Devil May Cry 6

What do you want to see for Devil May Cry 6?

Dante has a son with Lucia after DMC2. Dante's son would be about 10 years younger than Nero.
Dante's red-haired son would be 3/4ths demon. He would be Nero's rival character.

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Bud we still got like 5 years to go before DMCV Special Edition slow down a bit

>Combat designer left
>Itsuno ran out of ideas
>expecting a new dmc
>implying 5SE won't be another 4SE

>What do you want to see for Devil May Cry 6?

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I'm expecting DMC5SE to come out a year or 2 after the PS5's launch
It did sell pretty well, so I don't see why they can't get a new director.

>having sex
If you really need to give him an offspring, it should be a cute tomboy daughter.

Also, the next game should focus mostly on Vergil, because it would be retarded to make an entire game about bringing him back only to not use it later.

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Most importantly build apon all the god tier shit in 5, and add back the physics from 4. But truth be told I would like to see a new hunter or 2.

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V ended on a good note. There doesn't need to be a sequel for a while

It would be funny if he got fatter on every game and then eventually he became santa claus

>cute tomboy daughter
Make her a more technical Dante in combat, and make her a wise cracking dork like her father, and I think we may have the best character action game ever on our hands.

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Dante doesn't want sex or children and Vergil's boy was an accident.

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I think Nero needs a rival character so thats why I want Dante to have a son.

I personally want playable characters to be Nero, a new character, Dante, and Vergil.
Lady and Trish would be nice too.

Dante and Vergil protect the demon world from a new demon king rising.
In the human world, Morrison has expanded the Devil May Cry business with more devil hunters.
A human tries to become a demon and the DMC crew has to stop him from merging with the demon king on the other side.

make another game with just Dante. I don't want to play as anyone else.

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3 playable characters minimum has to be the standard now.

It seems like they have been trying to get rid of Dante since DMC4.
It makes sense because Dante's controls are dated and require the claw grip.

I think 2 new devil hunters would be cool.
Playable characters would be Nero, Dante's son, and a new character.

>require the claw grip.
maybe if you're an autist

I'd be fine with that. They should just go back in time to have a younger Dante. Show what he has been up to between 2 and 4.

Dante and Vergil need to take out Mundus for good in hell, would be nice to see Nero get a rival character somehow but idk if anyone in the human world atm can challenge him

unless u asspull another hybrid made to fight dante by a vengeful demon or cult or some shit

story cuts back and forth between two paths
>path 1 is dante and vergil in the underworld finally finding and getting revenge on mundus
>they have to work our their issues and work together
>both are playable
>second path is nero and nico working jobs and getting rid of demons in red grave
>through one of these jobs nero learns some clues about his mother and tries to find her
>quality over quantity for boss fights

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just play Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series

How else would you switch styles fast enough?
Honestly I want the styles built into the main controls. Something DmC sort of tried.
L1- Royal guard, L2- trickster, Circle- Sword master.
Gunslinger moves should just be like how it is in DmC, X + square.
Gun switching is not as important as styles and should be the dpad.
Devil Trigger can just be L3 + R3.

The options for Nero's rival:
Bring back Credo, Dante's son, or brand new human character that has demonic powers similar to how Credo has them.

Make it a son of Mundus. When he saw how powerful Dante and Vergil were when they came to the underwold and fought in DMC3, he made plans to have a son. Mundus dies in DMC1 before he can make his plans happen.

Oh yeah thats right. Dante goes to hell at the end of DMC2 and ends up in Nocturne.
Before DMC5 came out, I thought V was going to be Demifiend from Nocturne.

Mundus does have a son in DmC, that gets sniper aborted.
It would be like poetry. It rhymes.

>How else would you switch styles fast enough?
With your thumb. You don't need to give yourself carpal tunnel to play Dante.

I see no point in simplifying his controls either, because Dante honestly is not that complicated at all. Each style changes with the style button does, it's not fucking rocket science. If anything, he should become more complex with each game.

>Gun switching is not as important as styles and should be the dpad.
>Devil Trigger can just be L3 + R3.
Do you even play these games?

