Why it's only okay when Nintendo does it?

Why it's only okay when Nintendo does it?

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because left has curvy hips

right is more realistic though.
how many times do you actually see left related day to day when not looking at shooped/surgery instagram sluts?

>Big 9 foot Amazon/Arab hybrid


>right is more realistic though.
You're a cocksucking faggot, dilate with a cattle prod and kill yourself.

Ah a stealth amazon thread, excellent work user

Left is still feminine.

because they dont do it to push an agenda

Why do you keep spamming this? Do you just want to be constantly told that you are wrong and retarded?

Both look awful. PChads win again.

absolutely retard

Please be a joke

realism is for cucks and trannies.

How often do you see yoshi day to day

An Amazonian woman from a species that's always had strong females and only one male


a male looking girl

>muscular women in the post-apocalypse is only okay if they make my willy hard
Is this really what level of intelligence that Zig Forums operates on?

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someone doesn't know the difference between left and right...

because snoyfags are defined by two things.
Seething and being uncreative


You gotta what kind of person does this, like when have you ever thought to keep posting the same thread every day. The dude must get a high from this or something

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Of course it is, why would you ever assume otherwise?

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Zelda girl still looks feminine, there is nothing feminine about the girl on the right. You might as well just say you're gay and like boys at that point because the only thing keeping her a girl is the fact she has no dick.

Does what?

Yes. That's the only reason males want to be around women.

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Was it autism?


Abby looks so fugly. The actress who mocapped for her looks pretty good but they just made Abby look plain hideous.

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because the left still looks like a woman... and a very fuckable woman with those extreme hips.

The left, while muscular, is still very feminine in appearance. The right is the west's version of "draw a boy, call it a girl".

well one is pure fantasy, and the other is "grounded in reality"

>outing yourself as a hugless virgin this hard
the absolute state of snoy trannies

Well um obviously I meant LOOK OVER THERE *runs*

>thicc thighs

damn this could have been Abby? If they had made Abby look like the right, I would be okay with TLOU2

nasty roided up freak

If it's brown I'm dicking it down

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qt af

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Left is a reference to Amazonian muscle girls, right is an actual tranny.

>right is more realistic though.
Exactly, it look more ugly.

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It's A-OKAY when nintendo does it.