Ultimate has given us a lot of never evers. The only way up is this...

Ultimate has given us a lot of never evers. The only way up is this. There is literally noone else that would have as much effect.

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I want the armpit miko

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i know it's early but fuck it, he's in. celebration thread.

>There is literally noone else that would have as much effect.

Effect as in producing a giant yawn from the general public?

I want to play as Boom Boom instead

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Who is this pinocchio looking motherfucker?

Very original, very funny.

Nice bait retard everyone in the smash community knows who geno is whether they like him or not.

Ultimate has given us a lot of never evers. The only way up is this. There is literally noone else that would have as much effect.

Attached: Freddy Fazbear.png (971x1576, 1.12M)

If he was announced people who didn’t know who he was a few days before talking about how Nintendo’s finally bringing a iconic character to the series

Who is this guy, anyway

Terry broke that record user. Nobody gave a fuck about Terry til he wasted a roster slot

*literally adding the most cancerous garbage on the face of the planet*
Unironically drink bleach. The world would be better without inbreds like you.

Based and blessed post.

Freddy would be a better choice than Geno, honestly.

>Spring Man gets in breaking the AT and Spirit deconfirmation rules
>No Smash news for months and months, everyone thinks it was delayed due to the rona
>Surprise Direct shadowdrops on Christmas day
>"You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch" starts playing
>The rest of the pass is revealed at once
>Mach Rider
>Chorus Kids

Ok 12 year old

>There is literally noone else that would have as much effect (for us, the Zig Forums audience, a marginal minority of the actual userbase)

The first pass was hype because it was (at first) all 3rd parties.

But now that rule is gone. This Pass is going to fucking suck.

Good, you 3rd partyfags are guests in Nintendo's house. Know your place.

>implying this pass is all gonna be first parties
cmon, son. you act like nintendo is predictable

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Even if we do get more third parties, you and I both know it won't be any of the ones you guys want. It's hilarious how adamant you all were over these fuckers being 100% lock ins.

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>But now that rule is gone.
There was never a rule in the first place. These "rules" and "patterns" have been the downfall of many a smashfag, and now it's happening again.

Regardless of what you think, each one of those characters are extremely popular in their own way and would do Nintendo good to consider them.

So weird to see how crazy popular Geno still is, SMRPG seems like a long time ago now.

>and would do Nintendo good to consider them.
Hardly matters when Smashfags will buy anything shoveled into their mouths regardless who they are.

Reminder that he’s the reason Mario RPG hasn’t been released on the NSO since he’s not revealed yet

Of course it matters. Nintendo doesn't only want Smash fans, they also want to attract Doom fans, KH fans, DMC fans, Touhou fans, etc.


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What is his appeal

Who would Geno attract besides Smashfags?