No, Mr. user. I expect you to pay for an unfinished game

No, Mr. user. I expect you to pay for an unfinished game.

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Why does he look so evil

No Mr. Bond, I expect you to buy!

All black clothing, sharp features, and slicked-back hair. All he needs is a cat in his lap.

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because he is?

looks like a demon wearing a skin suit

Actual, legitimate sociopath. A lot of CEOs are, that's *why* they're CEOs.
Also the same guy that designed the FIFA lootbox system and the reason why EA pushed it to every other franchise they had.


literally looks like a villain from some campy movie / vidya game

/r/ing the comparison image of EA CEO and the bad guy from the Mirror's Edge Catalyst reveal trailer

>looks like a demon wearing a skin suit
one that also went out of his way to pick the most innocuous-sounding name possible

was it intentional?

Attached: Gabriel_Kruger_CEO.JPG.jpg (360x450, 15.13K)

>CEO of THE electronics art
>not evil
What were you expecting exactly?

>bunch of old games return to steam
>require origin
>new games comes to steam
>doesn't require origin

I honestly have no idea what ea is playing at.

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They're planning to abolish Origin but can't be assed to unfuck their old games. We've got another Games for Windows Live situation approaching.

>Social media mentions how evil he looks
>Next E3 wears all white suit to try to look less evil

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What if the guy actually plays with it and decides to fucking look like a bloody super villain with costume and shit, and the next thing you discover he does it for a marketing of a shitty super hero game?

Found it pretty funny when they dressed in up in white the following year because he looked so fucking evil

Wasn't he unironically the villain of BF4 or something?

because he's a WHITE MAIL


What a nice and friendly looking guy!

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You're gonna need to do better than that. I have s request: a new SSX. If it can be done, I'll buy your game.

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this. dude wears a tight all-black suit to a gaming convention like just commit war crimes already jesus.

Looks like the insane version, i prefer all black, why try to appear good when you can be the evilest motherfucker around?

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He looks like a Chad. Is Zig Forums intimidated by other men?

What clan does he belong to?