You wake up in 2000

>You wake up in 2000

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I would be 6 user

I wouldn't be alive

>wake up ten years old
>immediately go to my father, and explain everything I remember, including what I've learned about our family since so he knows I know things about him that I couldn't possibly know
>convince him to help me warn about Al Qaeda and stop 9/11, as well as predict what I can remember before butterfly effect fucks with it and we're living in a new timeline proper

I was only 1
I wish I was older for the early 2000s, feel like I missed out on early internet

>Try to explain that someone will ram into the twin towers in one year
>Get arrested for terrorist threats

>I know Japanese slightly after knowing it would be most useful in gaming
Well, it's something I guess.


stop 9/11
bet on the cubs in 2016
invest in bitcoin and pull out in 2018

I am getting my first computer in a month, this is going to be so fucking cool all over again, can't wait to play Monkey Island 4.

I was 13 and spending most of my time on Sonic fansites. Luckily I never fell into the autistic pit of deviantart. I was mostly looking up chao recipes


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>change the future radically
>still expect cubs to win in 2016 and bitcoin to succeed
Ever heard of butterfly effect?

2000s wasn't the early internet, it had already been destroyed by AOL. 2007 just turned the smoldering rubble into a crater. Early '90s internet was magical as it was its own universe completely disconnected from the real world.

>Wake up and be 8
No thanks. Life sucks immediately after highschool. Then gets better 8 years later

AOL didn't "destroy the Internet". Your mom joining facebook is what destroyed the Internet. That's not an urban dis; it's literally true. Normies ruin everything.

i doubt 9/11 inspired the cubs to win, user.

oh yeah and i'll recreate Adventure Time,Steven Universe, One Punch Man, and Rick and Morty with my own low budget team before they even exist.

AOL destroyed the internet, those were the normies. That's the Eternal September event of USENET, but it was also the death of IRC, and the shitting up of the web.

I wasn't alive.

I give my father a hug immediately. He passed away a few years ago and I wasn't able to hug him in the hospital because he had a weakened immune system. I still dream about giving him one last hug sometimes desu.

I remember when boyzIImen did the Christmas song for sonic adventure.

Although I think it was actually from nights or something.

Thank fucking god those 20 miserable years were just a horrible dream.


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>try to warn the feds about terrorists
>they find and eliminate your entire family for somehow finding out about their false flag

>rock music dropped the ball so bad that it became rap with guitar distortion at one point
What the fuck happened?

>open random youtube video

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Amen, brother.

Not even close to 2000 but

I've always pondered this question on whether or not it would be worth it to time travel back to a younger version of me. Cause while I feel like I can fix some obvious mistakes that I made just because everything is better in hindsight, I also feel like my life would just be completely different than how I lived it. I feel like I've met people, stumbled into life experiences, and got to do stuff due to pure happenstance. I feel like it would be hard to try and replicate or force that, and by doing so, would it even happen at all?
Plus as a 28 year old dude, being 9 again and socializing myself with 9 year olds sounds mentally exhausting. I wouldn't quite have that youthful spark anymore.

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Leak every major companies plans up until current years

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>Al Qaeda
You mean Mossad, right?

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Underaged b...
1990 was 10 years ago, 1980 was 20 years ago.

IQs drop by 10 with each new decade. This is further evidenced with shit like post modern slugde metal or math rock

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Hell, it would be worth it just to live longer.
You get to tack on an extra 19 years of life? Sign me the fuck up.

I'm a sperm lol

>get the chance to never get hooked on videogames or anime shit
sign me the fuck up

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Please....please take me back

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Why are you 90's babies so fascinated with the early 00's?

it'd be worth it, capitalize on every event you know happens and recreate stuff from the old timeline as well, not everything will happen but you can guarantee a lot of it does and better circumstances in life

>loving life so much you want to make it longer
Get a load of the normalfag

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>wake up 4 years old
>fuck around by telling my friends that I am a Pokemon designer and doodle Ruby and Sapphire Pokemon
>tell my preschool teacher to "check this out" as I start to do algebraic math

>wanting to die

I am so sick of this "DUDE NIHISLIM AND DEATH IS COOL"

Jew media has rotted your mind

>wanting to die is new to Zig Forums culture
You're quite mistaken Mr. Reddit spacing
Maybe head back to the_donald?

So many youngfags in this thread. Give me a show of hands, do you remember where you were when 9/11 happened? Like, actually remember that day. I remember I was in 8th grade, and they waited until the end of the day to announce it, so it didn't disrupt the school day.

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You don't know what comes after.
The idea of it just being nonexistence paralyzes me with fear, but I know it's the most likely outcome.

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The early 2000s era of Sonic was so fucking soulful, definitely the golden age of the series. What went wrong? Where did the soul go?

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I came back from school when they showed the footage, was unreal desu

Because they try and take Gen Z's childhood as their own. Ex. Avatar, Jimmy Neutron, KND e.t.c

Eating lunch with the family in Mozambike when I was 9

I was celebrating my birthday

Such.. SOUL

how is it possible that every single console that gen had SOUL?

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aw :(

Yuji Naka slowly stop giving a shit and when Shadows game came out the damage was done and irreparable at that point

I was underage until a few days ago. Used the site since 2011 though.

Man I sure love swimming inside my dad's ballsack

the timeline didn't split at 911
it split with the death of a certain Austrian

easiest bait of my life

I remember parents freaking out and taking their kids out of preschool early. My parents would try to shield me from anything like that and act like nothing abnormal is happening, but I managed to turn on the TV to it and wondered what was happening. I think I tried to flip through channels but it would show the same thing, and it made me think of that 101 Dalmatians episode where Cruella hijacked the tv station and was on every channel.

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