Games your parents play

At the start of the quarantine I installed Stardew Valley on my mom's computer, and she has basically beaten everything you can do in that game. Are there any similar games? I've looked into the Harvest Moon games etc. but they all seem a little too weeb for my mom. She doesn't care about the story - she just wants to farm.
Anyone got any ideas for other games like Stardew Valley? Also games your parents play in general.

Attached: Stardew Valley.jpg (1920x1080, 2.37M)

She had trouble with the combat and fishing in Stardew, although some of the upgrades you later get alleviates some of her problems.

Hitting you if you don't get an A+

Your mom plays with my dick. owned!

Madden/ncaa football

My dad doesnt care about tactics he just throws hail marys and blitzes on every play

Another, completely different, genre she likes are puzzle games - or specifically the Escape the Room type of games. She's played a lot of different shitty flash games of this type, and I got her "The Room" on Steam. Any other game recommendations for these types of games are also greatly appreciated. I thought about introducing her to more oldschool puzzle games like Monkey Island, but she really doesn't care for story in games.

Sounds hella based. Remember to ask him if he's winning.

I remember at one point my mom played quite a bit of Farmville


Not being ironical but have you tried Minecraft or Terraria? I spent dubious amounts of hours just farming shit in Terraria, recently started playing Minecraft and i'm actually having fun planning on what to start building, already made 2 farms and a penis tower for knowing my spawn point.

As a teen I played Oblivion on my dad's computer, only to discover he had installed nude mods. I don't know if he forgot or if he just didn't care.

Attached: oblivion.png (360x450, 395.1K)

>only to discover he had installed nude mods
classic case of "like father, like son"

this game is small and farming only

Attached: thumbnail464x348.gif (464x348, 50.1K)

One of her friends were into that, but my mom didn't seem interested.

Show her Harvest Moon 64 anyways, game is pure kino

You know it user. He had done the same for the Sims too.

the Professor Layton games on 3DS

Use an Emulator and try the most recent Story of Seasons on the 3DS.

Oh shit, I completely forgot about those. She might actually like that, thanks!

My dad only plays cod4 with bots. He used to play morrowind but now the only thing he will play is the original modern warfare. I tried to get him into some other shit but nope.

Thought about it, don't know if the graphics will be too much of a turn off, but I will reconsider it.

These might actually be fine. I'm a little scared of showing her some very "Japanese" game and weird her out, but it looks like this is fine.

My mum can barely use a computer let alone play a game.

Have you tried that farm simulator game? I think it’s called tractor simulator or something like that. It has simulator in its name

I'm black

Did he install the tentacle rape mod?

My mom likes me to let her randomly click a few times in minesweeper, when I asked if she wanted me to teach her how to actually play she said she didn't want to. She's really nice and has amazing luck holy shit

for you

city skylines is good for boomers

banished too

my dad only plays civ 4 though,sucks at it too

I remember when I first got a Playstation my mom and dad would play each other in Soul Blade, which was wholesome as fuck (in my memory at least, they divorced less than a year after.)
I got my mom into World of Warcraft back in Burning Crusade and come Wrath of the Lich King she was just farming mounts and achievements. She actually did raid with a guild for a while, which made me happy that she was making friends (none of us play anymore.)

No I think literally the only mod he ever installed was a nude one. His coomerbrain must have suppressed his boomer in that one instance.

Based mom carrying user's Minesweeper games when it gets down to stupid 50/50 decisions.

My dad would beat my ass at Civ 4. I don't think he's played any past that.

my dad refuses to play against me, but i think he plays against Prince level bots. I reckon i could take him

my mom is a big fan of silent hill and resi, and my dad likes GTA, TES, Fallout and old school JRPGs like FFIV and DQ1.
recently I lent them my PS4 since I don't use it often, and my dad wanted to play Days Gone since my uncles were clamoring about it, so he's been playing that and my mom got GoW on it because she heard good things about it from her friends.
Both of them also really enjoy tabletops and they used to play a lot AD&D 2e.

Pretty much. She's crazy lucky, in real life aswell. we have a fuckton of gifts from random raffles she decides to join, we got a really nice cake + cutlery from a bakery a few weeks ago for example. Also she got to be one of the 2 or 3 people that carried the olympic torch in our city last olympic year even via a coca cola raffle even though between my 2 parents they drink maybe 2 cups a month while I drink none.

That's really cool user. I always enjoy it when my mom is playing a game I'm familiar with and we can talk about it.