Steam hours thread

post your top played games

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I miss old gmod so much bros

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My top 10

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How do you have so much time on Half life 2 and Episode 2? Just how many times have you replayed those.


what is the point of garry's mod? the description just says it's a physics sandbox where you can do shit. It sounds interesting but why are people putting hundreds of hours into a physics sandbox?

>what is the point of garry's mod?
jesus Im old.

Imagine beign so dam retard that a 4hour long game takes 400hours to beat

Open game
Go afk
Post hours for free upvotes

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I'm with you there pal..

People mod it to do all sorts of crazy shit. Space Mod used to be all the rage about 10 years ago, they must have all sorts of batshit mods nowdays.

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I've bought Gmod close to the release and I don't know what's the point as well.
All I did in a game was fiddling around with physics for a bit and quitting.

same, I know there's a scene around it, and people actually play together or something, but all I ever managed to do was tie some engines to a limp person and let it fly

hm, maybe you have to be a kid to really enjoy it. I got it back in 2008 when I was a teenager and really enjoyed setting up props, NPCs, scenery, spawning random shit with friends, building funny machines like a sofa with a thruster and wheels, etc. It's great fun with a little creativity.

But if the sandbox aspect isnt for you, multiplayer has (or used to have, havent played in years) a ton of mods that expanded upon the game, like for example, darkRP is a mod that RPs city life was great fun, had some real good times on there. There were gamemodes like Fort Wars where you're given time to build your own destructible forts using props and then wage war with other players who built their own forts. little game modes like that were honestly great fun.

Anyway yeah it's just a game where modders could do lots of creative things while letting regular users be just as creative.

I have over 2k hours in Gmod, I agree the base game is boring.

The hours are in the multiplayer servers, most multiplayer scenario you can think of, it'll will be/or has been modded into gmod. Most popular are things like RP Servers and Trouble In terrorist town.

awful taste

All you bozos just sink thousands of hours into singular games. What an unfortunate existence. Do you guys just get caught in routines that you're too afraid to get out of and learn a new game, or try something singleplayer oriented?

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you guys are hella pleb... seriously.

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i bet you're not good at any game. how does it feel to know, you basically are woman level in every game you've ever played.

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Save me from myself.

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I think I have the most diverse taste on here.

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im based

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>Gears 5
Ultra cringe

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Why is it cringe?

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My games with 100+ Playtime

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Why would you buy games if you barely even play them?

What are all the games you have less than 100 hours in though? That's what I'm interested in.


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Never noticed I had a trend befrore

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company of heroes 2 is pretty meh, the rest is fine

over 1k on one game nice

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I might have a problem.

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Ok here is my bigger list.

i'll make your 800 hours look like a waste of time on DBD

I pirate too much for this to be relevant desu

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