Is NintendoCapriSun the most underrated LP'er of all time?

Is NintendoCapriSun the most underrated LP'er of all time?

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is this what jeremy kyle is up to now?

Everyone always gushes about how good Chugga is but don't give NCS a second glance. I always found Tim's commentary to be more entertaining, and half of the time, Chugga's LPs feel like he's just reading from wiki pages.

looks like tony hawk's retarded cousin

He used to be pretty popular, wouldn't call him underrated.
I got tired of let's plays years ago though.

Poor guy looks rough nowadays

Lets plays were cool like 10 years ago

was it caprisun or chugga that was confirmed to have autism?

why not both

He unironically got internet cucked, Lucajin trusted her internet friends but not NCS. Its like a abstract new cucking

What? I thought Lucah and him were friends too? I know they were never together like we all thought they'd be, but what's all this about her not trusting him?

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I may have exaggerated. I don't really know what her mentality is. But she's happy with Protonjon

>tim's channel has been stagnant for years
>he barely participates on TRG
>he never got laid
i just want him to be happy bros...

I do want to respect him but he's heavy. He needs to be healthy weight before sex

since fucking when? i've only ever seen chugga memed into oblivion on this board.

Is this the zoomer general?

He looks like Der Coomer

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Its the oldfag general. Chugga and his group are the oldest LPers

chugga has autism, ncs has aspergers

pretty sure all of them have some kind of autism

They act more quirky than actual autism. What's with people thinking being lolrandom means a mental disability?

I know you shouldn't judge the quality of a man's content purely based on his name, but "NintendoCapriSun" is one of the gayest fucking names I've ever heard and it always turned me off from watching anything from this guy.

yeah dude, hes fucking based. And he played all the Phoenix Wright games. He's the coolest LPer on Youtube

>*blocks you're path*

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Not really, he was once a pretty big deal but he kind of went out when twitch came in

Cannot believe how much stuff he's been putting out lately. For a while there, he was making...

-One video of a 3D Sonic
-One video of Half-Life 2, the first FPS he's ever played
-One video of a SMW contest
-One video of VIP6, full of fucking exasperating levels, all of which he arbitrarily decided to get all the Dragon Coins for

...every. Fucking. DAY. No weekends, no holidays, no pausing any of the series, all vids edited down to watchable sizes. Like, he pulled back on VIP6 recently, but my god, I don't think I've ever seen another 600 lb Canadian man with even half the same determination, work ethic, and patience as him.

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>open TRG video
>Masae or Tom Fawkes speaks
>close TRG video

come on, Masae's not that bad

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This dude has done so much for smw rom hacking, it's great. People have made English translations of shit that would have been left in JP otherwise just so he can play it. The contest levels from the events he hosts are usually really good, too.

None are good fuck off

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Davidvinc's gay ass is the best.

I like him but god damn he really needs to increase his production quality ever. He's still using the same tin can mic and records games with ugly frame blending and sometimes stretched 4:3 content.
Also I checked out his Okami stream and he had a really abysmal layout.

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>Is NintendoCapriSun the most underrated LP'er of all time?
nah he supports blacks

tim....tim had a hard life



>too young to know who NCS and CCR are
Reddit is that way —->

NCS is 43 years old or something.

Didn't someone claim Misae was mad at Chugga but she was frustrated at recording all the time not the person.

Don't make this a forced meme PLEASE

>making that pose
>Over the age of 12

Christ I hate internet culture it's created a generation of adult children attention whores

What is with redditors and you're constant obsession with e-celebs, especially these literally who ones? Why doesn't anybody call out reddit for these fucking threads whenever they pop up? Has all of Zig Forums just become reddit and now accepts that this is the bulk of our threads on the front page, not video games but other people who play games for an audience?

Because people romanticize and demonize others more than their own life

The only time I can remember anything remotely like that happening was one time where Masae kept poking him in the ribs on the bus and he jokingly called her his tormentor while it was people on twitter who actually got mad at her for it.