Final Fantasy XVI

Are you hyped?

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I think Nier Automata showed everyone that it's possible.

yeah what the hell,dmc with final fantasy budget sounds great. hopefully nomura won't be working on it
if anything dragon's dogma did

I don't care anymore. Final Fantasy is dead to me

That’s it, Square is getting the motherfucking kyoani treatment

Attached: Loveless.jpg (360x340, 38.76K)

based xv saved ff so xvi could live

I just want Dragons Dogma but Final Fantasy. Vocations could be the old school FF jobs.

The only way i'll ever "like" action combat in a mainline FF game is if they include real-time job changing

so like... DMC inspired?

No, FFX-2 inspired but action! So yeah, what you said

fuck no. this would not be a final fantasy.

they COULD make a new entry in the final fantasy legend series (which is real time action)

but this is the death of mainline FF.

I'm not buying anymore halfway bullshit. Give me a proper RPG or an action game you hacks.
Amazing real time combat.

Ever checked out Lightning Returns?

Nope, i skipped that whole trilogy

I find it weird that SE has never really tried to make another pass at a Tactics game after Advanced. The original Tactics sold quite well. With the resurgence of games like X-com, the market is obviously there.

i just want a fucking jrpg why does everything have to be a retard-easy one button action game now?


Because Final Fantasy is their biggest brand, meaning it MUST be AAA trash.

Their other games are allowed to be JRPGs, hence series like Bravely and Octopath being Final Fantasy in all but name.

FF has been dead since 13.

easier to make, more time to put the shiny colors in.

talent slowly died out after the 90ies in favor of corporate goals. passion is dead.

Can I just get FFX exact battle system and sphere grid?

Man, anyone remember when Final Fantasy was a rpg series? Those days feel so far away, now

You mean like it always has been?


FFXII is almost 15 years old. The series has been 3D movement/autobattle/etc almost as long as it was menu based.

>Just two models with some blur on em.
Yeah sure.

What do you mean now, retard? What point in time are you referring to?

I played FFVII 22 years ago and it was like that then.

Not him, but XIII sucks XII-2 is good and Lightning Returns is the one I liked the most. Legit had fun with both. Best thing is: you don't need to play XIII, not even for the story.

I agree with Closest best thing would be refining Lightning Returns system with a normal party.