Expand on and reuse V's demon control combat style for a new character, maybe a human, it was fun but felt basic and I think it could add some decent variety if it was expanded on. Playable Virgil obviously, and change Nero's hair, they don't have to go back to the old style, though I do prefer it, the new one makes him look like a thug or a football player.

In every fight, you're either switching from Swordmaster and Trickster/Royalguard. Gunslinger if you're feeling like extending combos and dealing with flyers/stragglers. There is never a situation in which you'll need to be switching constantly between all four styles, and the pace in which you can take your thumb down to the D-Pad to switch, isn't that crazy. Fucks sakes, they minimized that a ton by giving DSD all the regular attacks that you'd have on Swordmaster on its regular move list so you can feel at ease using other styles. Stop watching combo videos on youtube from autists who replay the same fight dozens of times.

For the most part, the pace in which you can switch styles is fine. At least with anyone that has decent response time. Getting SSS rating is trivial with Dante, so I don't see what could be benefited from using a system that takes away what makes Dante unique in the context of DMC. He'd be a worse Nero.

It's a shame Vergil himself is never playable in DMC V.

I didn't like how V played

Yes. Gun switching is not as important as styles.
Guns in general in DMC are not that great. They are good for style rank and not damage. I usually stick to ebony and ivory and the rocket launchers, but I never feel the need to change them really quick on the fly.

I don't see why devil trigger can't be clicking in one of the sticks. Just L3 would be better than L3 + R3.

It would be really cool if the job Morrison has for Lady and Trish is retrieving V's cane. That thing seems powerful and like it could be some trouble if left in the wrong hands. Maybe there could be someone using it and then expand on it.

>I didn't like how V played

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Lucia shows up with a tighter ass and tit jiggling

Indirect attacking just felt weird to me

I made this posts for 5SE but they would still apply for 6. I have other ideas of course and gameplay ideas too, I might just make a gigantic post sometime in the week.

tl;dr: more QoL and more meat to things besides the gameplay and story.

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I guess you're right. I originally played DMC3 and back then there was no style switching. I'm just spoiled by the style switching.
With Nero's grab move, its basically trickster built into his move set, its just closing the distance between you and the demon. I really love royal guard, sword master, and the ability to warp to the demon with trickster.

>10 missions in hell and 10 in human world
>nero,lady and trish playable
>meet doomguy and demifiend in hell
>go full divine comedy with dante and vergil
>playable sparda that dual wields rebellion&yamato

Ok hear me out. Morrison is the player you control like V.
His summons are controlling Lady with Square, and Trish with Triangle. Morrison would also wear a pimp outfit.

What if Morrison was playable?

>Two concurrent campaigns
>Dante and Vergil
>Nero and his new partner Patty the sorcerer
>They eventually converge

Its very easy to get SSS as V.

playable Nico when? She could use the minivan in her attacks

I thought was okay, but definitely not developed enough. I feel like if V himself had more options to do things, like casting spells or more cane attacks or maybe fusing with his demons, something to make him feel at least a little more involved, I might like it more. I do enjoy reading books and dancing while demons are getting wrecked in the back ground. They should take another stab at this puppet master gameplay just for that alone.

Not him but V is boring as fuck to play. I can literally just mash X and Y together and get SSS like nothing. Cycle through using Nightmare or pumping them up with DT, and its just a breeze to go through. They don't really have anything interesting to them and I believe the only reason they even do the whole thing about V having to deal the killing blow is because it was way too boring otherwise since you'd barely have any interaction. Its just not fun to play, he doesn't have that high of a skill ceiling to do good in. Maybe I should finally do Bloody Palace with him, maybe there I'd have some fun but, given what the story missions is concerned, V is whats stopping me from finishing DMD.

er, van rather
not a minivan lol

>His Nightmare is Nico on the van
>instead of reading a book he smokes
>instead of finishing blow he uses the back of his hand

To be honest, a new playable character. They've run out of ideas for Dante, and Nero reached his peak in DMCV.

V is the sole reason to not play DMC5. I haven't touched it since they showed him.