Boss fight against multiple enemies

>boss fight against multiple enemies
>dodging is the only viable melee strategy
>can't make out the action because the camera is constantly trying to keep up
>boss has a bunch of phases, only the last one is challenging but the earlier ones take a long ass time

What the fuck were they thinking with Ashes of Ariandel and Ringed City? These DLCs are like a highlight reel of every way the series has shit the bed in the last few years

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acquire proficiency

Yet another, filtered by the O button.

This fight is great and a good pleb filter.
The only downside is that they clearly focused on this boss at the expense of the rest of the DLC. The Gravetender boss is pretty lame.

Faggots like you are why shrine of amana and dreg heap got nerfed.

the bossfight itself is mad epic tho, i can't lie

you can even summon an NPC phantom for this fight, c'mon son

Return from whence thou cam'st, for that is thy place of belonging

Friede was legitimately the only boss I had a lot of trouble with in Dark Souls 3. The thing that annoyed me about the fight is that I would get through the first two easy phases and then die while trying to figure out how to avoid her aoe fire/dark fire bullshit.

>entire game is centered around i-frames
Nice action game you got there

best boss of the trilogy

Attached: Sister_Friede_-_01.png (638x963, 719.23K)

only hard part is the third phase and even then you can stun her pretty consistently

Damn, I remember this DLC came out when I was in college. This fit asian girl I liked asked me out to a party, but I said "No, sorry. I already have plans."
I bought a large pepperoni pizza, an energy drink, and stayed in my room all night trying to beat it.
Oh to be young again.

>This fit asian girl I liked asked me out to a party, but I said "No, sorry. I already have plans."
I hate you so much its unreal

Wrong. That would be Gael or Demon princes

>getting mad at fake stories

it doesn't take much

Gael is garbage though. It's literally just red Artorias.

>>boss fight against multiple enemies
>>dodging is the only viable melee strategy
You're fucking stupid, blocking is really strong against Friede

I don't see how you could get that conqlusion


Attached: Edgy Nun vs Old man 6.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

>dumb lost memeknight fought 1vs1 doing anime flips wielding a big sword with one hand, second phase equally feral as Artorias'
Gee i wonder where did the conclusion come from

Those videos please my autism.
Sekiro's are even better because of the parrying.

>nun is actually winning
What did he mean by this

roll souls: prepare to roll edition, featuring a camera that refuses to stay locked onto the boss because the room is gigantic and they do huge anime lunge attacks to propel them around it

its amazing how they looked at the O&S fight in dark souls one and nearly a full decade later still never fixed any of the obvious issues that kind of fight has w/ the engine. just make the camera auto focus on the boss, theres literally nothing else in the room I'd want to look at & unlike DS1 I don't need to turn my lockon off to roll properly

Yeah, when you simplify it so much they are similiar. But i literaly was thinking about his movies, or even tempo of the fight, and its nothing like artorias.

Rolling for triples for you to die.

The fact that they can parry each other is mindblowing enough
>Needs 5X HP to actually stand a chance against Guts
Gael is much cooler than xxX[BL4CKFL4M3_FR13D3]Xxx anyway

Attached: Edgy Nun vs Old man 8.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

>rolling in Friede's fight
Eh oh el, enjoy your combo death.

Retarded Artorias

holy fuck it's been a decade and you still didn't realize you just don't lock onto most bosses.

imagine being this retarded.

They're easy to find at college. The one I liked was doing criminal justice shit