Games journos get paid 100k

>games journos get paid 100k


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He's just blurting out what he was paid by other companies?
What the fuck was he thinking?

>person generates revenue for corporation
>person gets paid some fraction of that revenue

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Those numbers seem pretty inflated but there's also a consideration most of these locations are based in the two most expensive states and cities in the entire Country.

I.E. GiantBomb is New York and San Fran(I think?) which 65k is piss money in.

That aside - if true -
>TFW Abby Russell gets paid more than you do to not play video games.

I have no idea who this person is. Anything of note they have written?

>I.E. GiantBomb is New York and San Fran(I think?)
GB let Patrick "work" remotely from Illinois for like 2 years

>get paid 100k a year to go "video game good"

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And here they made us this they earned like 20k with all the bitching they do.

this, chop off like 40k in rent

It's probably not a good idea to say how much they paid you.

Can somebody explain to me in detail how they generate revenue exactly?

He revealed that microsoft were backtracking on all their bullshit maybe 15 minutes before they officially announced it and hes been riding that high for 7 years

What's the surprise? Propaganda is not a free business.

I get paid a third of that to make them, so I guess the joke is on me

>bragging about your salary on social media while the American wealth gap continues to expand
Takes a truly special person

>get paid 100k for not knowing how to play video games

they trick people into buying shitty games

ad revenue from clickbait articles. the more "views" an ad gets on a page the more that company pays the site the ad was viewed on.

Unless they're publicly traded companies, that is a secret.

it's not really bragging, a lot of games media people on twitter are bitching about equal pay and are posting their salaries for "transparency"

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F-fuck, back in late 90's early 2000 I made 11K a year working on a magazine and every one told me I had a great deal...

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>getting mad at a game journalist getting a UMC salary as opposed to the rich fucks looting literal trillions from your treasury

This person could be the biggest most obnoxious, most useless "game journalist" in the fucking world and not deserve a single cent of that 100k, and I wouldn't give one solitary fuck in light of that fact

Pretty low considering he is Jewish.
Average Jew income in America is probably 250k a year

100k in the Midwest is great money, but the same can't be said for any of the big media-centric metro areas (LA, NY, SF, etc). New-grad software engineers will get these massive $120k offers from Bay Area companies but still be forced to live in a 450sqft apartment or get roommates because everything is ungodly expensive up there.

I'm sure this well help, and certainly won't feed into the currently problems we have with social media and tribalism.

I'm just surprised that such a low-effort position can make so much money. 4 years out of a STEM degree and don't make half that designing buildings, guess it's time to hit up IGN.

it's incredibly tacky to discuss your salary with strangers unless you're a politician- then it should just be required disclosure

I make 80k and my rent/cable/water add up to about 1500 a month in this backwater suburb.

If any of these places are in a major city then 100k is nothing and is anything, underpaid.

a writer writes something that attracts people's attention, be that because it is informative or outrageous. An outlet's editor reads it and decides if it is in line quantitatively and qualitatively with the outlet's brand and content-mission. A certain number of people then view this content. Either:
A. People trust and enjoy content from the outlet and therefore pay directly for the content, which is now a product. There are no salespeople involved, the quality and substance of the content itself is what causes a purchase-decision, and therefore the writer is generating the revenue.


B. Readers' attention is the product, space on the page near the content is sold to companies that want to increase awareness of their products. Again, although advertising firms and digital exchanges are involved, the product is impressions, i.e. attention. The main driver of attention is the quality and substance of the content.

You're not wrong about those cities but 62k net income a year is fucking amazing.

>people who write articles on video-games that any joe schmo could do to near-same quality are the ones who tell everyone to "stay home save lives"
without fail, fuck these people

Don't most of them live in California? They're not seeing most of that money. And realistically speaking they're only getting that much because they've hung in there for ages, your average game journalist isn't getting anything near 100k

>If any of these places are in a major city then 100k is nothing and is anything, underpaid.
What the fuck is wrong with your country?

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The more you see this shit, the more you realize that a lot of the anti-white stuff that whites themselves take up is them projecting their own rewarded mediocrity onto the rest of their entire race

Because if they can say "actually, it's a racial thing" they don't have to deal with the fact that they leveraged nepotism to get where they are. They can make other, poorer white people pay for the guilt they rightly feel

Someone should really be getting on Twitter at this point, lambasting these motherfuckers for their absurd salaries in comparison to people who actually make the games they "review."

Not me though :) fuck Twitter

As much as I hate Patrick he was the only one who ever seemed to do any actual work besides the video production team at GB. The rest just occasionally played video games and talked over them every few days and nothing else.

