Best princess Zelda ever

Best princess Zelda ever
She’s so cute
I love her so much it hurts

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Spirit Tracks Zelda is best Zelda because you you actually get to play as her and she's your ingame companion.

I’m lucky I have not played spirit tracks yet. :)

Second best Zelda pictured.

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Make sure you use the improved controls romhack so that you can do basic tasks with the dpad and buttons. Vanilla you do EVERYTHING with the pen, even move, interact, and swing your sword. The hack lets you do those things with the buttons and dpad. You still need the touchscreen for some stuff, but it makes it viable to hold the DS normally and hit the touchscreen with your fingers as opposed to setting it on a table to play, which is what you have to do 100% of the time in vanilla.

Thanks dude
IMO skyward is second best Zelda

Yow, is that Leafyishere? Huge fan

As in princess character not actual game

Zelda is Trash and Generic.

Yeah, no problem. For anyone else reading this, I'd highly recommend Spirit Tracks. It's the definition of a diamond in the rough. It has a few glaring flaws like
> bad controls
> ant sized FOV that forces you to rely on the minimap for everything
> no fast travel
But if you can get past these flaws, then there's an incredibly unique and soulful game underneath that every Zelda fan should experience. The Tower of Spirits is one of the best dungeons in the entire franchise. It's a similar concept to Temple of the Ocean King in Phantom Hourglass, but without the timer and repeated content, and with an added mechanic relating to Zelda which I won't spoil. And it has the #1 best final boss fight in the history of the franchise. And the train is actually pretty fun when you're exploring new areas. It only begins to wear thin whenever you're backtracking the same route over and over because no fast travel. I'm still hoping that one day someone will make a fast travel mod that works with the control mod, but even in its current state it's still worth playing if you're a Zelda fan.

Tetra's based.

But she becomes boring as shit when she becomes Zelda in the dress.

If there is literally only one good thing in that shit game, yeah that Zelda is pretty cool.

I’d cuck her just saying

I like this Zelda, she is elegant & graceful

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Thanks for informative post, yeah I agree spirit tracks look charming. Is there any worry way of emulating the game on PC ? Or do I have to borrow my brothers ds?
Nah she’s way avove your level, you would come in hard and fail like that cuck in skyward sword. You’d fall in love too hard

All Zeldas in the 'toon games are objectively better overall.

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This is literally you thinking you could cuck tetra Zelda

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agreed but i still prefer midna as a companion.

I like twilight Zelda too, but Midna stole all her grace

I'm sure it's possible to emulate it on PC, but it would probably be pretty cumbersome. If you do go that route, I assume the best setup would be something like
> install control hack
> map wasd to dpad for movement
> map y to shift for sneak
> map a and b to side mouse buttons or space for interact and sword respectively
> map l/r to rmb to pull out item
> map lmb to touch controls so you can click on the screen for all the touch stuff
> map some other button to blow for the blower
I haven't actually tried this, but that's my best guess at the most comfortable way to do it. You can forget about using an actual gamepad because if you do then you'll constantly be setting it down to grab the mouse for touch shit. If that sounds like too much trouble then I'd just play it on an actual DS/3DS. A hacked 3DS works well to play the hacked rom, but I assume a flashcart for original DS would work as well.

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Imma get brothers 3ds , damn I love my little brother

Is it already hacked? If not, try seedminer. It's easy to do and works on the latest firmware. Also, here's a link to the control hack

Can you just use a controller?

I dont think my brother will approve me Messing with his ds, hes gonna have to do that himself, I’ll ask him though

Thanks for help bud

Probably not hacked but I think he has the game, I know he has phantom hourglass

Yeah, no problem. Show him this guide. This is the most widely trusted source for 3DS hacking.
Seedminer is probably the easiest way for an updated 3DS. It doesn't require anything but a screwdriver and SD card reader. Follow the guide to install all the basic stuff like FBI, then install twilightmenu++ for DS games. Download the rom and the control patcher I linked you, and run the program to install the patch, then put it in the twilightmenu roms folder and run it from there. I know it sounds like a lot of trouble, but it's not really that hard when you follow it step by step, and it's totally worth it, both for Spirit Tracks itself, and the ability to play other games and romhacks really easily.

The physical game works if you're fine with playing vanilla, but you can't use the control hack on an actual cartridge afaik.

I think I’ll go vanilla if he has the game.
Btw how would you rate phantom hourglass and spirit tracks out of 10?

Not him, but if you play Phantom Hourglass first, you'll appreciate Spirit Tracks a lot more. PH is still worth playing though.

Spirit Tracks is a solid 7/10. In the true sense, not the meme journalist scale where a 7/10 means it's shit. Like I said, it has some pretty glaring flaws, but if you can get pas them then there's a ton to love and the game is extremely soulful and innovative. Phantom Hourglass isn't quite as good. I'm playing it right now and it feels like a much less refined Spirit Tracks. PH came out first and Spirit Tracks improved upon it a lot, taking the ideas from in Phantom Hourglass and polishing them into something better. The train is a lot more fun and interactive than the boat. With the boat, you literally just draw a line from point A to point B and watch the boat slowly drive there. In Spirit Tracks you have to think on the fly and adjust your course based on which way the enemy trains move. You have manual control over the track selector and can choose to go a different direction than the one you initially drew on the map. The Tower of Spirits is also an improved version of the Temple of the Ocean King. It ditches the much reviled timer and repeating levels over and over for better times, in favor of all-new levels each time you return. And the mechanic with Zelda is really cool and fun. Minor spoilers for the first few hours of the gameOn each level of the tower, you have to collect 3 tears of light that allows you to attack the previously invincible phantoms and have ghost Zelda posses them. Then you can control both link and Phantom Zelda and switch back and forth to solve puzzles and levels designed for two characters.

>She’s so cute
Tetra looks like Picasso drew Shrek in drag

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Oh, and I forgot to mention, Spirit Tracks has a way better soundtrack. Phantom Hourglass's is a mix of motifs recycled from Wind Waker combined with some weirdly dissonant tracks I wasn't really a fan of. Compare the main theme from Temple of the Ocean King with the theme from Tower of Spirits if you want to know what I mean. They share some of the same the same motifs, but TOK is like a tenser and more dissonant version compared to TOS's much fuller and more satisfying version.

>t. Medli
I love you too