Need at least $200 Steam gift card for summer sale

>need at least $200 Steam gift card for summer sale
>but wife’s birthday is coming up

What do?

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Spoil your wife first don't lose her bro

Buy your wife's game

who the fuck even considers spending that amount of money on a Steam sale, how did you even get married? obviously buy a bunch a shit for your wife or take her to a fancy restaurant dont worry bro the video games will still be there after the summer

fuck these simps spend the $200 and tell the whore to spoil herself

Give your wife sex for her birthday.

pirate games like a normal person

>trying to stealth beg on Zig Forums

Buddy, if a lousy $200 amount is something that may seriously impact your finances - you need to rethink your spending habits and priorities.

Also - stop soft begging. Act like a man.

Put your wife's happiness in front of video games. You can always get less games than you intended or wait for another sale.

buy video games. all women are whores and they don't deserve a penny from you.

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How long have you been married? Do you hate her yet



>need a gift card
Why? Just buy the games with money you mong. You have money right? Oh no, wait, you're just a fucking beggar.

Fuck off.


Cook her something, buy a $175 card

this is why you take the 2d pill user

>Wants to spend money on games instead of wife
>wants to SPEND MONEY on games in 2020

It's not even the wife part that's getting me, it's the spending money on games part, fuck off and pirate like a health person you faggot fuck

Not being married is degenerate

>hmmm should I keep playing bideo games or indulge in natural rewards such as love, intimacy and companionship

>>need at least $200 Steam gift card for summer sale
That's awfully specific.

Don't spend that much on games user, you should focus on making your wife and her son happy.

i don't even play 200 dollars worth in games a single year, let alone a summer, damned if i get even more games for that much that i won't bother touching

Tell her you forgot her birthday.

this, pirate the games
but also spend the money on your wife so you don't become a
>t. forever alone
fag like these guys

kill her.

>relies on gift cards

imagine having a fucking wife in 2020
Pimp her out so you get more $$$ for the games

>Yes, goyim, you must consume products to have love.

who gives a fuck about birthdays?
is your wife turning 6?

Why the fuck do people buy Steam gift cards? I just use my paypal account or credit card and buy stuff when I want it

This but without second thoughts

>is your wife turning 6?

That’s what Zig Forums hopes

>have joint bank account
>your wife bitches when you buy games
>don’t feel like getting a migraine today
>buy gift card at walmart
>the bank statement just says “Walmart”

It’s not rocket science.

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