Can I get an "AMEN"?
rtwp would've ruined this hard

Attached: basssss.jpg (1280x720, 126.92K)

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Can't wait for it to drop, gonna be the RPG of the current generation.

Are we getting another gameplay demo saturday or is it just another trailer?

Ruined, as in ruined like the first two games?

Attached: Fallout 2 gameplay.png (963x1025, 149.25K)

what am I supposed to get from this?


not big into D&D, why are Tieflings literally satan now?

They complain about being mistaken for criminals, while 95% of them practice crime.

Attached: rpg combat in a nutshell.jpg (1284x709, 286.7K)

rtwp is just as brainless so why is everyone fighting over the two types of battle

Better ask why the heck there are so many of them on Prime Material.

Because their appearance ranges from human with horns and tail to Darth Maul.

It started back in late 90-s as a fight between BG fans and Fallout fans.

So you're a brainlet

Torment: tides of something promised RTwP, delivered Turn based which is so terrible that I try to avoid all possible combat.

I don't care that it's turn-based, I just hope it's fucking good and not all whimsical divinity-esque writing the whole way through.

nah turn based is slow and boring i will wait for pathfinder

That was kinda the point.

More like turn-cringe amirite

>expecting any other writing from Larian

This explains so much.

You bet your fucking ass it's gonna be like DOS.

>we want the cucked audience

stop reposing this same thread

Except that sometimes you just fail skill checks and have to turn to violence. Not an excuse for shitty combat.

Didn't help that Torment:Tides was a terrible game regardless of Combat.

you can get a big fuck you , fucking shill.

Not OP. But no.

The trailer convinced me, the story is so promising but has no feeling in the actual game. I can forgive the swords and shileds in a futuristic setting but I can't forgive shitty companions that have no backstory and just follow you for strong reason. Looks pretty and that's it.

Numenera is a wonderful setting, I wanted to play in it and the system was simplistic enough for roleplaying, but such a dropped ball.

this is the worst time for this shit to come out or be in development. I have zero expectations and I will still be disappointed.

Not like any of us wanted two different catastrophes to happen in the span of eight months.

Did we see coop yet?