Zelda Lore Thread

All of Zelda 1 takes place on Death Mountain in A Link To The Past.

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We knew that in Zelda 2 user

I knew that the maps in Zelda 1 and 2 were connected. I thought that Death Mountain was only part of Zelda 1 and not the whole thing.

When you think about it Zelda 1 is a really eerie game thematically
>Most of civilization has vanished, reduced to a few scattered hermits living in caves
>The magic that the world is so inundated with in every other installments is barely present, a few magic enchanted items hiding in some of the deepest and most dangerous corners of the world well protected from outside hands
>The once great and almost intangible Triforce is shattered into pieces and scattered all over the mundane world, suggesting some sort of conflict that caused this ala Wind Waker
>On top of this, it is chronologically the last true Zelda adventure outside of Link ensuring that Ganon cannot return further in Zelda 2
Zelda 1 is the final showdown between Link and Ganon at the end of the era of magic in Hyrule. The goddesses gifts have been destroyed and the sacred land is transforming back into regular land. You fight among the crumbling ruins of Hyrule to end this once and for all

There are barely any people or magic because it takes place in Death Mountain. Nothing really happens there. There are plenty of people and magic up north afterward in Zelda II, so I don't think anything is getting permanently destroyed or ended.

It is creepy though, that the Triforce gets split apart and one gets shattered into multiple pieces, but it all gets restored and put back together in the end.

>Games have water and a graveyard
>Hurr durr game in a game

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Who was the one playing guitar for the Indigo-Go's in the MM credits?

Were Mikau and Darmani brought back to life after Link left?

Attached: MM credits.png (957x500, 384.34K)

It's official according to Zelda Enclyopedia. Besides, almost the entire map, including the entire border, is mountain.


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I find it weird that the Deku Tree and the Lost Woods are in Death Mountain in Zelda 1, instead of their own forest in the rest of the series. Unless the tree and forest are supposed to be different, or maybe the entire series got retconned.

The Forest Haven in Wind Waker is said in-game to be a different forest from the Kokiri Forest in OoT. It's not that much a stretch to assume a new Forest popped up around the Deku Tree in Zelda 1.

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first intallment weirdness, I blame more the limitations of the nes than developer intentions tho

That middle one is reaching.

Hyrule regularly changes where all of its places are located

I always wondered if Termina was supposed to be an alternate dimension to Hyrule or something. Because most of the people in Termina are copies of people in Hyrule. Are the two places supposed to be related somehow? Then why are there new characters like Tingle?

I don't think that's a coincidence. It might be that way because Termina is an alternate dimension. Who knows.

Legend of Zelda is an incredibly depressing universe if you think about it for more than two seconds. The world never really changes and there's a world breaking apocalypse every hundred years or so and all the peaceful races either get genocided or devolve into psychotic monsters. On top of that everyone is always getting reincarnated just to get brutally murdered again and again.

>The world never really changes
I agree with most of your post, but I find it strange that landmarks always get moved around from game to game.

The most popular theory for a while was that Termina is Link's purgatory. Either from the fact that not being a Kokiri and not having a Fairy in the lost wood lead him to turn into a stalfos as the legend said or that, some people speculated, that when Link fell down of Epona at the beginning of the game, he hit his head and is dying.

Nevertheless, the symbolism in Majora's Mask supported this theory a lot. Basically, Termina is Link's purgatory and he has to go through the 5 principal stages of grief through each chapters of the game, ending up fullfilling his role as hero one more time by helping each person he has encountered in the living world during his quest in Limbo.
There even is a file ingame of a Ganondorf model. Apparently it is said that Nintendo originally intended to have a swamp minigame that was going to be run by a Termina version of Ganondorf who's completely inconsequential to the game. I think this even further proves this theory.

They never actually change, but maps are either flipped or some minor details are a few fields further, but I like the consistency of Hyrule from game to game.

>Link's purgatory
>5 principal stages of grief
I don't know what is it about that theory that makes me cringe so much

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>tfw no futuristic blade runner eque zelda game

>makes me cringe so much

I miss when everybody thought Twilight Princess was going to take place in the future, and Epona was going to be Link's motorcycle.

>I miss when everybody thought Twilight Princess was going to take place in the future
How? The very first trailer before it even got its name had swordfighting on Epona as its main selling point.

That's just for stylistic choices. At the end of the day they still have a bunch of the same monuments in the same areas. The reincarnation part of the game is what really fucks with me. Imagine being routinely pulled away from the afterlife just so you can live in a post apocalyptic wasteland full of dirty cannibalistic rape goblins and pig demons just so you can be an NPC for the Goddess's shitty OCs they just can't let go of.

The story in each Zelda games should be self-contained instead of trying to fit into the dumb timeline(s).
It's still going to be about Link/Ganon/Zelda incarnations because we're never getting something different like Majoras Mask again, but just say it's different tellings of the same story.

Better not. I think Twilight Princess is excellent, perhaps my favorite zelda
The easy difficulty kinda fucks it up tho, clashes too much with the gritty/mature atmosphere

also, some items being fucking dumb/useless

Well it's pretty simple, though, it's babby's first symbolism. First you enter Termina through the stage of Denial, where you enter a town full of people who are megacoping with their imminent doom, you find out everyone's way to cope and bargain, etc. Then you go help the Deku who symbolize Anger/wrath by blaming everything on the monkey and trying to BBQ torch his ass, then it's the Bargaining stage with the Gorons who don't accept Darmani is dead, then it's despair stage with the Zora, then acceptance in Ikana where most of your quest involve helping lost spirits move on to their afterlife free of guilt and grief.

Then you face your demon by busting a cap in Majora's mask and then hooray happy everyone you saved the day again, helped a bunch of people, understood what your purpose as a hero after being the hero of time was all along and we can suppose that Link moves on to his afterlife.

But in the end, is it all true? I don't think so personally. Parallel universes that are imitations or copies of Hyrule with the same people is not new in Zelda so Termina may very well just be an alternate universe that exists through some complicated ancient Goddess magic or some shit. I mean if you try hard enough you can see patterns and symbols that can validate any of your theories.

Another one that I liked a lot was that Termina was founded by a tribe of dark sorcerers who made the Majora's Mask and were banished to this realm by the Goddesses. The guy who made this theory found a lot of anti-Goddess symbolism in Stone Tower Temple and such. I mean there are a shit ton of conspiracy theories in Majora's Mask.

It reminds me about all those dumb theories for children's cartoons like: "it was all in X's imagination all along" and "they are in hell and each character represents a capital sin"