents to kill themselves", something that is easily defined and "degrading chat behavior" in the same boat. If your nono list was just these vague suggestions like I mentioned above would it really be helpful at all?

Idk, I'd have to dig up my xbox360 dark souls messages.

half of the moves in tekken are just there for you to troll scrubs

I think the max you can get in doto is 1 year.