Villain can be romanced

>villain can be romanced

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More games should do this

>tfw no Gyaru gf

the only people i know that hate NTR are pasty white manlets...interesting how those are always the cucks in NTR?

>you can romance a villain
>or you can become best bros with the main antagonist

Name 213 games.


>he wants to show off his ass and dick to another man

>villain rapes you

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Wasn't she just a Merc hired by the villain who you could convince to help you?

She looks like she enjoys bald men, if you know what I'm saying, Goku.

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>any enemy can be friendly

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the only ones who like NTR are either cucks or cucks in denial so.

real talk, the only reason you wouldn’t want that is knowing that you cannot establish dominance to the point you can expose your assholes and not get mounted like a little faggot
when chad shows his asshole to someone, he’s taunting him, it’s the icing on the cake of complete domination
when (You) do it, you’re thinking
>oh noooooooo I’m exposing my pink little poopchute~ oh I hope he doesn’t get any ideas and sticks his fat meat stick inside my velvet pooper~

tl;dr: just come out of the closet, bro

Well yeah but still. It's fuck me or I'll leave you to die.

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>villain can be impregnated

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>entire story is about how you romance, marry, and impregnate the villain

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Should I play this game ?From this particular scene, it looks pretty wild compared to other AA, even from that time.

Fallout New Vegas

Probably one of the best RPG's that actually performs it's promise of "your actions have consequences" correctly. The game itself is janky as hell though and the minigames on pc are enough to make the entire thing unplayable.

If you enjoyed stuff like Deus Ex (the original) and STALKER then it's absolutely worth checking out. Use a gamepad.

you're not going to convince everyone you're not a a cuck, ntrnigger

>Hero and Villain are good pals, but they keep their hero-villain dynamic because they enjoy it.

Don't you dare post moar of her user !

The ultimate show of dominance is to fuck the girlfriend in front of the guy and then fuck the guy in front of the girlfriend three days later. After which you ghost them.

the real chad move is to fuck the guy first, then fuck the girl and tell her the boyfriend was better as you cum inside her
then you ghost them

reminds me of this

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No it's because both the cucker and the cuckee are immoral fucks that should be tied to a stick and stoned to death

is such a thing even commercially viable?

I hate weeb shit and idk what this is but post more of this woman she is hot.

If that is true then the bitch got exactly what she deserved.

everything on plebbit is fanfic written by faggots but this is one of the funnier ones

>Enemy NPC can join you and aid you in your quest

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Why are succ so best

Fake as hell but fucking hilarious. Would unironically make for an excellent doujin.

because their libido overwhelms yours.

bitch can cut diamonds with that jaw lmao


>Game antagonist can mock you and taunt you

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I honestly didnt give a shit the whole third arc I just wanted more shamsiel

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this is fucking hilarious holy shit

sauce me up senpai

Last Sovereign was cool yeah

Source? I keep getting side-tracked to russian sites trying to figure this one out.

godamn happy endings are the best

Where can I read this without making an account?

>Game protagonist has committed bad things and it's never addressed anywhere in the plotline of the game

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Lmao another mental gymnastics by a cuck subhuman. Its always amusing with what shit you faggots come up with every single time lol..


It's a webtoon. I don't know why this one in particular got so popular all of a sudden

>player can be hypnotized

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theres a manga where a hero fought the demon lord and then seduced her. they got married and the manga is about their weird daily lives.

since they are hero and villain, they act as such. so they make big bold statements and pose. the one that most sticks in my head is when the demon lord declares that she wants the hero to treat her roughly in bed

you don't need to make an account to read this wtf

>Game has a female in it that has literally no other reason than to be a massive fucking cocktease

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because the women in the webtoon look hot user idk what to tell you, are you expecting some riveting plotline from pornhwa?

There is nothing women can do that men can't do BETTER.

>tfw lot of hair in my butthole
Not sure if I like it, it's mostly a pain in the ass.

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It's an item description story in Dark Souls 2 and 3. Alva the Wayfarer and Zullie the Black Witch. Alva was a knight searching for a cure for an ill saint, and Zullie was a shunned practitioner of dark magic who was jealous of his devotion. She tried to ruin him through means of magic and seduction, but every attempt failed. Eventually, she fell in love with him and supported him when he inevitably failed his quest.
Dramatic Couple, but that was a Super Sentai parody.

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Hypnosis to like cock is all well and good, but hypnosis by cock is so much better.


>all that projecting
Just admit you like cock and get it over with you fag.

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>villain is the good guy

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what game/how effectively can i kill cucks

>Villains whose motives are hard to find fault in and arguably better than the hero's

Oh well fuck. Thanks anyway, it looked really neat.