About 80% ad revenue and sponsorship type deals. Smaller devs or excited devs will send money and a copy of the game to be reviewed. It’s not bribery because they aren’t paying for a “good” review. Just for the opportunity to be reviewed.

you are now aware that journalists, unpaid interns aside, are part of the well-compensated ruling class

kek, so an actual reporter makes 45k living in San Francisco (i.e. below the poverty line) meanwhile "10/10 - ign" writer gets 50k starting

clown world

>Oh woe is me I only make 5k discretionary a month

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Gaming journalism is money laundering

Big if true. If you post your sources, I'll fuck wit 'em

>these people make six figures
>meanwhile I only make 160k writing software

Don't become a programmer. You produce 10 * as much as the business people around you and don't get compensated for it.

>too much water
>heres your 80k good sir

Publisher "donations".

>tfw barely make 60k

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based unions
also why i earn so much now

Why dont you tell me whats wrong with yours first

lmao journalists who rent a shitty apartment in the middle of seattle are not part of the ruling class, they're pawns of the ruling class at best

>game journalists post their salaries in public only for the public to get outraged at how much these parasites are overpaid

That being said, this is purposeful. If they were sharing salaries for "gender equality" or whatever, they could easily make this list in private, out of the public eye. These sad, lumpy fucks are absolutely doing this as a class performance thing. This is the UMC flexing on the poors.

He gets paid 6-figures for this

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What happens when they get fired at 40 years old because the company wants to substitute them for young people earning half their salary?
Most companies these days have this bad practice

on California $100k it's like $25k. Everything there is expensive as fuck.

I can see now why they made those click bait articles. If I got paid that much based on how well I could piss off Zig Forums, by god, I would make sure to trigger the fuck out of all you with the utmost efficiency.

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holy living fuck, what a fucking pussy

>Work as a nurse
>Knee deep in piss and shit and blood every day

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>get paid to write about games
>dont know how to play games
>dont write about games
>get paid 100k anyway

Weird flex. Though this kills any potential for the sacks of shit to play any sort of victim card for social problems in the future

>That being said, this is purposeful. If they were sharing salaries for "gender equality" or whatever, they could easily make this list in private, out of the public eye.
Thank you thank you for putting this shit into words for me. They didn't have to post this shit in public, they could've done a GamerGate and just used a secret address book. I'm sick of these motherfuckers

t. an honest to God leftist

why is talking your salary bad? some people dont know the price of their own job, they must know they arent getting fucked by the companies they work for

Well I hope they've been investing over the years then


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>work has high school coach
>single-handedly take my squad to the State Championship
>Make $2400 a season

if you're a programmer then yes, yes it is

That's the equivalent of $20k in non-california dollars

that's per year ?
that shit is pitiful
literally my first job out of uni was 156000 eurodollars a year

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Where you live? 160k is good money assuming you aren't getting assfucked in taxes

You do know that hiding salary rates only helps the company, right?

Typically you would do this anonymously...

>Be vidya journalist
>Make way fucking more than average person
>Get to work from home
>Also get free all expense paid trips To vidya events in tourist locations and get to enjoy free food, entertainment, and merch in exchange for writing a shitty article praising upcoming AAA garbage game and why everyone should rush out and preorder it
>Claim youre oppressed when some rando on twitter calls you a faget who sucks at video games

flyover retards don't understand you'd need to make over 80k to even consider buying a house, otherwise you're renting apartments/rooms till you die.

>eat shit so i can keep getting paid or you're entitled
it's bizarre how often this happens but they stay in business



I hope you die. I hope you realize that the Silent Generation and the Greatest Generation succeeded economically after being shit on for so long because they unionized, labored, went on strike, and were willing to die to better their lives and family's lives rather than just be cogs for Mr. Shekelstein.

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Why? People want to make videogames a lot so they can afford to be paid less. Is it their fault that those people don't push for higher wages?
Don't games journalists champion the cause of game developers getting paid more, unionising and so on?

depends if they can work remotely. Even then, there are cheap places in california that are in the middle of bumfuck nowhere (compared to SF) that are pretty cheap. Even then, if not, have read that plenty of people just live in their car or do the RV homeless stint while making a shitload of money.

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game journos are parasites that should be killed like animals

>being THAT fucking gay


Holy fuck these hacks are way overpaid. For the shit they write they should be getting 0$ a year for being worthless parasites that contribute nothing but fomenting societal division.

these people deserve every single penny for their contribution to society!

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I always laugh when I see the thumbnail preview of the link in the pinned tweet is a cartoon zombie of Ryan Davis.

Holy shit what planet is this? I live in Houston and if I made this much being just a fucking journalist I would be killing it here.

Almost sounds like the problem is with you not being paid the true value of your labor.

Yeah well you probably want to help that company by not pissing them off or you're the one that's getting fucked

>that should be killed like animals
Do your own fucking dirty work you worthless parasite.

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That doesn't sound right. Are you a RN or a nurse practitioner

>I make more than kuckpek and live in an area that probably costs a tenth to live in


If any of you are genuinely in a similar stage at life and earning less than these "journalists" you have seriously messed up your career

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if anything, they deserve MORE money

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